Dreamkiller Cheats, Codes, Hints and Walkthroughs for PC Games. | | |
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Dreamkiller | |
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Steam Achievements:
Submitted by: David K:
Complete each requirement to receive the achievements.
Unlockable How to Unlock
Absolute Threshold - Achieve the Gold weapon upgrade rank on the Insanity difficulty.
Astraphobia - Complete one level in Story mode while only using Shock Therapy.
Aversion Therapy - Complete a level on any difficulty without dying.
Bomber - Kill 100 Enemies while using the Dream Cleaner.
Breaker - Kill 100 Enemies while using the Hailstorm.
Conjurer - Kill 100 Enemies while using the Dragon's Grasp.
Delusions of Grandeur - Finish a Deathmatch game with the highest score
(with at least 3 other players involved).
Dissociative Disorder - Kill 25 Enemies while teleporting.
Draconist - Kill 400 Enemies while using the Dragon's Grasp.
Dreamkiller - Defeat a Dreamkiller without taking any damage.
Focused Mind - Defeat a Doorkeeper without taking any damage.
Free Association - Kill 3 or more opponents at the same time in a Multiplayer game.
Freezer - Kill 400 Enemies while using the Hailstorm.
Gunner - Kill 100 Enemies while using the Minigun.
Hallucinations - Die 5 times while in the Subconscious.
Heavy Operator - Kill 400 Enemies while using the Minigun.
Heliophobia - Complete one level in Story mode while only using the Sunbeam.
Hoplophobia - Complete one level in Story mode while only using the Minigun.
Immortal - Complete every level on any difficulty without dying.
Instinctual Action - Enter Berserker Rage during a Multiplayer game.
Latent Abilities - Complete every level on any difficulty without dying in the Subconscious.
Lighter - Kill 100 Enemies while using the Sunbeam.
Ligyrophobia - Complete one level in Story mode while only using the Dream Cleaner.
Lucid Guardian - Complete Story mode on the Insanity difficulty.
Manic Episode - Enter Berserker Rage at least once in each level of the game in Story mode.
Master - Complete Chapter 4 on any difficulty.
Mastermind - Conquer 50 brains in Conquest mode.
Mind Guard - Return your team's flag at least 5 times in one CTF match.
OCD - Use every weapon at least once in any level of the game in Story mode.
Operative - Complete Chapter 2 on any difficulty.
Opiophobia - Complete one level without receiving any Health pickups.
Pagophobia - Complete one level in Story mode while only using the Hailstorm.
Paladin - Kill 400 Enemies while using the Sunbeam.
Poor Sleeper - Complete Story mode on the Bad Dream difficulty.
Practitioner - Complete Chapter 1 on any difficulty.
Prescription - Kill 100 opponents in any Multiplayer game mode.
Psycho Logical - Complete a Single Player game in Time Trial mode.
Psychoanalysis - Kill 25 opponents in any Multiplayer game mode.
Rhabdophobia - Complete one level in Story mode while only using the Dragon's Grasp.
Shocker - Kill 100 Enemies while using Shock Therapy.
Simple Jack - Complete a Single Player game in Single Weapon mode.
Somnambulist - Complete Story mode on the Nightmare difficulty.
Specialist - Complete Chapter 3 on any difficulty.
Stormer - Kill 400 Enemies while using Shock Therapy.
Suicidal Tendencies - Die 10 times to self-inflicted explosives fire in any Single Player mode.
Technician - Kill 400 Enemies while using the Dream Cleaner.
Treatment - Kill 300 opponents in any Multiplayer game mode.
Untouchable - Kill 10 opponents in a row without dying in a Multiplayer game.
Wisdom - Find and enter in all of the Secret areas in any one level of the game.
Xenophobia - Kill 10 or more enemies at the same time with any weapon.
In Dreamkiller gamers take on the role of Alice Drake, a psychologist
with the extraordinary ability to enter the minds of her patients and
combat the ravenous foes haunting their dreams. The ultimate showdown
becomes inevitable between that which would torment and she who will
protect, and only one force will prevail amidst a variety of dreamscapes
as varied and bizarre as the human mind itself.
Dreamkiller features 12 rich levels of single-player gameplay each laced
with swarms of hideous and disturbing enemies reflecting the mind's
infinite palette of fear. The onslaught continues with numerous multiplayer
modes and a host of over-the-top weapons and supernatural abilities.
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Spotlight - New Version CheatBook-DataBase 2024 |
Cheatbook-Database 2024 is a freeware cheat code tracker that makes hints, Tricks, Tips and cheats (for PC, Walkthroughs,
XBox, Playstation 1 and 2, Playstation 3, Playstation 4, Sega, Nintendo 64, Wii U,
DVD, Game Boy Advance, iPhone, Game Boy Color, N-Gage, Nintendo DS, PSP, Gamecube, Dreamcast, Xbox 360, Super Nintendo) easily accessible from one central location. If you´re an avid
gamer and want a few extra weapons or lives to survive until the next level, this freeware cheat database can come to the rescue. Covering more than 27.700 Games, this database represents
all genres and focuses on recent releases. All Cheats inside from the first CHEATBOOK January 1998 until today. - Release date january 7, 2024.
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