Archmage Rises Cheats, Codes, Hints and Walkthroughs for PC Games. | | |
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Archmage Rises | |
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Archmage Rises
Cheat Codes:
Submitted by: David K.
Console Commands:
How to Enable Console
Access dev console with [~] Tilde key.
- Should reset the UI. It’s not where I want it to be, but one
of my goals is to make this a reliable reset in every case.
Town.GoToTown name
- You need to remember the name of the town you want to go to
- Unpredictable which town it will take you to, because it’s
based on our generation, not based on map location.
- Unpredictable which town it will take you to, because it’s
based on our generation, not based on map location.
- Should pull you up out of a location if it’s buggy.
If you are just stuck, you can try using.
- As long as you have autosaving enabled, that should take you back
to your last town entrance, with a clean start.
Tips for Starters:
At the very beginning of the game, your character is quite weak, so
fighting is ill advised. An option is to seek valuable ressources
(like silver, jade, metal etc…) to gather. Then, you can earn some
decent amount of money and buy some equipments (pieces of armour for
instance). Playing safe would be my go to.
Remember, you maybe know one spell.. so do some homework to buff up:
Eat, go to the Charter house, study. Go get more resources, eat, sleep,
study. Keep your spirits up and drink. The mining and foraging for
resources to sell will help fund your post-school magic education; help
you get better gear; and survival supplies like rations to venture out
longer and further.
Gain a few more spells and maybe start taking out some goblins and wolves.
If you find a dungeon, don’t go beyond the 1st floor and use caution when
opening doors with keys you find because you may get ambushed with some
tougher enemies.
Study, practice, hunt, forage. Buff up a bit, find a second or third town;
maybe start hauling resources between them, make profit, study some more
Don’t worry about your rivals… Just focus on getting buffed.
I go storm and arcane to start and can wreck darn near anything by 20,
or run fast enough to not get killed.
Take all the resource gathering on board, it will make a stack of
difference money wise. Test different combinations of spells too. I also
find Earth Tremor and Ice sleet a good comb and also the basic arcane
missile with a melee attack can definitely kill stuff. If you get to half
your protection then by all means run, lol it may not seem fun but you
keep the skill upgrades still.
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