
Astroblaster Cheats, Codes, Hints and Walkthroughs for PC Games.

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  Hints and Tips for: Astroblaster 
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 Astroblaster Cheats


Submitted by: rickHH

Here are some of the secret bonuses in Astro Blaster, 
along with when they occur in Rom Set #1. (The bonuses 
are also in Rom Set #2, but in a different order.) 

General bonuses: Docking bonus: Dock without using 
directional buttons for 400 - 1500 points. 
Sector 1:

Wave 1: Shoot them in order left to right, down to up 
for 500 points. Shoot without missing for 1000 points.

Wave 2: Shoot without missing for 1000 points. Shoot 
all before any goes off the screen for 700 points.

Wave 3: Shoot them in the order in which they appear 
for 500 points.

Wave 4: Shoot them before they go off the screen for 
700 points. Shoot them without missing for 1000 points. 
Asteroids: Go through entire sector without laser 
temporature critical for 600 points. Go through entire 
sector with same ship for 500 points.

Sector 2:

Wave 1: Same as Sector 1, wave 1.

Wave 2: Same as Sector 1, wave 2.

Wave 3: Unknown Wave 4: Shoot all ships in one group for 
500 points.

Wave 5: Same as Sector 1, wave 4.

Sector 3:

Wave 1: Same as Sector 1, wave 1.

Wave 2: Same as Sector 1, wave 3, but for 1500 points.

Wave 3: Same as Sector 1, wave 2.

Wave 4: Unknown

Wave 5: Shoot them in order of appearance for 1500 points.

Wave 6: Same as Sector 1, wave 4.

Sector 4:

Wave 1: Unknown

Wave 2: Unknown

Wave 3: Same as Sector 1, wave 4.

Wave 4: Shoot them in order of appearance for 2000 points.

Submitted by: dez

Go on to astro blaster. when you are on the screen that tells you to press 
enter press 1,2, or 3 and it will take you to level 10,20 or 30.


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