
Hearts of Iron Cheats, Codes, Hints and Walkthroughs for PC Games.

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  Hints and Tips for: Hearts of Iron 
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 Hearts of Iron Cheats

Hearts of Iron

Cheat Codes:
Update by: Harm
Update by: adi
Submitted by: conner54

To enable the cheats you need to be in gameplay(singleplayer) and press 
down F12 to bring down the console.

In the console write the following: (the only once I found so far)

Code           Result
coal         - Gives you coal
steel        - Gives you steel
rubber       - Gives you rubber
oil          - Gives you oil
manpower     - Gives you more men to slaughter 
supplies     - get 10000 supplies
nuke         - get 1 nuke
escorts      - more escorts 
war          - everyone wants war 
nowar        - AI doesn't want war 
di           - Diplomatic influence set to 500 
nolimit      - troop building limits gone 
norevolts    - AI revolt toggle 
nofog        - Fog of war toggle 
handsoff     - Auto event pause toggle 
difrules     - Invincibility toggle 
fullcontrol  - control all nations toggle 
showid       - province ID toggle 
event 1013   - More industrial capacity 
transports   - More transports
event 1014   - lowers or raises dissent level upon decision
ships 202    - more ships
event 1012   - You'll get a free upgrade

Submitted by: Harm

When playing, you cannot always declare war on another country, because you are a 
Now there is a little trick: Save the game when your troops are ready to conquer a 
country. (Place them around the border) Then load and change your country to the 
country you want to attack. Start the game and then declare war on the country you 
were playing first. Save, then change the country in your old one and attack. 
You can do this at any time and also remove some troops by disbanding them.

Submitted by: Harm

***GhosT UniT***
Sometimes you send some troops into a territory where there aren't enough Supplies. 
When they ''die'' you see a tank with the number 0. Pause the game and change the 
commander of the tank with the number 0. Then send him to any territory you have to 
conquer, without the tank getting interrupted by enemy units. He will travel then 
with twice speed of an airplane and capture all territories very quikly. But when he 
stops moving he will disappear. Very handy when you have to conquer very much little 
Islands who are Keypoints :D

Event numbers:
Use one of the following entries with the event code. 
32: Arsenel of Democracy
67: USA surrenders
1000: Research sabotaged
1001: Random leader loyalty down 4
1002: Supply stockpile +200
1003: Manpower +100
1004: Manpower +100
1005: Supply -100 Dissent -5
1006: Industrial Capacity +6
1007: Manpower +30
1008: Dissent +3 Supply -350
1009: Dissent -3
1010: Industrial Capacity -1
1011: Steal technology
1012: Technology discovered
1013: Industrial Capacity +6
1014: Choose Dissent +1 or -1
1015: Choose Dissent +1 or -1 but a politician dies
1016: Choose: ->Fascism -5 and ->Communism 15 or ->Fascism 15 and ->Communism -5
1017: Choose: ->Fascism -5 and ->Communism 15 or ->Fascism 15 and ->Communism -5
1020: Land fort -1
1030: Cost fort -1
1040: Steal technology
1050: Commander assassinated
1060: Commander defect
1080: Commander executed
1090: Dissent +5
1100: Minister dies
1110: War entry +5
1120: War entry -5
1140: Four ministers die, Dissent -10
1150: Regime overthrown, Dissent -100
2000: War entry for France +10 and for UK +5
2100: Choose join Germany or Germany annexes Austria or Dissent -40
2200: Choose join Axis or Dissent -25 or trigger event 
2300: Join the Axis, Dissent -30
2400: Germany Claims Memmel event
2500: Dissent -5 -> Facism 20
2600: Choose claim some provinces or the Russian/German pact
2700: War against Soviets and Soviets claims terretory 
2800: Vichy France event (you lose a lot of leaders if not playing as France)
3100: Spanish Civil War
3200: Finnish Winter War event. Choose give in to Russian demands or declare war on Soviets
3300: Sweden intervention in the Finnish Winter War
3400: Spanish Civil War intervention
3500: Italy Claiming Albania event
3600: Invite Poland to enter alliance with the allies
3700: Lend Lease Act
3800: US oil embargo oil -10000
3900: Give Iceland and Greenland to the US
4000: Japan get bases in Vichy
4100: Dissent -30
4500: Put Pressure On Siam event
5000: Oil from Romania (Oil +1500)

Side Changing:
Playing as for example Germany (Nazi side) you can change the side by:
1. Save the game. 
2. Open the default scenario, like "Blitzkrieg" by for example France. 
3. Then, playing "Blitzkrieg" load your saved game. You can delete the whole army if 
   you want to. 
4. Save the game. 
5. Load a default scenario, like "Blitzkrieg" by Germany. 
6. Load your saved game and France has no army and you are Germany!

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