Fidel Dungeon Rescue Cheats, Codes, Hints and Walkthroughs for PC Games. | | |
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Fidel Dungeon Rescue | |
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Fidel Dungeon Rescue
Cheat Codes:
Submitted by: David K.
Following are three strategies and hints I can offer to anyone trying
to get this horrendous achievement and don't like the time limit or
worse, replaying the entire hard mode again constantly.
* Make sure that besides not collecting the gems, you have 9 coins and
at least 6 hearts when you enter. The XP should be standard with what
you enter with unless you were rushing hard mode, which if you did that,
let's be honest, you screwed yourself over and weren't playing the game
properly. But otherwise you should be fine. As for the coins, it may
be difficult not using them on the semi-final hard level with the 70
xp gate. But just keep trying!
* As soon as you enter the level, make a Steam Screenshot with F12 and
solve the puzzle from your screenshot library. A huge warning I should
give is that the only information you will miss with the screenshot
is when the eggs hatch, so be sure to take note of the amount of
in-game turns. And be sure to enjoy the final boss music in the pause
menu while you solve it from the screenshot in the steam overlay,
as I certainly do!
* This one is especially cheaty, but once you enter the level, you could
make a back-up of your save file by copying
C:\Users\[Name]\AppData\Roaming\fidel\Local Store\save.txt.
Then, should you die, you can delete your save and replace it with
the back-up, and you can try again.
Written by Mikede Kokkie.
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