Fallout - New Vegas - Dead Money Cheats, Codes, Hints and Walkthroughs for PC Games. | | |
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Hints and Tips for:
Fallout - New Vegas - Dead Money | |
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Fallout - New Vegas - Dead Money
Cheat Codes:
Submitted by: David K.
Cheat List:
The cheats for Fallout: New Vegas are the same as Fallout 3. To bring up the
cheats console during gameplay, hit the tilde (~) key. Then, insert the cheat
listed below on the left for the corresponding result on the right.
Code Effect
addspecialpoints X - Add indicated amount of Special Points (X=amount)
addtagskills X - Adds indicated amount of Tag Skill Points (X=amount)
advlevel - Level up your character one level
GetQuestCompleted - Complete current quest
getXPfornextlevel - Gain one level
help - List all console commands
modpca Y X - Add indicated amount of points to your S.P.E.C.I.A.L.
stats (Y = stat type, X = amount)
modpcs Y X - Add indicated amount of points to your skills
(Y = stat type, X = amount)
player.setlevel X - Set player level (X = level)
player.additem 000000F X - Get indicated amount of caps (X = amount)
removefromallfactions - Remove player from all factions
rewardKarma X - Add indicated amount of Karma Points (X = amount)
setpccanusepowerarmor X - Toggle Power Armor use (X = 0 or 1)
setspecialpoints X - Set Special Points (X = amount)
settagskills X - Sets Tag Skill Points (X = amount)
tcl - No clipping mode
tmm1 - All mapmarkers
tdt - Toggle debug display
tlv - Toggle leaves
tgm - God mode
ShowBarberMenu - Change all hair options
ShowPlasticSurgeonMenu - Change all face options ShowPlasticSurgeonMenu
Fallout: New Vegas - Dead Money - Stealing all the gold bars:
Note: This requires a few C4s and a Detonator. In the final part you will enter a
vault with 37 gold bars that weigh 35 pounds each. Each gold bar is worth 10.539 Caps.
Use the following trick to loot all of them. Enter the vault and the door will seal
behind you. Take everything in the room, including the 36 gold bars on the table to
your right and the single gold bar on the overseer's desk. Deactivate the security
system and activate the computer on the desk. Note: Only read "Vera" and do not access
the file that appears after you read it. Elijah will appear on the monitor. Convince
him to meet you in the vault. When the conversation ends, immediately leave the now
unlocked room. Walk to the far right stairway. A blue force field will appear, blocking
your path. Lay your C4 at the bottom of those stairs then press your body against the
blue force field in the doorway. When Elijah finishes speaking, you and he will switch
places. Make sure he is on or very near the C4. Detonate the C4 and leave the way you
Complete the following achievements to unlock Microsoft Gamerscore points.
Achievement Description
Assemble Your Crew (20) - Recruit Dean Domino, Christine and Dog.
Cash Out (30) - Confront Father Elijah in the Sierra Madre's Vault.
Having a Ball (20) - Complete the Sierra Madre Gala Event.
Safety Deposit Box (40) - Trap Father Elijah in the Sierra Madre's Vault.
Veronica's lover:
Christine is Veronica's lover. However, you cannot bring this up in any dialogue with
either of them. You can however find a recording upon returning to the bunker. It is a
message from Elijah, which you can give to Veronica or listen yourself.
Easy "Cash Out" or "Safety Deposit Box" achievement or trophy:
Have at least one of the following skills at 75: Explosives, Science, Repair, Lockpick,
Barter, or Sneak. If necessary, use a magazine for one of these skills before accessing
the Vault's Control terminal. Note: "Safety Deposit Box" and "Cash Out" are mutually
exclusive. To earn both of them, save the game before using the following steps, then
use the saved game to earn the other achievement or trophy. After activating the control
terminal, Father Elijah will contact you onscreen. Select one of these dialog options,
depending on your skills:
* Explosives, Science or Repair skill: "Now that I'm here, are you coming down?", "Unless
you come down here, I'll destroy the vault, everything in it."
* Lockpick or Sneak skill: "Then I'll find a way to unlock the secrets of this vault,
take them for myself."
* Speech skill: "I don't care about the vault, I just want to leave."
After a successful skill check, Elijah will tell you that he is coming down. Two new
objectives will appear, "Defeat Elijah", and "(Optional) Sneak out of the Vault's chamber
area undetected, trapping Elijah when he opens the vault". If the optional choice does
not appear, reload your saved game and try again. Immediately leave the terminal room,
shut the door, and exit the turret room to your left. Next, go through the door to your
left and backtrack through the map until you reach the elevator that you arrived in.
Be careful to not be detected by Father Elijah. If you are spotted, he will activate
the alarm and you must kill him, which allows you to earn the "Cash Out" achievement
or trophy. Around the time you get close to the elevator, Elijah will realize that
he has been tricked and set off the alarm. Take the elevator and you will arrive back
at the Villa. The "Safety Deposit Box" achievement or trophy will be earned during
the loading screen.
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