Armored Core VI: Fires of Rubicon Cheats, Codes, Hints and Walkthroughs for PC Games. | | |
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Armored Core VI: Fires of Rubicon | |
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Armored Core VI: Fires of Rubicon
Cheat Codes:
Submitted by: David K.
Balteus Boss Guide (Easy Way):
Written by Butter
In case you’re having a hard time with Balteus. I made a build for
the battle which could defeat him in under 2 minutes. Enjoy!
Hey it’s Butter! Balteus can be a tough boss fight and FromSoftware’s
skillcheck especially if your AC build has weaknesses against it.
However, with this build, you can defeat Balteus in under 2 minutes!
To start, focus on building your AC’s Attitude Stability stat to make
it less likely to get staggered and focus on our damage output. The
Tan Qiang parts are ideal for this build as they provide high defense
and Attitude Stability stats. For the weapon, we’re using the Laser
Blade as it deals huge amount of damage, and a pulse gun to help take
down enemy shield. I also use this vertical missile launcher as deals
significant damage while maintaining little homing lock time.
To finish the build, add some OS tuning Boost kick. This will allow
you to perform kicks after boosting and is one of the main ways to
stagger your enemy. Another optional OS tuning is the Assault Armor,
which is a great damage resource, but can only be used once.
The main combo for this build is Boost to your enemy -> Hold and
Trigger Pulse Gun -> Kick when near the target and firing shoulder
weapons when you have the chance to lock on. This will deplete Balteus’s
shield while not worrying about damage since you’re a tank.
Once Balteus’s shield is depleted, it will be staggered, and this is
the time to deal your main damage using the Assault Armor and charged
or holding the Blade attack. Repeat this process until you defeat
The Watchtower Boss Tips:
To beat him is running two artillery with a single shot plasma rifle
and the stronger version of the melee weapon.
With this you’ll manage to break his blue shield and focus on using your
melee weapon to do massive stagger damage while raining him with artillery
and well time plasma shots to keep stunning him over and over to get him
to his second stage.
Once You’ve reach his second stage you’ll need to wait till he does his
two to three flame melee attack combo and then went into for a melee attack
to deal massive damage to his shield all while firing artillery at him.
Once you managed to break his shield rinse and repeat step 1.
Keep in mind this is very luck based as you can get unlucky with artillery
shots or just have your shots miss because of how fast he is.
There also the chance he shoots you with his one shot riffle when you try
to engage which can easily stagger you depending on the gear.
I personally think the key thing is though is play aggressive, you cant let
him keep you on the back foot as with all the rockets he has you wont be
able to dodge them all.
Juggernaut Boss Tips:
The Kasuar/42Z (reverse jointed legs), besides just being a lot of fun to
use, is EXTREMELY good at strafing around the Juggernaut. Couple that with
the Alula/21E thrusters you get from the training missions and the Ling-Ta
Generator, and it makes this fight a cake walk.
Alternatively, you can go with the VP-20S generator and sacrifice energy
recharge for a slightly lower weight and MUCH higher EN load (letting you
stick on some better parts).
The BML-G1 vertical missile launcher is also GREAT here, as it bypasses a
lot of the Juggernaut’s front armor.
Best Way to Kill The Sea Spider:
Written by Foolish Frame
The best way to squash this spider in the first phase is to use high impact
weapons. The spider has a much longer stagger period than most other bosses
you encounter, being long enough that melee weapons have enough time to recharge
and hit again before it gets up.
The best I found for this was the Ashmead and the Plasma rifle, using the
ashmead for impact to knock it down and the rifle’s charge attack to sheer
damage while it is weak. Use assault boost to stick close to it to prevent it’s
heavy laser from hitting you, as it can’t aim that low. IF it rears back for the
smash attack, move under and past it or back away before boosting at while it
recovers from the attack.
Once it hits about 50% health, get some distance so it doesn’t hit when it takes
to the air before immediately boosting at it to avoid the explosive laser attack.
If you can get above it, take advantage as it has almost no attacks to target
things above it after the phase shift.
In this phase it actually has an even longer stagger period leaving very open to
attacks, but once it recovers, it almost always uses the spinning laser attack.
Get far away as this attack can stun lock you and absolutely destroy all of your
After it finishes go back to boosting and punishing it with the ashmead and the
charged plasma rifle. And viola, should die pretty easy to this tactic. If not….
I guess this play-style isn’t for everyone.
How to Beat Enforcer Boss:
Use jump boosts and hover over its head. Won’t be able to land many of its attacks
at high angles.
As for chips....
* Kick (easy stagger, damage)
* Weight Control (mostly for times when you run out of ammo so you can punch)
* Weapon Bays (if you use them)
One or both of the below are good.
* Assault Armour – 1-2 points.
* Pulse Armour – 1-2 points.
Terminal Armour may carry you, but you should ween yourself off of it and put
points elsewhere.
* Kinetic Damage (weapons tend to have higher impact for easier staggers),
alternatively whatever is your favored damage type.
* Direct Hit Modifier (damage on stagger).
* Repair Kits (0-2 points is enough for early game, depending on how thicc
your build is; if you play lightweights you don’t need much investment).
Damage Control (Will be more noticeable when you start surviving potential deaths
with 10 damage. This is one of those where you don’t really notice it, but it edge
cases where the damage reduction saved you will add up).
Damage Control Chips are lower priority than actually doing damage, since killing
things quickly is the best damage mitigation. Take them if you feel you need them.
Other chips you’d take them speedrunning purposes (ex: Access Control Optimization)
and eventually completionism.
Take the Uninhabited Floating City Mission Tips:
This mission can be done with any build. The key issue is probably ability to
dodge and track flying enemies.
* Take the base build from mission 1 and take down the mega chopper same as the
starter mission.
* Melee kill every enemy.
* Swift dodge every attack.
* The flyer bots are dumb and predictable.
* Fly up spin blade attack rinse wash repeat.
* The bots with the mech laser whips. Just kite em and slice em.
* End battle with snipers. hop from roof to roof melee kill and then face the
* This one is actually slower than mission 1.
* For a super easy kill of everything.
* Melee weapon and x3 plasma cannon.
* Melee everything till chopper. Plasma each sniper. dump plasma into chopper.
Whole mission maybe 5 mins.
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