Defender's Quest: Valley of the Forgotten Cheats, Codes, Hints and Walkthroughs for PC Games. | | |
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Defender's Quest: Valley of the Forgotten | |
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Defender's Quest: Valley of the Forgotten
Cheat Codes:
Submitted by: David K
Strange Monument Codes:
With the Book of Secrets equipped on the librarian, go to the Strange
Monument and enter the following codes on the totems. Letters and
numbers can be typed on your keyboard, they do not have to be clicked.
The flute is mapped to the space bar. Hold the flute for at least 1
second for a long note, click it for a short note. The eyes correspond
to arrows, but must be clicked.
Code Effect
Gold Skull 9 - (Flute) long x2, short, long x6, short x2,long x2,
short x5, long, short x3
Unobtanium Skull 2 - (Flute) short x2, long, short x2, long x2, short x2,
long, short x3, long, short x3, long, short x2, long,
short x3, long, short, long, short x4, long
Gold Skull 1 - (Using the eyes) Up Up Down Down Left Right Left Right BA
Gold Skull 2 - 112358132134
Gold Skull 3 - 4815162342
Unobtanium Skull 1 - 8675309
Gold Skull 6 - bloodfruit
Gold Skull 7 - cactuar
Gold Skull 5 - cidwashere
Gold Skull 8 - theysaythatcateztlitenochisonebadmothashutyourmouthbutimtal
Gold Skull 4 - thisisntacode
Easy "You Get A Gold Star!" achievement:
Play the first starred level (the third node on the over-world map). Wait until
you at least have one ranger on your team. Try the level first on the Advanced
difficulty to determine your capabilities. If you can complete it on the Advanced
difficulty without taking damage, attempt it on the Extreme difficulty. If you
are having trouble completing it, try again after you have leveled up more or
have additional party members.
Easy "Hero Mode" achievement:
Select the "Accessibility" option at the "Options" menu to increase the amount
of experience gained per battle to 300% to increase your leveling speed. Play
through the game, never recruiting any characters and only using those that join
you as part of the storyline. You cannot purchase any recruits. The difficulty
does not matter.
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all genres and focuses on recent releases. All Cheats inside from the first CHEATBOOK January 1998 until today. - Release date january 7, 2024.
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