Altered Beast Cheats, Codes, Hints and Walkthroughs for PC Games. | | |
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Hints and Tips for:
Altered Beast | |
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Altered Beast
Cheat Codes:
Submitted by: David K
Enter on the title screen:
Effect Code
Beast Select - Hold A + B + C + Down/Left and then press Start
Continue from last stage played - Hold A and press Select after a Game Over
Level Select - Press B and Start
Sound Test - Hold A + C + Up/Right and then press Start
Defeating 2 Boss:
When Nelf turns into the big eye, get close to the middle of the eye when he is still
in smoke form. Then use the electricity attack and he will die instantly.
Note: You may still get hit while attacking. This trick works best with a controller
with a turbo feature.
Defeating final Boss:
When you get to the Boss, duck and shoot your fireball. This works quickly and is
effective. This is easy, because he uses his arms more than his legs. He will only
kicks with about one in every ten punches. Note: You will still get hit, jump back
and forth if needed.
To transform into an altered beast, defeat the three-headed wolves and the spirit balls
they release. You must capture 3 spirit balls before you can turn into an Altered Beast.
Wolves release only 1 ball per defeat. If the game is played with 2 players, 2 spirit
balls will be released from the wolves.
Press control & J for JOYSTICK
control & K for KEYBOARD
Press either the fire button on your Joystick or Space bar
to begin the game.
PAUSE...CNTRL P Jump...... Up Arrow
SOUND...CNTRL S Jump right Pg Up
MUSIC...CNTRL Q Move right Rt Arrow
EXIT....CNTRL X Crouch down Dwn Arrow
Move left Lft Arrow
Jump left Home
Press fire button 1 (ENTER) to KICK and button 2 (SPACEBAR) to PUNCH.
Pull Joystick on either diagonal and press fire button to lie back and kick.
Your energy level is reflected by the Power Gauge. Every time you're hit directly,
your energy level will decrease. This is indicated by the changing color on the
Power Gauge.
During game play, you're given 3 lives to survive enemy attack. The life gauge is
illustrted by either a beast or the warriors face and the number of lives remaining.
Beat the game completion scene after beating the game:
When the credits are being displayed on the screen after you have beaten the
game, you can control your character to kick away the credited names.
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