Anno 1800
Cheat Codes:
Submitted by: David K.
Guide to Master Difficulty:
Written by Bralore
Master difficulty is nothing like easier difficulties. It’s also the most fun
I’ve ever had playing an Anno game. I’m just going to be talking about broad
strategy, other people have done an excellent job of covering the basics.
There are three major challenges introduced by Master difficulty. The first is
all or most AI will usually be at war with you, meaning the only way to occupy
an island is to either colonize it first or conquer it. The second is the AI
plays fast and aggressively colonizes. There will be no free islands after the
first hour or two of game play. The third challenge is you cannot move
buildings, even in blueprint mode. This forces you to be precise and can really
slow you down. While it would be hyperbolic to say seconds matter, minutes
really do.
-=Phase #1: StarCraft – City Building Edition=-
In the first couple hours of the game you need to building houses as fast as
you can. You need to have about 500 houses on your first island. If your
playing the campaign getting to iron is a priority, but in order to colonize
and start producing beer you should buy iron from Mr. British so you can grab
a couple of islands that produce hops and bricks.
In this stage optimized layouts are a must. There’s no time to carefully
squeeze a production block into a marginal space. Every production chain needs
to be self-contained. The exception is "feeder islands.” These islands will
likely have only farmers harvesting what your main island needs. On this point
its important to overbuild schnapps because feeder islands either won’t have
potato fertility or will be so small you need the space for a more valuable
In order to sustain the pace of building necessary to outpace the AI you need
8 sawmills and twelve brick kilns working continuously as soon as possible.
You’ll likely want to have a clipper loaded up with basic construction
resources that can be moved around to enable production on feeder islands.
Feeder islands usually can't be self-sufficient.
Two hours into the game you should have two or three feeder islands and two
large islands. Your income should be net positive by a couple thousand.
-=Phase #2: Fortress Islands=-
Phase 2 starts when the AI declares war on you. The AI will attempt to conquer
poorly defended islands and target your trade routes. You’ll need to fortify
your islands with 3 – 4 turrets each and build up a fleet strong enough to
conquer and feeder islands you need and weren’t able to acquire earlier. It
will also be important to seize islands that could block your trade routes
even if they don't produce anything you need.
You can delay war by not using propaganda, gifting money, and attacking
pirates. I found this was less effective than having a higher military score
than the AI. The AI counts all your defenses collectively when determining
your military strength, so if you have enough defenses to outclass them, they
will be less likely to declare war, even though they will certainly have a
larger navy that could take any one of your islands.
Its generally better to be aggressive and conquer enemy islands sooner rather
than later. Around hour four the AI will start laying down enough turrets that
you’ll need five to six ships of the line to take an island, and by hour five
"Big Berthas” will come out meaning you cannot conquer islands until you have
By end of hour four or five you should have two large developed islands
dedicated to housing workers and artisans, and four to five feeder islands.
These islands should be fortified well enough that you don’t need to protect
them with your fleet. You should now have a measure of security so you can
ignore the AI and focus on generating income.
-=Phase #3: Teching Up=-
In this phase you will be largely focused on generating income and building
more complex chains. You should actually downsize your fleet to achieve a
higher income. A battle fleet will cost up to 2k to maintain, income that
would be better spent on items that can reduce expenses and accelerate growth.
The AI is smart enough not to go close to an island they can’t capture. This
means islands create a zone of safety within the range of their turrets. It
also means that if the AI attacks and island, they can take it. This also
means that adjacent islands effectively protect each other, and that you can
effectively seal areas of the map off from AI you are at war with.
It’s especially important to adjust your trade routes to take advantage of this.
To make room on your main islands you’ll be shifting farming production to
feeder islands so you can upgrade more houses to workers, artisans and investors.
You’ll be buying items take advantage of trade unions to minimize the footprint
and maximize the output of your feeder islands.
At this point in the game frigates and ships-of-the-line offensively useless
unless you have a silly number of them. The path finding for your fleets is
terrible, and you actually have to micro you’re ships in order to get them to
engage sensibly with enemy defenses. It's very easy to lose a large fleet by
engaging badly and allowing enemy defenses to sink a warship before your navy
is fully engaged.
It’s better to scrap most of your sailing navy and focus instead on getting
to steamships. This doesn’t mean you should let your sails and guns go to waist.
Continuously produce warships and sell them immediately.
Easy Money:
Finishing Missions: Throughout the game, you will have the ability to complete several
missions which will reward you with an excellent amount of money, If you do not have
any missions you can ask for a mission from the Diplomacy screen.. Just click the
middle button present listed below the minimap, then select a player, then click the
action button to request for a mission. This will provide you a range of missions a
few of them are easy to complete and some are frustrating. Despite the jobs, finishing
them can get you high reward.
Taxation: It is the standard way to earn money in the game. There are 2 worlds each
having various tier population. The Old world has 5 population level and the new world
has 2 population level. With boost in each level, the tax money got boosts. It is
best to complete all the requirements for your people to increase their population
level rapidly and consequently increasing the money you earn from taxes.
Earnings from Visitors: Another way to increase money is by making your city appealing
and lovely which will bring in travelers and visitors. The beauty of the city depends
upon numerous elements.
Culture: building and constructions of zoo, museum, and rare items makes the city
culturally active.
Nature: This is easy, the more plants and trees your city has the more will it increase
the appearance.
Festivity: this is linked to the joy of the resident. the higher their joy the higher
will be the celebration.
Pollution: having a high variety of factories reduces the appearance of the city.
Instability: having a high variety of demonstrations and wars reduces the beauty.
Vulgarity: a higher variety of military and ruins centers reduces your city appearance.
First-Person Mode:
You can unlock this secret hidden mode by pushing the following keyboard keys at the
very same time: Ctrl + Shift + R. In First-Person Mode you get to walk on your own in
the city you developed, with basic standaard WSAD keyboard key movement for up, down,
left & right motion and the spacebar key for leaping.
Trading Tips:
* Have more piers, dont put them all together, spread them surrounding your island,
ships will try to use the 1 nearest to them.
* Dont produce everything from other islands, allocate small area for local production
even the main island, as long as they dont generate negative effect. Like wood /
timber / work clothe.
* Setup passive trade with third party trader, you dont need to produce everything by
yourself, as long as you are generating good income, buy instead of produce yourself,
setup trade with your trading posts. You have to know even you dont buy/sell, those
traders will still come and use your harbour.
* Use items that give + loading speed in ship / harbour.
This item is in grand gallery, defeat scenario with achievement get you scores, then
purchase them, and finally use the button in trading post to bring them into your game.
* Use shift, hidden feature to limit not to ship everything, normally when you setup trade,
you click an island, will tell the ship to take 50 unit, but if you use shift, it become
take as long as the island still have 50 unit.
* Use 1 bigger ship to replace multiple smaller ships. good items are rare, you cant
equip every schooner with epic/legendary items, if you have lesser but bigger ships,
its easier to make the decision which 1 will get the bonus.
* Use Ctrl-Q, to know your supply/demand per minute, ie in your main island, CTRL-Q,
you need 15 unit of certain goods, then goto your production island, Ctrl-Q again,
you need to produce at least 15, maybe over produce to up to 20, not 100.
How to All Manage Trade Between Islands:
Written by way2co0l_2003
Trade took me a little bit to figure out. Here are some tips.
-=Tips to Trade=-
You can indeed ship stuff 2 ways, but I’d encourage you not to use the same spaces
for different goods. As long as each space is used for 1 good every leg of the
journey, the cargo will never spill over into other slots. So with the coal and iron
trade you mentioned, if you’re using a schooner, then the first slot could carry coal,
and the second could carry the iron back. If you try to have both slots pick up coal
on the first leg and then iron on the second, it’ll work for a little while but sooner
or later it will clog up your routes. Always split 1 good per slot and never mix.
I like to use regional hubs. I have a route that uses cargo ships for example that
transports wood, brick, steel, windows, concrete, and aluminum between my old world
capital, crown falls, and manola. I have it set to pick up goods only from the islands
that actually produce it, so if crown falls doesn’t produce any steel, I have it drop
off only and not pick up from there. (If I have a direct feeder route setup, such as
from another island in the cape that produces steel and ships it directly to crown
falls, I count that as producing it) So I always pick up aluminum from Manola, but
never steel as it can’t get produced there. It only drops steel off, and aluminum only
gets dropped off at the other 2 hubs.
From those hubs, I set up local routes. Again using construction goods, I have ships
pick them up from those local hubs and transfer them in a cycle from one island to the
next in that region. For these routes, I have them setup as balancer routes. Meaning I
set a minimum required amount for each of the goods handled for these routes, then I
have them drop off and then pick up from each of these islands. So they pick up from
the hub and then basically start to distribute them to every other island which ensures
that whenever I want to build something that requires steel, I don’t have to find a ship
to do it and then wait for it to arrive. I know steel has already been delivered, or
another batch will be delivered again soon. If the island already has enough, it just
picks it back up and moves on to the next island that might need it.
This system I use depends heavily on feeder routes. Basically what you described with
1 resource, 1 way routes that move the resources from the island that produces it to
the hub for that region so that I can ship it to another hub which will disseminate it
along to the other islands there.
For goods that aren’t required in large numbers, I’ll have it shipped by a schooner
or clipper where I give it 1 or 2 slots and other goods occupying the others. If the
demand for the good becomes too much for just a single slot or 2, I’ll create a
dedicated route for it and add more and more ships to it until it can maintain constant
supply. Of course you need to make sure that the harbors at both ends are upgraded
before just adding more and more ships to it as I’ve found that to be the bigger
limiter for me more often than not. Fewer ships can often handle the task, as long as
they’re able to grab a full load every time they visit which means you need local
storage to be high enough for that to be the case. If you only have 150 max storage
on your island, with 4 clippers on a route moving goods from there, and yet failing
to transfer enough goods to where they’re supposed to be, adding another clipper will
be a very poor option cost efficiency wise. Upgrading the harbor will go a much bigger
way to addressing the issue.
How to Deal with Debt:
Building more homes is usually the solution to debt. Residents consume goods which
generates taxes which is how you make money.
The tutorial is pretty aggressive about telling you to start supplying goods that you
can actually wait on. Steel is expensive to produce, but you don’t get any income from
producing it.
Hit Ctrl+A (or Q, not sure my keyboard isn’t qwerty) to see the most important screen:
what your people consume vs what you’re producing. You just need to make sure that
you’re producing just enough, and not overproducing because then it’s kinda wasted.
This way you’ll get to see if you have enough of one factory or not, and if that’s the
case, you can build more houses which will generate money, as long as your supply is
Beginning is always rough, you can expect to lose money until you provide fish+work
clothes+pub to enough farmers, then you’ll have a positive balance and you can catch a
breath at this point.
The campaign will tell you to go steelworks and weapon factory way, way too early, it’s
a death trap, those things cost an awful lot and generate zero profit. Delay that until
you have a solid balance.
This game is a game about spinning plates. Once you start spinning one, you need to spin
another to keep the first going and so on and on. The game does explain this but it can
be easy to forget since it also keeps prompting you build X building (since it will
supply a new need).
The most important building is the market. This is where your money actually comes from.
You build houses to attract more people to your islands who then shop at the market for
their basic needs. You then employ some of those workers to create those needs and send
them to the market. However, the more of each tier of worker you have, the more needs
they will require, eventually forcing you to head to the new world to satisfy them. If
they’re needs are unmet, they’ll be unhappy and they will complain in the newspaper
before leaving your island, making all other workers upset.
Supplying worker needs is the main gameplay loop. You should think ahead and plan housing
districts or even blueprint mode them because a surplus of workers is what makes your
economy strong. Each tier of worker provides much more income than the previous but also
consume the previous needs plus a few unique ones so don’t immediately upgrade your
housing buildings. Try to get each island to specialize in something and ship that
between your islands so each place has enough space for large housing districts.
But remember, you’re spinning plates. Large housing districts require pubs, fire houses,
police stations, churches, schools etc and you can click on those buildings to see your
“coverage” highlighted in green. As you build, you need to also keep track of those or
else the ensuing disaster will wreck all your hard work.
How to Make Money:
Easy way to make money: sell soap to the prison island guy until you can make steam
motors, then just sell steam motors to sir archibald to make easily millions.
Also if you have the Land of the lions DLC. Buy pocket watches from Archibald and
sell them at the emperors trade port for a lot. Your money issues instantly end with
I had to restart several times. One thing new players need to know about saving money
is to balance healthy production with not going crazy on placing production buildings
all across the island as the upkeep of many is insanely high. These also cost manpower
from the various population classes depending on the building, which you need to keep
an eye on to ensure manpower for any class does not turn negative, otherwise production
efficiency will fall.
As you upgrade to the next pop tier, your tax income will increase greatly but that
will also decrease citizens in the lower tier since they have “upgraded” their jobs.
So you can’t upgrade all pops at the same time. You can manage this by turning off
buildings that don’t need immediate production since that also disables money and
manpower upkeep until you turn them on again.
Healthy production means having decent stocks of goods that are not decreasing because
production cannot keep up with consumption. If you wait until stocks reach zero and
hope that you can suddenly place tons of production buildings to compensate, it won’t
work because people leave if their needs aren’t met and this will lead to a downward
spiral where production suffers because people leave, but you can’t increase production
without adequate manpower. So expand production only when stocks start to decrease and
not immediately, even if you can afford it.
Tips to Make Money:
First, you make money through citizens, so expand your city quickly and continue to
do so as the resources to add/improve houses come in. Of course, with a higher populace
comes a bigger strain on the production lines for your goods. I suggest having four
schnapps distilleries and four framework knitters very early on so you can have a big
city of peasants and workers to raise your income.
Second, and arguably more important, Sir Archibald Blake sells steel beams. He doesn’t
sell them at the very beginning of the campaign, but he does sell them by the time the
campaign instructs you to begin constructing your iron mines. 8 Steel beams, 20(?)wood
planks, and $2,500 are all you’ll need to settle new islands. Buying steel beams from
Sir Archibald Blake is much cheaper and faster than the cost of building/maintaining a
steel beam production line.
Once you’ve settled and developed an island or two, your income should be considerably
higher and affording your own steel beam/weapons production line should be much more
Super money tip: people like alcohol and they will pay ALOT when you supply it to them.
Early on schnapps is an okay money maker, but is quite expensive on the workforce side.
Beer is a massive economy boost, I’d advise going for it after you’ve supplied sausages+
bread+soap to your workers because it is quite expensive on the maintenance, but makes
a looooot of money, especially going in Artisans. It takes a lot of space too, so you’d
probably want to produce wheat/hops on a separate island and ship it in your main city
where you should have enough workers for the malt and beer itself, or just have your
own workers on island #2 to do it locally and ship it to Ditchwater.
With the beer income, you’ll be able to set up the weapons production for the quest
(side tip: you can build it just to validate the quest and pause production so that
you’re not spending the workforce and upkeep costs).