
Girls Frontline 2: Exilium Cheats, Codes, Hints and Walkthroughs for PC Games.

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 Girls Frontline 2: Exilium Cheats

Girls Frontline 2: Exilium

Cheat Codes:
Submitted by: David K.

What Is Stamina and What Should I Do With It?:
Written by dillionmcrich

Most gacha games have a "stamina" mechanic. This is some resource that 
generates in real time. In GFL2, Stamina is called "Intelligence Puzzles", 
shown below. But we'll call it Stamina.

There's a limit to how much of it you can store at once, with the overflow 
being wasted. The Dispatch room can store some of the overflow, but a 
percentage will be lost.

So, minimize how often your stamina is full to avoid wasting it.

You gain 1 per 5 minutes, and the cap is 180. That means stamina will go from 
0 to maxed out in 15 hours, and you get 288 per day.

Pretty much everything you can spend it on will be useful eventually, and it 
will all give you some Commander Experience, so just choose something, 
preferably something you're short on.

You can spend stamina down in seconds if you need to thanks to the "auto"

When you beat all three objectives in a Supply Mission, you unlock the "auto" 
button for that stage. The auto button allows you to complete the mission as 
many times as you want nearly instantly. If you're busy, you can log in for
1 minute, spend your stamina, and go.

-=What Do I Spend Stamina On?=-
You'll probably know when you're short on something. Spend Stamina on whatever 
you're short on. Here are some options:

* In-Depth Search	
  Gives you Combat Reports, which will level up your dolls.
* Equipment Analysis
  Gives you Analysis Blueprints, which will level up your weapons.
* Cognitive Configuration
  Gives you Boost Stock Bars, which allow dolls to surpass certain level caps.
* Targeted Study
  Gives you random weapon attachment drops.
* Standardizing Sync
  Gives you Sardis Gold (the basic currency used in many things).
* Neural Survey
  Gives you Transcription Conductors, which you can spend to unlock nodes on dolls' 
  "Neural Helix" menu, powering those dolls up.

A great default thing to spend Stamina on is Targeted Research, unlocked at 
level 23, because you'll always want more gold attachment drops.

Most of the mainline story missions require stamina too, and making story 
progress gives you tons of Commander Exp, so story progress is a good option 
to spend stamina on if you have the time for cutscenes.

Quick Tips:
* Increasing your Commander Level is central. All the important stuff is locked 
  behind Commander Levels. Focus on making progress in the story to level up fast.
* Don't spend Collapse Pieces on Standard Banner Tickets. You'll 
  get plenty of standard banner tickets to get every character and weapon in the 
  banner over time.
* Save Collapse Pieces and Limited Banner Tickets for Limited Banners. When a limited 
  banner you want drops, you'll want as many Collapse Pieces and Limited Banner Tickets
  as possible.
* Don't spend cores.
* Don't spend precision boost chips.
* Do Dailies. (They're called "Commissions", and can be found in the button shown below.) 
  They give Commander Exp and also Collapse Pieces. When possible, complete dailies 
  using missions that don't require stamina. You don't need to do every commission, 
  just do enough to collect the rewards from the "Daily Activity Rewards" box.
* Get to Level 10 Quickly (Unlocks Supply Missions). Supply missions turn stamina 
  into Commander Exp and various upgrade resources.
* Get to Level 16 Quickly (Unlocks Dispatch Room). The Dispatch Room generates free 
  resources over time.
* Minimize how often your stamina is full. Your stamina mechanic is called 
  "Intelligence Puzzles"
* You don't need rare dolls or weapons to progress. It is widely agreed upon that 
  the starting party of free units is sufficient for all story content.
* You'll probably get Sharkry before too long, and she's really good. 
  She's a purple-rarity unit with the performance of a gold-rarity unit.
* Don't be afraid to upgrade Low Rarity Weapons while waiting for Gold Weapons. You 
  can disassemble weapons and get a FULL REFUND of all weapon exp spent on them.
* Save your Stamina Refills. (Called "Access Keys", shown below) It's not a big deal, 
  but the optimal use for them is for farming gold attachments from the highest tier 
  attachment farm, which unlocks at Commander Level 58.
* Level up your Dispatch Room. This gives you permanent stat boosts for all dolls, and 
  more resource income.
* Don't convert things to Wishing Coins. (Shown below). This is considered a waste.
* If you want to spend any money, go for the Battle Pass first. It'll give you some 
  extra pulls, loads of resources, and free copies of top-tier weapons.
* You DON'T need to spend a dime, I promise. This game is EXTREMELY free-to-play friendly.

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