Alliance of Valiant Arms Cheats, Codes, Hints and Walkthroughs for PC Games. | | |
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Alliance of Valiant Arms | |
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Alliance of Valiant Arms
Cheat Codes:
Submitted by: David K.
Complete the following tasks to unlock the corresponding achievement.
To view your achievements and stats in Steam, select "Community", then
"My profile", then "View all my games", then the game and view stats.
Achievement How to unlock
1st One Down - 1st game played after creating character.
Annihilation Mission 1 - 1 hour of playtime recorded in Annihilation mission matches.
Annihilation Mission 2 - 5 hours of playtime recorded in Annihilation mission matches.
Annihilation Mission 3 - 20 hours of playtime recorded in Annihilation mission matches.
Annihilation Mission 4 - 100 hours of playtime recorded in Annihilation mission matches.
Convoy Experience - Played at least 1 Convoy Mission match.
Cross Steal Experience - Played at least 1 Cross Steal Mission match.
Death 1 - 50 deaths recorded in battle.
Death 2 - 200 deaths recorded in battle.
Death 3 - 1000 deaths recorded in battle.
Death 4 - 5000 deaths recorded in battle.
Demolition Experience - Played at least 1 Demolition Mission match.
Domination Experience - Played at least 1 Domination Mission match.
Escape Experience - Played at least 1 Escape Mission match.
Escort Experience - Played at least 1 Escort Mission match.
Escort Mission 1 - 1 hour of playtime recorded in Escort mission matches.
Escort Mission 2 - 5 hours of playtime recorded in Escort mission matches.
Escort Mission 3 - 20 hours of playtime recorded in Escort mission matches.
Escort Mission 4 - 100 hours of playtime recorded in Escort mission matches.
Grenade 1 - 10 kills achieved with grenades.
Grenade 2 - Grenade 2.
Grenade 3 - 250 kills achieved with grenades.
Grenade 4 - 1000 kills achieved with grenades.
Infection Experience - Played at least 1 Infection Mission match.
Infection Mission 1 - 1 hour of playtime recorded in Infection mission matches.
Infection Mission 2 - 5 hours of playtime recorded in Infection mission matches.
Infection Mission 3 - 20 hours of playtime recorded in Infection mission matches.
Infection Mission 4 - 100 hours of playtime recorded in Infection mission matches.
Melee Weapon 1 - 5 kills achieved with melee weapon.
Melee Weapon 2 - 20 kills achieved with melee weapon.
Melee Weapon 3 - 100 kills achieved with melee weapon.
Melee Weapon 4 - 500 kills achieved with melee weapon.
Military Drill 1 - 1 hour of playtime recorded in Military Drill mission matches.
Military Drill 2 - 5 hours of playtime recorded in Military Drill mission matches.
Military Drill 3 - 20 hours of playtime recorded in Military Drill mission matches.
Military Drill 4 - 100 hours of playtime recorded in Military Drill mission matches.
New Soldier - Successfully create a character.
Play Point Man - Play Point Man.
Play Rifle Man - 1st time playing as a Rifle Man.
Play Sniper - 1st time playing as a Sniper.
Point Expert - 2500 kills achieved with Point Man primary weapon.
Point Master - 10000 kills achieved with Point Man primary weapon.
Point Novice - 100 kills achieved with Point Man primary weapon.
Point Pro - 500 kills achieved with Point Man primary weapon.
Rifle Expert - 2500 kills achieved with Rifle Man primary weapon.
Rifle Master - 10000 kills achieved with Rifle Man primary weapon.
Rifle Novice - 100 kills achieved with Rifle Man primary weapon.
Rifle Pro - 500 kills achieved with Rifle Man primary weapon.
Round Mission 1 - 1 hour of playtime recorded in round based mission matches.
Round Mission 2 - 5 hours of playtime recorded in round based mission matches.
Round Mission 3 - 20 hours of playtime recorded in round based mission matches.
Round Mission 4 - 100 hours of playtime recorded in round based mission matches.
Secondary Weapon 1 - 20 kills achieved with secondary weapon.
Secondary Weapon 2 - 100 kills achieved with secondary weapon.
Secondary Weapon 3 - 500 kills achieved with secondary weapon.
Secondary Weapon 4 - 2500 kills achieved with secondary weapon.
Sharpshooter 1 - 20 Headshot kills achieved.
Sharpshooter 2 - 100 Headshot kills achieved.
Sharpshooter 3 - 500 Headshot kills achieved.
Sharpshooter 4 - 2500 Headshot kills achieved.
Sniper Expert - 2500 kills achieved with Sniper primary weapon.
Sniper Master - 10000 kills achieved with Sniper primary weapon.
Sniper Novice - 100 kills achieved with Sniper primary weapon.
Sniper Pro - 500 kills achieved with Sniper primary weapon.
Suppression Experience - Played at least 1 Suppression Mission match.
War Hero - Collected 15 medals or more.
War Veteran - Collected 15 kinds of badges at least once.
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