Ancient Cities Cheats, Codes, Hints and Walkthroughs for PC Games. | | |
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Ancient Cities
Cheat Codes:
Submitted by: David K.
Domestic Animals:
* Highlight tribe main page
* Find section called “Livestock”
All livestock NOT in a group is a wayward animal, and your
tribe will let you know the animals are not tended to.
As soon as the animals are in a herder group, they will disappear
from the "Livestock" section on tribe main page, and instead show
up in the herder groups.
* Click one of the animals you are trying to find, then double
click the portrait. System will now take you to the animal you
* Highlight your herder group, press assign and click over the
animals you wish to assign to this group. Whatever is already
assigned to this group will have a white aura around it.
All livestock will make their way into the camp and also tend to follow
the herders around.
Tip: Only herder groups will milk any adult females, or slaughter old
and unproductive animals. Meaning, if you place animals in a normal
work group, they will act like they have nothing to do.
Tips for Farming:
If you are playing Slow game speed mode, then you can manage 900 cells
with 12-14 people, so if you have 72 people you can do 1 full farmers
group of 56 to cover 900 x 3 or so farms = 2700 cells.
I do not recommend only 1 type of crop as it means all farmers will be
busy same time instead of starting with 14 doing a maxed out wheat farm
from January, followed by beets in feb, flax in march, and peas last.
I would have 1 farmer group with 26 members doing 1 maxed out wheat
farm and 1 maxed out pea farm.
Then 1 farmer group with 26 members doing 1 maxed out beet farm and 1
flax farm if I have livestock to feed the excess grains to and in need
of extra plant fibre. Otherwise I would do 2 beets or 2 peas.
If you have wheat only you need to also have threshers and baking
industry to accommodate the amounts incoming.
Your tribe will hate to eat the grains so avoid that at all costs, even
in Beginners they go grumpy if they have to eat any grains.
If you play Fast mode you need around 30 per maxed out farm, and on
Normal speed mode you will need app 20-ish.
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