Atelier Resleriana: Forgotten Alchemy and the Polar Night Liberator Cheats, Codes, Hints and Walkthroughs for PC Games. | | |
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Atelier Resleriana: Forgotten Alchemy and the Polar Night Liberator | |
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Atelier Resleriana: Forgotten Alchemy and the Polar Night Liberator
Cheat Codes:
Submitted by: David K.
How to Beat Ruins of the Sealed Demon Dungeon:
I brought:
* 2 breakers: Placta, Marion.
* 1 Attacker: Ryza (I don’t have a good ice attacker, New Meruru
geared perfectly for this fight).
* 1 Defender: Sophie (just to absorb dmg and lower res).
* 1 Support: Resna (to get my crit to 100% then sup heal).
* Items: 2 ice bombs 3 AoE Heals.
The fight honestly is annoying since its a long crawl and it gets
stronger as time goes on, doesn’t help that it has res to everything
but ice.
Try to break it as much as possible so it cant move, if you can try to
finagle your breakers into the turn after it wakes up from stun to stun
it again.
I just kind of tank and spanked it until I killed it, Since there are
no dmg downs this event, you have to manipulate the turns as much as
possible to try and give your attacker Dmg Up.
Burst should be used as a per need basis, i’ve actually had some turns
where I didn’t use a characters burst because I wanted better buffs on
later turns.
Tower Guide (End-Game):
Cleared Floor 10 with this setup.
The major key takeaway for this strat is:
* Your main DPS can either be phys or magic. All you need is just 4 phys
units (I’ll explain in a bit).
* The boss mechanic basically makes it immune to magic breaks (cc bar break).
So you’ll need phys breakers like Corn and Marion. You’ll need another phys
unit to chip away the cc bar to make sure that the boss is down before your
4th phys unit attacks it.
* Now this is where the main trick is. When the boss is stunned (cc break
state), if it gets hit by a phys dmg, it will get inflicted with the blindness
debuff, which makes it attack miss (not 100% but has high chance to miss).
This will allow you to utilize rng to dodge all it’s hits.
* Now to do this effectively, you’ll need for the 4 phys units to have speed
more than 265. Corn must be faster than Marion ideally so that Marion can
use Corn’s debuff on her S2. Make sure your DPS had lowest spd.
-=The Idea Is=-
* 3 core breakers + 1 phys unit hit when boss is stunned then last unit as your
DPS to deal big d damage. Then have DPS deal huge dmg.
* Triple Elixirs help a lot so that your magic DPS can deal a lot but other than
that, you can use alternative DPS buffs if running phys DPS.
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