Avernum 3: Ruined World Cheats, Codes, Hints and Walkthroughs for PC Games. | | |
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Hints and Tips for:
Avernum 3: Ruined World | |
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Avernum 3: Ruined World
Cheat Codes:
Submitted by: David K.
While playing the game, press Shift+D to bring up a box. Enter the codes in here.
To use the cheats, you may press Shift+D in-game to open the cheat box and type
the command desired. To use the editor cheat, the Character Editor has to be
enabled in the main menu.
Note: as far as I know, using cheats will disable Steam achievements for that save.
Code Effect
editor - Brings up the character editor, enabling you to freely edit your
party’s skills, traits, and spells. Before this will work, you must
enable it on the title screen.
fps - See Avernum’s current frame rate.
ouchouchouch - Heals and cures your group.
buffmenow - Gives each of your characters multiple blessings.
freemymind - Cures any character that is suffering from a mental effect.
Also removes a death curse.
iampoor - Gives you 500 coins.
imdrained - Recharges your spell energy.
backtostart - Returns you to Fort Emergence. Very useful if you get stuck.
teachmenow - Gives you some experience.
showmeall - Makes all characters (even ones you can’t see) appear on your automap.
dontshowmeall - Stops making all characters appear on your automap.
resetboats - Returns all boats to their starting positions. Boats you previously
purchased will no longer be your property.
Use the backtostart cheat if this strands you somewhere.
calmthetower - Resets the timer for the Tower of Magi disaster.
letsbefriends - If Shayder, eastern villages, or a dragon are angry at you,
calm them down.
Skilled Artisan Achievement Guide:
Written by Prince Persona
A quick guide on how to get the Skilled Artisan Achievement.
* Go to town Tevrono.
* Save your game.
* Talk to Tenuta the Blacksmith.
* Have her craft 5 pairs of Gauntlets (Seeking Gauntlets
* Wait for the achievement to appear.
* Reload your save and enjoy.
* The Fine Magic items seem to refer to NPC crafted items that have the glow effect.
The sparkle effect appears to be a different rarity.
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