Atelier Ryza: Ever Darkness & the Secret Hideout Cheats, Codes, Hints and Walkthroughs for PC Games. | | |
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Atelier Ryza: Ever Darkness & the Secret Hideout | |
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Atelier Ryza: Ever Darkness & the Secret Hideout
Cheat Codes:
Submitted by: David K.
How to Register a Core Item:
To register a Core Item, go to Main Menu > Equipment. But keep in mind that
if the item’s level is higher than a character’s dexterity, that character
won’t be able to register it to their Core Crystal. The maximum number of
items you can register to a Core Crystal depends on your equipped weapon
(up to 4).
Action Orders:
During battle, your character may receive suggestions from other party
members. If you do what they ask, you’ll unleash an Order Skill.
Note: Action Orders will become available as you progress through the story.
Extra Orders:
Some monsters can use special attacks that deal extreme damage. If you’re
able to use a Quick Action before they can execute their special attack,
this can then issue an Extra Order. If these additional orders are fulfilled,
you can unleash additional Order Skills. Using a Quick Action while a monster
is stunned can also trigger an Extra Order. (This does not apply to Break
Note: Extra Orders will become available as you progress through the story.
Fatal Drive:
This is a super move that becomes available once your Tactics Level is at
max (level 5). Each character can only use the move once per battle. And
each time you use it, your Tactics Level will return to 1.
Note: Each character’s fatal drive will unlock when they reach level 40.
World Passwords:
There's a boss late game that drops eternal crystals.
You need to do Pamila's sidequest for it.
Blue Flame Riverstone Cliff [Level 98] [Area Version: Ruins] : JVQU
Dunkelheit Copse [Level 98] [Area Version: Flower Beds] : 1GU9
Forest Sage Site [Level 94] [Area Version: Library] : 1ACQ
Mutant Taun Outer Sea [Level 98] [Area Version: Beach Resort] : PISB
Abor Ivy Copse [Level 96] [Area Version: Pond] : 504F
Maple Bark Outer Sea [Level 92] [Area Version: Pirate Cove (Lava)] : JRTU
Rainbow Gem Ravine [Level 90] [Area Version: Ravine] : M0YI
Beginners Tips:
* Just craft some weapons and armors at your alchemy cauldron. You’ll need some
ingots for weapons and clothes for armor. If you still can’t do any of these,
you have the option do buy it at the port, just go around looking at the stores
over there.
* Also, its a good idea to get used with the elemental mechanics of the game
as well. All the enemies have weaknesses that its really useful to learn, I
don’t remember if they appear as soon you defeat a single one, but you can check
it at you menu’s Guide.
* Level at this game isn’t that big of a issue, normally, if you can’t progress
because of power diifference, its because your gear is outdated.
Combat is very fast paced when starting out. Feel free to pause combat at any
time using the uh, select button on controller. The item quick action also freezes
* For the most part, regular attacks and skills are awful. This is a crafting game,
not a tense tactical experience. The vast majority of your strength comes from
crafting powerful items and equipment outside of battle, then overwhelm enemies
with sheer strength.
* Harvest ingredients, work the cauldron, and keep learning all the tricks it has
to offer. There’s no need to go overboard on lower difficulties, each new chapter
offers more tricks and ingredients to expand your maximum crafting potential.
* In Ryza 1, your core charge energy and items replenish automatically back at
the cauldron. Items are catalysts and do not ever get destroyed in battle;
cannibalizing them for a core charge will merely disable the item until you return
to the atelier. Be aggressive and reckless with items, even if you blow it all on
a single battle.
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