Aporia: Beyond The Valley Cheats, Codes, Hints and Walkthroughs for PC Games. | | |
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Aporia: Beyond The Valley | |
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Aporia: Beyond The Valley
Cheat Codes:
Submitted by: David K.
How to Get the Herbivore Achievement:
Written by Innocentive
-=Herbivore II - V=-
Consumed all the flowers in chapter II, III, IV, V
Where: One achievement in each chapter except chapter 1.
What: Interact with all healing flowers that are available in the corresponding chapter.
Here is the amount of flowers you need to consume for each chapter. On that note, the
large rectangular flower pots, which contain three flowers, count as three flowers below.
Chapter 2: 13
Chapter 3: 49
Chapter 4: 67
Chapter 5: 10
The following map indicates the position of all flowers on the in-game map.
Please note that:
* Large flower pots with three flowers are depicted with a star symbol;
* The 5 flowers in the crystal mines of chapter 3 are not displayed with respect to
their position because the map does not depict the layout of the mines;
* Positions for chapter 5 may be difficult to read because locations are in different
* The 3 remaining flowers of chapter 5 are in the area behind the Skull door of the
amber bed cathedral: 1 in the entry area, 1 in the 'labyrinth', and the remaining
1 is in the laboratory of the Warden of Death.
How to Get the Alchoholic Achievement:
Written by Innocentive
-=Alchoholic I - V=-
Consumed all the substance flasks in chapter I, II, III, IV, V
Where: One achievement in each chapter.
What: Interact with all the small vial-refilling flasks that are available in the
corresponding chapter.
Here is the amount of flasks you need to consume for each chapter. Note that the large
refill flasks do not count towards this achievement.
Chapter 1: 18
Chapter 2: 32
Chapter 3: 43
Chapter 4: 29
Chapter 5: 20
The following map indicates the position of all flasks on the in-game map.
Please note that:
* Positions for chapters 1, 2 and 5 may be difficult to read because locations are
in different heights, e.g. the descent/ascent in chapter 1 and the tree houses
in chapter 2;
* The 6 flasks in the crystal mines of chapter 3 are not displayed with respect
to their position because the map does not depict the layout of the mines; 1
flasks is hidden in the basement!
* The cathedral with the amber beds that you first access in chapter 3 only contains
1 flask when you return in chapter 5;
* The 9 remaining flasks of chapter 5 are in the area behind the Skull door of the
amber bed cathedral: 1 in the 'labyrinth', 2 in the room with the Memory Marker,
and the remaining 6 flasks are in the laboratory of the Warden of Death.
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