Escape Dead Island Cheats, Codes, Hints and Walkthroughs for PC Games. | | |
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Escape Dead Island | |
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Escape Dead Island
Cheat Codes:
Submitted by: David K.
The Shining Easter Egg:
While exploring the zombie-infested eponymous island your hero slowly loses
his mind. Later in the campaign, after collecting three required keycards,
Cliff Calo wakes up in a strange room at the top of one of Banoi’s mountains.
See the distinctive carpet in the safe room? It isn’t just a nice decoration,
it’s a reference to another famous madness-inducing location without so many
zombies roaming around.
The carpet comes straight from creepy halls of the Overlook Hotel — central
location of Stanley Kubrick’s film The Shining based on the novel by Stephen
King. Danny Torance never had to deal with diabolical zombies (and even more
diabolical gameplay) like this. How’s that for a cool little homage.
Tips and Tricks:
In the last stage, you'll have to run along an elevated platform while
dealing with bouncers and butcher zombies. They like to leap at you, so use
that fact to your advantage. Let them get near you, then run to the edge of
the platform. If you are lucky, the zombies will leap toward you and you
can quickly dodge out of the way. They'll fly over the edge of the platform
and drop out of your way, leaving you to deal with other threats.
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Spotlight - New Version CheatBook-DataBase 2024 |
Cheatbook-Database 2024 is a freeware cheat code tracker that makes hints, Tricks, Tips and cheats (for PC, Walkthroughs,
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gamer and want a few extra weapons or lives to survive until the next level, this freeware cheat database can come to the rescue. Covering more than 27.700 Games, this database represents
all genres and focuses on recent releases. All Cheats inside from the first CHEATBOOK January 1998 until today. - Release date january 7, 2024.
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