Asterix At The Olympic Games Cheats, Codes, Hints and Walkthroughs for PC Games. | | |
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Asterix At The Olympic Games | |
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Asterix At The Olympic Games
Cheat Codes:
Submitted by: David K.
* Saving in this game can only be done at save points. These are boothes
with two shiny pedastels in front of them randomly spread throughout
the Olympic Village. The first save point is shown clearly by the game,
so don't worry if my description makes no sense.
* You can regain health one of two ways: Buying meat chunks from vending
machines or performing bomb drops near the sparkly spots you see on the
ground. Doing this several times brings up urns from the ground which
contain meat (creepy...).
* In some areas (including the first section of the game) there are magic
potions which increase Asterix's strength and speed temporarily. They
aren't needed most of the time, but will come in handy during the final
* You must complete an Olympic event in story mode before you can play it
in Olympic Mode to earn the achievements. All events are required to
complete the story and are non-missable.
* In fact no achievements in the game are missable. You may have to back-
track at one point or another to grab missed collectables, but there are
no points of no-return.
* That should be all the information you need to complete this games.
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