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BlazBlue: Central Fiction
Cheat Codes:
Submitted by: David K.
Unlock Susanoo:
When you complete the basic Story mode (you are not obligated to do any of the
sub stories or gag reels) you will unlock Susanoo as a playable character.
Easy "Favorite Color!" Trophy:
This Trophy becomes unlocked when you purchase additional character colours. This
can be done in the Game Item section of the Item Shop were there are additional
colours and an extra costume for Noel. If you buy one character’s additional colours
for 2000P$ (Platinum dollars) you will get this trophy.
Easy "Bookworm" Trophy:
At the end of each fight in Story mode you gain EXP to your equipped Grimoire, once
the Grimoire gets to it’s maximum, the Trophy will become unlocked.
Easy "Don't Forget the Extras" Trophy:
To unlock this Story mode Trophy you have to view every substory, including the Gag
reels. The following is a list of the chapters that you need to clear in order to get
the substories:
Episode 2: Chapter 7
Episode 2: Chapter 10
Episode 5: Chapter 36
Episode 5: Chapter 38
Episode 8: Chapter 62
Episode 8: Chapter 63
Episode 9: Chapter 73
Episode 10: Chapter 80
Episode 10: Chapter 86
Unlock Stages and Themes:
Completing Story mode will unlock more stages and themes.
"Blue" Stage:
Complete Story mode.
Another Version of Sight of God’s Stage:
Complete Story mode.
Forbidden Gate Stage:
Complete Story mode.
Hakaishin Theme:
Complete Story mode.
Re: Idol Stage
Complete Story mode.
How to Not Softlock Grim of Abyss:
Written by resoNathan
I found almost no help for this, so I’ll take the initiative about 8
years too late.
Contents [Hide]
-=How “Softlocks” Happen=-
When you start the game, you are given a single green grimoire. This is where
all of your stats go. Any upgrades get applied to the book, and NOT to your
character. Grimoires are the only way to become stronger in this mode.
So what I’m saying is
Don’t destroy your starting grimoire!
The game will give you the option to break it down for free stuff. This is
great, if you have more to use. If you don’t, though, then you are left holding
a bunch of stuff you can’t really use, and you’ve lost your primary means of
upgrading. It’s like selling your car to buy gas. And they make no attempt to
warn you about this in game. Please, for the love of God, learn from my mistake.
But let’s say that you’re already beyond saving and you’ve made the same mistake
as me…
-=How to Gain More Grimoires=-
Beat depth 100 in any level.
That’s it. That’s the only way to get a new book. You see those notifications
in the corner every time you win a fight in this mode? The ones saying that you
got new skills, and, wow! A new grimoire to replace the one you lost?
They’re lying.
You only get that if you beat the final depth. This means facing all 5 bosses,
as well as any fighters that come before that. And just to remind you, this has
to be done without any stat boosts. So how can we fix this?
-=How to Beat Depth 100=-
In the settings, under “game settings”, there is an option to change the
difficulty. This can be changed at any time, and starts on “normal” (3/5). If
you temporarily change it to “beginner” (1/5), beat one of the first 3 levels,
then change it back to normal after you have your books back, then it won’t
punish you.
Now, some of you might consider this to be cheating, but may I remind you that.
* This is a single-player game mode.
* You can change the difficulty higher when you’re done or refuse to upgrade your
stats to make up the difference in XP that you got.
* There is not a soul on earth who cares about the competitive integrity of Grim
of Abyss mode.
Granted, you are still perfectly within your rights to play normally and git gud
enough to win legit, as you’re not really softlocked, but the poor button mashing
souls like me need this.
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