
Eschalon - Book II Cheats, Codes, Hints and Walkthroughs for PC Games.

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 Eschalon - Book II Cheats

Eschalon - Book II

Making extra cash and other tips:
Submitted by: Steve Hoyland

- When you come across a chest or barrel or similar recepticle, save your game prior 
to opening\unlocking. If the items within are not to your liking, simply reload your 
saved game and look In the chest or barrel again. The items inside will be different.
Repeat this process until you find items of real use or value. This method will sometimes 
require patience as It may take several re-loads until you're happy with the result, but 
you will ALWAYS strike lucky eventually. Occasionally, you will find a chest or barrel 
which appears empty even after a few tries, but persevere - almost every 'empty' container 
can be persuaded to reveal some worthwhile goodies eventually!

- The 'Foraging' attribute can be put to good use and Is particularly useful early In 
the game when funds are scarce. This will work even at the first Foraging level. First, 
go to a cave or other underground area.Then, choose the 'rest' option. If you wake your 
character every 6 (game)hours, a bag will appear containing a 'Foraged' item. This Is an 
Alchemy ingredient, and whichever one you get Is entirely random. They are worth anything 
from 3 up to 130 gold pieces and can be sold at any magic or general store. By continually 
sleeping for 48 hours, the maximum 8-items will appear In your bag.However,resting beyond 
this at one go will be 'wasted' hours so always be sure to begin again once your bag Is 
filled. The longer you rest In one go, the greater the chance of enemies appearing to spoil 
your money-making scheme!However,resting for 6-hours(i.e. one foraged item)at a time will 
ensure that your sleep Is never disturbed. NOTE(1) - Resting underground In the Port Kuudad 
water supply area - (entered via the grey stone building towards the right-hand front corner 
as one enters at the main gate)- once all the baddies have been dealt with down there - will 
result In completely undisterbed foraging regardless of how many hours you rest at one time.
NOTE(2) - Game-time passess twice as quickly when underground. NOTE(3) - As your foraging 
attribute level increases, so the amount of rest-time needed to forage items decreases.

- Due East of the Eastwillow\Yoma river valley starting point, In the top-Eastern corner of 
the South kessian Basin area, Is the house containing a room with no visible doors with a 
couple of large chests within. Close by Is a portal area which doesn't appear to work. On 
the wall above the portal Is written-"Stronger than Copper,and redder In hue,the wonders of 
Bronze,are known but to few." What does this mean? Is It a clue to getting your hands on the 
big chests? The answer Is YES! Thankfully,the nearest Blacksmith - In Eastwillow - can help 
here.(Incidently, he Is the only Blacksmith In the whole game who NEVER upgrades his wares 
and visiting him further after this Is pretty pointless.) Thankfully, his cheap and poor 
quality items come In very handy now. Buy yourself a full set of bronze-based armour\clothing - 
helm,jacket,pants,belt,gloves and footwear. You should be able to procure the lot for under 
100 gold. Now, go back to the house In question and equip all of your bronze items. This time,
when you step onto the portal,you will find yourself instantly transported Into the doorless 
room! Remember to save your game immediately prior to opening EACH chest In order to obtain 
the maximum benefits!

The room can now be exited by stepping back onto the portal within the doorless room. 
You can't actually see this portal as It's hidden by the back wall but this Isn't a problem 
as the room Is so tiny.

Giving much more away will spoil what Is, In my opinion, a thoroughly enjoyable and 
entertaining game with more random events and different ways of accomplishing tasks than 
any other I've ever come across.(Pick that doorlock or smash It to bits? Help that person 
or chop him up? The choices are many and varied........!). Armed with these little money-making 
schemes,I hope your journey will be made a little less frustrating and a little more enjoyable. 

High value items:
When you find a chest, barrel, or similar container, save the game before opening or 
unlocking it. If the items inside are not desirable, reload the saved game and look in 
the container again. The items inside will be different. Repeat the process until you 
find items of real value or desirability. This requires patience as several reloads may
be required before it ends with a desirable result. Occasionally you may also find a 
chest or barrel which appears to be empty even after a few tries, but eventually an 
item should appear in it. 

Easy money:
The Foraging attribute can be put to good use and is very useful early in the game 
when money is scarce. This also works during the first Foraging level. Start by going
to a cave or another underground area. Select the "Rest" option. Wake your character 
every six hours. A bag containing a "Foraged" item will appear. This is an Alchemy 
ingredient, and its type will be random. They are worth between 3 to 130 gold pieces,
and can be sold at any magic or general store. By continually sleeping for 48 hours, 
a maximum of eight items will appear in your bag. Resting beyond this at one time will
result in wasted hours. Make sure to start again once your bag is filled. The longer 
you rest in one session, the greater the chance of enemies appearing. However, resting 
for six hours at a time will ensure that your sleep is never disturbed. 
Note: When resting underground at the Port Kuudad water supply area (access through 
the grey stone building towards the right-hand front corner when entering at the main
gate), once all the enemies have been dealt with will result in undisturbed foraging 
regardless of how many hours you rest. Also, the game time passes twice as fast when 
underground. As your Foraging attribute level increases, the amount of rest time needed
to forage items will decrease.

Chests in Doorless room:
Move due east of the Eastwillow/Yoma river valley starting point. At the top eastern
corner of the South Kessian Basin area is a house containing a room with no visible 
doors, and some large chests inside. Nearby is a portal area which does not appear 
to work. On the wall above the portal Is written-"Stronger than copper and redder in
hue, the wonders of bronze are known but to few." Find the the nearest blacksmith in
EastwillowNote: He is the only blacksmith who never upgrades his wares). Buy a full 
set of bronze-based armor and clothing (helm, jacket, pants, belt, gloves and footwear).
You should be able to buy everything for less than 100 gold. Return to the house and 
equip all the bronze items. When you step onto the portal, you will be transported 
into the doorless room. Save the game immediately before opening each chest to get 
the best items. To exit the room, step back onto the hidden portal within the doorless
room, by the back wall.

* Book II continues with Eschalon world events where Book I ended, 
  though no previous experience with Book I is needed to enjoy Book II.
* Book II will be available for Windows, Macintosh (Universal Binary) 
  and Linux-based computers.
* Play as a male or female character.
* 1024 x 768 native resolution.
* Most tiles have been re-rendered to take advantage of the higher engine
  resolution. Hundreds of new graphic elements, tiles, sound effects and 
  music means * Book II is not just a remix of the previous game.
* New weather effects: snow, rain, and thunderstorms. Weather isn't just 
  an effect; severe weather effects gameplay stats and skills.
* Additional skills and improved skill balancing.
* Improved GUI including additional save game slots, increased number of 
  Inventory and Quick Slot spaces, Key Ring and Recipe book, and much more!
* "Equipment configuration" presets for convenient swapping of entire armor
  and weapons sets.
* New difficulty modes and tracked statistics add to replay value.
* ...and much, much more! Over *60 new or updated features are being 
  intergrated into Book II!

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