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Amnesia: Memories
Cheat Codes:
Submitted by: David K.
100% Ukyo Walkthrough (All Endings):
Written by AlexWuxian
Complete Walkthrough for Ukyo
-=August 1=-
It’s because I’d be limited, right?
I don’t.
Create Save File 1
I’ll pass.
I think we can trust him.
-=August 2=-
Until about 3 minutes ago.
No, I feel fine.
Can I work inside instead?
Where is it?
-=August 3=-
Why did you save me?
I’m sorry, I don’t remember
-=August 4=-
Were you alright, ukyo?
Would you like to come over?
I’m fine, thank you.
Create Save File 2
-=August 5=-
I don’t know.
No I haven’t.
I’m fine.
How can you predict the future?
Have we held hands before?
Your logic doesn’t make sense…
-=August 6=-
Welcome home, Masters.
Sorry, I can’t decide.
-=August 7=-
Sawa, did you know Rika?
I guess I do.
Are you alright, Ukyo?
Why did you tell me?
-=August 8=-
What would his purpose be?
Create Save File 3
I’ll stay home.
Would you like to come in for tea?
-=August 10=-
Create Save File 4
Let me go!
I was just kidding.
So can I approach you when you’re awake?
Are you homeless?
Did I used to have feelings for you?
-=August 12=-
I’ll talk it over with Ukyo.
-=August 13=-
Maybe we shouldn’t go…?
I’m a little worried about Ukyo.
I think I should.
I wanted to see you.
-=August 14=-
Don’t worry about it.
Create Save File 5
I think it was just a prank.
I want to know him more.
-=August 15=-
Yeah, let’s go out.
How about places where Ukyo might be?
Should I sue you, then?
Okay, I understand.
-=August 16=-
Do you speak another language?
-=August 18=-
Why don’t we stay here and talk?
As long as I’m not near you, we’re good, right?
Would I not be good enough to talk to?
Is that the only reason?
-=August 19=-
Let’s go outside.
Do you like the outdoors?
Would you like to nap at my place?
-=August 20=-
Maybe I’ll go to kandagawa park.
So I can’t look at you at all?
-=August 21=-
Let’s go to Myouga university.
I was just curious…
-=August 22=-
Did you text me earlier?
-=August 23=-
I want to go.
Would you like to come over?
…Maybe I shouldn’t have.
Please don’t go.
-=August 24=-
Create Save File 6
No… I think it’s better to keep it from him…
-=August 25=-
I’m curious about Ukyo.
Create a Save File 7
I forgive him.
Normal Ending
Load Save File 7
-=August 25=-
I can’t forgive him…
Bad Ending 1
Load Save File 4
-=August 10=-
So can I approach you when you’re awake?
Are you homeless?
How do you feel about me?
-=August 12=-
I’ll talk it over with Ukyo.
August 13
Maybe we shouldn’t go…?
Yup, yup.
We should probably stay inside…
-=August 14=-
Don’t worry about it.
I think it was just a prank.
I think he’s a bit scary.
-=August 15=-
Let’s stay home today.
-=August 16=-
Do you speak another language?
-=August 18=-
I just feel like walking around.
Is that the only reason?
-=August 19=-
I’ll stay inside.
Good luck with studying!
-=August 20=-
Maybe I’ll go to Meido no Hitsuji.
You sure are popular.
-=August 21=-
Let’s go to Seichi University.
I’ve made friends.
-=August 22=-
Did you text me earlier?
-=August 23=-
I don’t really want to, but…
Would you like to come over?
It’ll be fine.
Create Save File 8
Okay, that sounds good.
-=August 24=-
No… I think it’s better to keep it from him…
-=August 25=-
I wonder what “fate of death” mean.
He would never do that.
Bad Ending 2
Load Save File 8
-=August 23=-
Please don’t go
Bad Ending 3
Load Save File 1
-=August 1=-
Bad Ending 4
Load Save File 2
-=August 4=-
I don’t know about that…
Bad Ending 5
Load Save File 3
-=August 8=-
I’ll go
Bad Ending 6
Load Save File 5
-=August 14=-
Ikki’s fanclub did this to me.
…I don’t know
Bad Ending 7
Load Save File 6
-=August 24=-
I’ll try..
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Spotlight - New Version CheatBook-DataBase 2025 |
Cheatbook-Database 2025 is a freeware cheat code tracker that makes hints, Tricks, Tips and cheats (for PC, Walkthroughs,
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all genres and focuses on recent releases. All Cheats inside from the first CHEATBOOK January 1998 until today. - Release date january 11 2025.
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