Frugooscape Cheats, Codes, Hints and Walkthroughs for PC Games. | | |
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Hints and Tips for:
Frugooscape | |
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Cheat Codes:
Submitted by. RM
To get 999m type - ::pickup 0995 999999999
To get Fire Rune's Type - ::pickup 0554 1
To get Water Rune's type - ::pickup 0555 1
To get Air Rune's type - ::pickup 0556 1
To get Earth Rune's type - ::pickup 0557 1
To get Mind Rune's type - ::pickup 0558 1
To get Body Rune's type - ::pickup 0559 1
To get Death Rune's type - ::pickup 0560 1
To get Nature Rune's type - ::pickup 0561 1
To get Chaos Rune's type - ::pickup 0562 1
To get Law Rune's type - ::pickup 0563 1
To get Cosmic Rune's type - ::pickup 0564 1
To get Blood Rune's type - ::pickup 0565 1
To get Soul Rune's type - ::pickup 0566 1
To get Gold Hammer type - ::pickup 2949 1
To get Gold Tinderbox type - ::pickup 2946 1
Hidden Bank:
For those who play in realm 1 i have a glitch for you.
It can also be used by realm 2 players.
Go through the wall in karajma dungeon then go past the lesser demons till
you end up at the giant skeletons by the climbing rope. Click on the climbing
rope and Voila... A Bank!
Easy Money:
You can make at least 999999999999999999999K by clicking on the mage tutor
and then click Claim then Drop them somewhere anad wait 5 minutes tthen you
get the free money.
Code for dragon boddy - ::pickup 3140 1
Code for dragon legs - ::pickup 4087 1
Code for dragon fullhelm - ::pickup 7962 1
Code for abbysal whip - ::pickup 4151 1
Amish robe top-4712
Amish robe hood-4857
Amish robe bottom-4714
Anichent Staff-4675
::pickup 6739 1
::pickup 1050 1
::pickup 2665 1
::pickup 2661 1
::pickup 2663 1
::pickup 2667 1
::pickup 7962 1
::pickup 3686 1
::pickup 3481 1
::pickup 3483 1
::pickup 3488 1
::pickup 2627 1
::pickup 2653 1
::pickup 2655 1
::pickup 2659 1
::pickup 2673 1
::pickup 5001 1
::pickup 2669 1
::pickup 2671 1
::pickup 2675 1
::pickup 2619 1
::pickup 2615 1
::pickup 2617 1
::pickup 2621 1
::pickup 385 1
::Pickup 395 1
::pickup 558 1
::pickup 560 1
::pickup 562 1
::pickup 567 1
::pickup 555 1
::pickup 554 1
::pickup 563 1
::pickup 559 1
::pickup 561 1
::pickup 566 1
::pickup 564 1
Submitted by: jack
Im surprised nobody entered this one! type ::bank anywhere and anytime you want
and voila! your bank account pops up in the screen!
Dragon Items:
-Type in ::pickup in chat bar
-Then type in Item's code
-Type in how many you want
Code Item
1187 Dragon Sq sheild
4088 Dragon legs
7960 Dragon plate cover
3141 Dragon chain
7964 Dragon boots
7962 Dragon full helm
7461 Dragon gloves
7158 Dragon 2h
3204 Dragon halberd
8055 Dragon party hat
1150 Dragon med helm
1306 Dragon Long sword
4587 Dragon Scimitar
7966 Dragon deffender
1377 Dragon B-axe
1231 Dragon dagger(p)
1263 Dragon spear(p)
1434 Dragon mace
1540 Anti-dragon sheild
1645 Dragonstone ring
1664 Dragon necklace
1911 Dragon bitter
2487 Dragon vambraces
2493 Dragonhide chaps
2499 Dragon hide body
3176 Dragon spear(kp)
8004 Dragon fire sheild
7478 Dragon token
7958 Black dragon mask
Anger Weapons
7806 Anger sword
7808 Anger mace
7809 Anger spear
7806 Anger B-axe
Advanced Weapons
6818 Bow sword
5016 Bone spear
7970 Zammy G-sword
7969 Sardomony G-sword
8058 Black crystal bow
8003 Bandos G-sword
7982 Armadyl G-sword
7963 Drak bow
7669 Baxoing gloves
This was on for lv 88 good stuff:
Submitted by: carl
And i did wear this...i remember:8003 4834 8007 i for get but with all the stuff like
toso and dragon bottom insted of bersterker helm you should do guthen helm. why? it
will give 300+ def in attack and i thonk 150+ to 160+ attack it is good if you train
attack you would hit 37s with 80 attack.
Submitted by: Kelsey
If you type ::ranarmor in the chat box on frugooscape and click enter you will get a
whole outfit of suff. keep doing this and keep the stuff you like for a whole bank
full of cool stuff!
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Spotlight - New Version CheatBook-DataBase 2024 |
Cheatbook-Database 2024 is a freeware cheat code tracker that makes hints, Tricks, Tips and cheats (for PC, Walkthroughs,
XBox, Playstation 1 and 2, Playstation 3, Playstation 4, Sega, Nintendo 64, Wii U,
DVD, Game Boy Advance, iPhone, Game Boy Color, N-Gage, Nintendo DS, PSP, Gamecube, Dreamcast, Xbox 360, Super Nintendo) easily accessible from one central location. If you´re an avid
gamer and want a few extra weapons or lives to survive until the next level, this freeware cheat database can come to the rescue. Covering more than 27.700 Games, this database represents
all genres and focuses on recent releases. All Cheats inside from the first CHEATBOOK January 1998 until today. - Release date january 7, 2024.
CheatBook-DataBase 2024 |
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