
Heat Cheats, Codes, Hints and Walkthroughs for PC Games.

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  Hints and Tips for: Heat 
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 Heat Cheats


Cheat Codes:
Submitted by: David K.

The following is a list of admin commands in game. 

/ban [userName] (days|reason)	
Bans the desired player from the server. You can set the number of days and/or reason

/banlist (userName)	
Lists the users that have been banned. Optionally via username

Switches the in-game gui to its alternative

/build [sphere|cube] (radius) (material)	
Creates a shape out of blocks

/butcher (radius) (“silent”)	
Kills all monsters and critter in a radius

/clearinv (userName)	
Clears your inventory or (username)

Modify the server configuration

/fly (userName)	
Toggles fly mode for yourself or (username)

/give [item] [amount] (userName)	
Gives a specified [amount] of an [item] optionally to (username)

Gives max of every item available

/godmode (username)	
Enables godmode for yourself or (username)

/heal (username)	
Heals yourself or (username)

/hydrate (username)	
Hydrates yourself or (username)

Toggles instant building for the local player

Lists out the names of all of the items. For use with /give

/kick [username]	
Kicks the specified player from the server

/killall (radius) (“silent”)	
Kills all entities in a radius from you. Chests are not destroyed

Displays a list of online players

Toggles security on or off

/notice [message]	
Shows a message from the server

/nourish (username)	
Nourishes yourself or (username)


/popup [message]	
Shows a popup message to all players

/question [message]	
Shows a popup to all players with a yes or no question

/say [username] [message]	
Forces [username] to say a [message]

Saves and stops the server

/stophunger [username]	
Stops hunger on yourself or [username]

/stopthirst [username]	
Stops thirst on yourself or [username]

Controls the worlds time. Use a /help time for full list

/tp [x] [z]	
Teleports user to desired location. Defaults to 0,0

/unban [username|index]	
Unbans the desired player on the server

Toggles flying camera mode

Changes the weather for the world Use a /help weather for full list

Allow specific players to log in while the whitelist is enabled.

All Item IDs:
The list of items and game elements with their respective ID number.

Use CTRL + F and type the specific name of the item (full or partial name) 
you want to find.

-=Console commands=-
Use /give [ItemID] [amount] [PlayerCharacterName] 
(example: /give 124 2 John) to spawn an item for yourself or for another player.

/giveSearch [search] – Gives a full stack of all items containing the given search string.

/giveall – Gives max of every item available.

/giveMaterial [material] – Gives a full stack of all items belonging to the given material.

Note: Not all the items or elements below can be spawned in and placed in your inventory, 
as they’re not available or are not lootable blueprints (example body parts, map structures 
such White House structure pieces, paths)

0 - [Holdable] Claim Flag
1 - [Placeable] Claim Flag
2 - [Placeable] Dynamite
3 - [Placeable] Large Rally Flag
4 - [Placeable] Small Rally Flag
5 - 10 Gallon Hat
6 - 2×4
7 - Afro
8 - Agate
9 - Amethyst
10 - Animal Inventory
11 - Animal Large Gear
12 - Animal Medium Gear
13 - Animal Small Gear
14 - Antique Tobacco Pipe
15 - Apple Pie
16 - Apple Pie Recipe
17 - Apple Tart
18 - Apple Tart Recipe
19 - Aquamarine
20 - Armory
21 - Armory (Enhanced)
22 - Armory (Superior)
23 - Arrows
24 - Artillery Ammo
25 - Asphalt Path
26 - Aster
27 - Baby Basket
28 - Baby Body
29 - Baby Bottle
30 - Baby Bottle Formula
31 - Baby Boy Hat
32 - Baby Boy Outfit
33 - Baby Girl Bonnet
34 - Baby Girl Outfit
35 - Baby’s-breath
36 - Baked Beans
37 - Baked Canned Beans
38 - Baked Potato
39 - Bald
40 - Ball & Chain
41 - Ball & Chain (Wearable)
42 - Ball Pick
43 - Ballot
44 - Banana
45 - Bandage
46 - Bandit
47 - Bandit Bonfire
48 - Bandit Chest
49 - Bandit Tent (Large)
50 - Bannister
51 - Bannock
52 - Bannock Recipe
53 - Barrel
54 - Basic Gift
55 - Bathing Tub
56 - Bathing Tub (Enhanced)
57 - Bathing Tub (Superior)
58 - Bean Seed
59 - Beans
60 - Bear Pit Lever
61 - Beard 1
62 - Beard 2
63 - Beard 3
64 - Beard 4
65 - Beard 5
66 - Beard 6
67 - BeardNone
68 - Beaver
69 - Beaver Skin
70 - Beaverskin Hat
71 - Bedwetter's Guide to A Drier Night
72 - Bee Plant
73 - Beer
74 - Beer Hops
75 - Bird House
76 - Bison
77 - Bison Skin
78 - Black Bear Skin
79 - Black Hat
80 - Black Horse Skin
81 - Black Pearl
82 - Black Powder
83 - Black Rabbit Skin
84 - Black Suit
85 - Black Wolf Skin
86 - Blonde Horse Skin
87 - Bloodstone
88 - Blowgun
89 - Blue Bell
90 - Bolt-Action Rifle
91 - Bone
92 - Bone Hatchet
93 - Bone Hoe
94 - Bone Javelin
95 - Bone Longbow
96 - Bone Maul
97 - Bone Pickaxe
98 - Bone Pile
99 - Bone Pile (Alt)
100 - Bone Throwing Axe
101 - Bone Tomahawk
102 - Bone Woodcutters Axe
103 - Bonfire
104 - Braided
105 - Break-Action Double-Barrel Shotgun
106 - Break-Action Revolver
107 - Brick
108 - Brick Building Set
109 - Brick Doorway
110 - Brick Fireplace
111 - Brick Flat Roof
112 - Brick Floor
113 - Brick Foundation
114 - Brick Foundation Stairs
115 - Brick Inverted Triangle Roof
116 - Brick Inverted Triangle Wall Left
117 - Brick Inverted Triangle Wall Right
118 - Brick Large Doorway
119 - Brick Large Window Frame
120 - Brick Ledge
121 - Brick Path
122 - Brick Pillar
123 - Brick Railing
124 - Brick Rampart
125 - Brick Rampart Corner
126 - Brick Rampart Gate
127 - Brick Rampart Gatehouse
128 - Brick Rampart Intersection
129 - Brick Roof
130 - Brick Roof Cap
131 - Brick Square Corner Roof
132 - Brick Straight Ramp
133 - Brick Straight Stairs
134 - Brick Trapdoor Floor
135 - Brick Triangle Floor
136 - Brick Triangle Foundation
137 - Brick Triangle Roof
138 - Brick Triangle Wall Left
139 - Brick Triangle Wall Right
140 - Brick U Ramp
141 - Brick U Stair
142 - Brick Valley Roof
143 - Brick Wall
144 - Brick Window Frame
145 - Bronze
146 - Bronze Double Bed
147 - Brown Cow Skin
148 - Brown Horse Skin
149 - Brown Leather Armchair
150 - Brown Rabbit Skin
151 - Brush Pile
152 - Brush Pile (Alt)
153 - Buck Skin
154 - Builder’s Chew
155 - Building Planner
156 - Bull Skin
157 - Bun
158 - Bun
159 - Bun Recipe
160 - Bunk Bed
161 - Burnt Board
162 - Business Dress
163 - Business Hat
164 - Business Outfit
165 - Business Ribboned Hat
166 - C-93 Semi-Automatic Pistol
167 - Cacao Beans
168 - Calendula
169 - Campfire
170 - Candle
171 - Candle Chandelier
172 - Candle Holder
173 - Candle Lantern Sconce
174 - Candle Sconce
175 - Candle Stand
176 - Cane Back Chair
177 - Canned Beans
178 - Card Table
179 - Carrot
180 - Carrot Seed
181 - Cauldron
182 - Celestite Geode
183 - Cement Formula
184 - Cement Mix
185 - Chaps
186 - Chaps Hat
187 - Charcoal
188 - Cheap Bench
189 - Cheap End Table
190 - Checked Chemise
191 - Checkered Turf Grass
192 - Chemise
193 - Cherry
194 - Chick
195 - Chicken
196 - Chicken Pot Pie
197 - Chicken Pot Pie Recipe
198 - Chief’s Seat
199 - Chieftain Headdress
200 - Chieftain Outfit
201 - Child Abandonment Sign
202 - Child Boy Hat
203 - Child Boy Outfit
204 - Child Girl Dress
205 - Children’s Maracas
206 - Chokeberry
207 - Chopping Block
208 - Cigar
209 - Cigarette
210 - Circular Sunglasses
211 - Classic Padded Armchair
212 - Classic Timber Door
213 - Classy Cowboy Hat
214 - Classy Cowboy Outfit
215 - Clay
216 - Clay Aggregate Path
217 - Clay Building Set
218 - Clay Doorway
219 - Clay Flat Roof
220 - Clay Floor
221 - Clay Foundation
222 - Clay Foundation Stairs
223 - Clay Inverted Triangle Roof
224 - Clay Inverted Triangle Wall Left
225 - Clay Inverted Triangle Wall Right
226 - Clay Jug
227 - Clay Jug Formula
228 - Clay Large Doorway
229 - Clay Large Window Frame
230 - Clay Ledge
231 - Clay Node
232 - Clay Pillar
233 - Clay Railing
234 - Clay Rampart
235 - Clay Rampart Corner
236 - Clay Rampart Gate
237 - Clay Rampart Gatehouse
238 - Clay Rampart Intersection
239 - Clay Roof
240 - Clay Roof Cap
241 - Clay Square Corner Roof
242 - Clay Straight Ramp
243 - Clay Straight Stairs
244 - Clay Trapdoor Floor
245 - Clay Triangle Floor
246 - Clay Triangle Foundation
247 - Clay Triangle Roof
248 - Clay Triangle Wall Left
249 - Clay Triangle Wall Right
250 - Clay U Ramp
251 - Clay U Stair
252 - Clay Valley Roof
253 - Clay Wall
254 - Clay Watering Jug
255 - Clay Watering Jug Formula
256 - Clay Window Frame
257 - Clean
258 - Climbing Ledge
259 - Cloth Armchair
260 - Coat Rack
261 - Cobblestone Path
262 - Coconut
263 - Cold Storage
264 - Common Flower
265 - Compost Pile
266 - Compost Pile (Enhanced)
267 - Compost Pile (Superior)
268 - Concrete Building Set
269 - Concrete Doorway
270 - Concrete Flat Roof
271 - Concrete Floor
272 - Concrete Foundation
273 - Concrete Foundation Stairs
274 - Concrete Inverted Triangle Roof
275 - Concrete Inverted Triangle Wall Left
276 - Concrete Inverted Triangle Wall Right
277 - Concrete Large Doorway
278 - Concrete Large Window Frame
279 - Concrete Ledge
280 - Concrete Path
281 - Concrete Pillar
282 - Concrete Railing
283 - Concrete Rampart
284 - Concrete Rampart Corner
285 - Concrete Rampart Gate
286 - Concrete Rampart Gatehouse
287 - Concrete Rampart Intersection
288 - Concrete Roof
289 - Concrete Roof Cap
290 - Concrete Slab
291 - Concrete Square Corner Roof
292 - Concrete Straight Ramp
293 - Concrete Straight Stairs
294 - Concrete Trapdoor Floor
295 - Concrete Triangle Floor
296 - Concrete Triangle Foundation
297 - Concrete Triangle Roof
298 - Concrete Triangle Wall Left
299 - Concrete Triangle Wall Right
300 - Concrete U Ramp
301 - Concrete U Stair
302 - Concrete Valley Roof
303 - Concrete Wall
304 - Concrete Window Frame
305 - Cooked Corn
306 - Cooked Giblets
307 - Cooked Human Giblets
308 - Cooked Meat
309 - Cooked Poultry
310 - Copper Club
311 - Copper Hatchet

-=Items/Elements List (Part 2)=-
312 - Copper Hoe
313 - Copper Ingot
314 - Copper Javelin
315 - Copper Maul
316 - Copper Node
317 - Copper Ore
318 - Copper Pickaxe
319 - Copper Sprinkler
320 - Copper Throwing Axe
321 - Copper Tomahawk
322 - Copper Watering Can
323 - Copper Woodcutters Axe
324 - Coral
325 - Corn
326 - Corn Bread
327 - Corn Bread Recipe
328 - Corn Seed
329 - Corner Shelf
330 - Cotal Bustle
331 - Cotal Veil
332 - Cotton
333 - Cotton Seed
334 - Cougar
335 - Cougar Skin
336 - Counter
337 - Cow
338 - Craftsman Bench
339 - Craftsman Bench (Enhanced)
340 - Craftsman Bench (Superior)
341 - Cranberry
342 - Crimson Clover
343 - Crispbread
344 - Crispbread Recipe
345 - Crocodile
346 - Crocodile Skin
347 - Crystal
348 - Cupboard
349 - Curtain
350 - Daisy
351 - Dark Bandit Hat
352 - Dark Bandit Outfit
353 - Dark Outlaw Hat
354 - Dark Outlaw Hat & Mask
355 - Dark Outlaw Mask
356 - Dark Outlaw Outfit
357 - Darts
358 - Deer
359 - Defecation
360 - Deputy
361 - Deputy Hat
362 - Deputy Outfit
363 - Diamond
364 - Diaper
365 - Dime
366 - Dirt
367 - Dirt Node
368 - Dirt Path
369 - Distillery
370 - Distillery (Enhanced)
371 - Distillery (Superior)
372 - Doe Skin
373 - Dollar
374 - Dolomite
375 - Donkey
376 - Donkey Skin
377 - Double Bookshelf
378 - Double Classic Timber Door
379 - Double Embossed Timber Door
380 - Double Engraved Timber Door
381 - Double Iron Door
382 - Double Studded Reinforced Door
383 - Dreadlocks
384 - Dresser
385 - Duck
386 - Dunce Cap
387 - Durable Polish
388 - Dusty Cowboy Hat
389 - Dusty Cowboy Outfit
390 - Dynamite
391 - Egg
392 - Electric Chair
393 - Elixir Bottle
394 - Elixir Bottle Formula
395 - Elixir of Appearance
396 - Elixir of Clarity
397 - Elixir of Enlightenment
398 - Elixir of Fertility
399 - Elixir of Healing
400 - Elixir of Moth
401 - Elixir of Recondition
402 - Elixir of Regeneration
403 - Elixir of Strength
404 - Elixir of Wild Eye
405 - Embossed Timber Door
406 - Emerald
407 - Emerald Geode
408 - Engraved Timber Door
409 - Enhanced Steel Safe
410 - Exotic Tobacco Pipe
411 - Exquisite Gift
412 - Exterior Main White House Door
413 - Exterior White House Door
414 - Exterior White House Door Roof
415 - Extra-Large Water Skin
416 - Fancy Cigarette
417 - Fancy Cowboy Hat
418 - Fancy Gift
419 - Fancy Hat
420 - Fancy Padded Armchair
421 - Fancy Suit
422 - Fancy Tobacco Pipe
423 - Fancy Wooden Cabinet
424 - Farm Bench
425 - Fat
426 - Feather
427 - Female Child Body
428 - Female Head (African)
429 - Female Head (Native American)
430 - Female Loincloth
431 - Fence Post
432 - Fertilizer
433 - Fiber
434 - Filing Cabinet
435 - Fine Ammo Belt
436 - Fine Pack Frame
437 - Fine Quiver
438 - Fine Rucksack
439 - Fine Satchel
440 - Fine Siege Sling
441 - Fine Throwables Belt
442 - Fine Wallet
443 - Fire Opal
444 - Firepit
445 - Firewatch Bonfire
446 - Flask
447 - Flintlock Musket
448 - Flintlock Pistol
449 - Flintlock Shotgun
450 - Flour
451 - Flour Mill
452 - Flour Mill (Enhanced)
453 - Flour Mill (Superior)
454 - Forget Me Not
455 - Fountain
456 - Fox
457 - Fox Skin
458 - French Chair
459 - French Classic Chair
460 - French Couch
461 - French Footstool
462 - French Grandfather Clock
463 - French Table
464 - Fried Chicken
465 - Fried Chicken Recipe
466 - Furnace
467 - Gallows
468 - Gemstone Node
469 - Giant Horizontal Mounted Flag
470 - Giant Standing Flag
471 - Giant Vertical Mounted Flag
472 - Giblets
473 - Glass
474 - Glass Formula
475 - Glass Jar
476 - Glass Jar Formula
477 - Glass Large Window
478 - Glass Window
479 - Globe
480 - Gnarled Hobo Stick
481 - Goat
482 - Goat Skin
483 - GODGUN
484 - Gold
485 - Gold Ingot
486 - Gold Node
487 - Golden Bullet
488 - Golden Galaxy Geode
489 - Governor Gloves
490 - Governor Hat
491 - Governor Outfit
492 - Governor’s Box of Antiquities
493 - Governor’s Provision Box
494 - Governor’s Rocking Chair
495 - Grain
496 - Grain Seed
497 - Grand Desk
498 - Grandfather Clock
499 - Granite
500 - Grass
501 - Grass Hat
502 - Gravel Path
503 - Great Ammo Belt
504 - Great Pack Frame
505 - Great Quiver
506 - Great Rucksack
507 - Great Satchel
508 - Great Siege Sling
509 - Great Throwables Belt
510 - Great Wallet
511 - Green Apple
512 - Green Cabbage
513 - Green Cabbage Seed
514 - Grey Wolf Skin
515 - Grizzly Bear
516 - Grizzly Bear Skin
517 - Growmentum
518 - Gunk
519 - Hallway Table
520 - Handcuffs
521 - Handcuffs (Wearable)
522 - Hanger
523 - Hanging Kerosene Lamp
524 - Hay
525 - Heater
526 - Heater (Enhanced)
527 - Heater (Superior)
528 - Heavy Ammo
529 - Heavy Bandage
530 - Heavy Duty Pack Frame
531 - Heavy Duty Rucksack
532 - Hide
533 - Hide Hat
534 - Hide Outfit
535 - Hide Padding
536 - High Dresser
537 - High Sturdy Round Table
538 - Honey
539 - Hook Pick
540 - Horizontal Turf Grass
541 - Horse
542 - Howitzer
543 - Human
544 - Human Female Adult
545 - Human Female Child
546 - Human Female Newborn
547 - Human Female Toddler
548 - Human Giblets
549 - Human Male Adult
550 - Human Male Child
551 - Human Male Newborn
552 - Human Male Toddler
553 - Hunter’s Chew
554 - Interior White House Door
555 - Interior White House Door Secured
556 - Intern
557 - Iron & Lead Node
558 - Iron & Saltpeter Node
559 - Iron & Sulfur Node
560 - Iron Bar Window
561 - Iron Barred Door
562 - Iron Bars
563 - Iron Cage
564 - Iron Chain Whip
565 - Iron Chest
566 - Iron Construction Hammer
567 - Iron Door
568 - Iron Field Cannon
569 - Iron Hatchet
570 - Iron Hoe
571 - Iron Infused Padding
572 - Iron Ingot
573 - Iron Knife
574 - Iron Node
575 - Iron Ore
576 - Iron Pickaxe
577 - Iron Pipe
578 - Iron Rake
579 - Iron Sabre
580 - Iron Screen Door
581 - Iron Scythe
582 - Iron Shovel
583 - Iron Shutters
584 - Iron Sledgehammer
585 - Iron Sprinkler
586 - Iron Stove
587 - Iron Throwing Knife
588 - Iron Trapdoor
589 - Iron Watering Can
590 - Iron Woodcutters Axe
591 - Ironworks
592 - Ironworks (Enhanced)
593 - Ironworks (Superior)
594 - Jade
595 - Jail Door
596 - Jaw Bone Club
597 - Johnny’s Next Day Tonic
598 - Junk Pile
599 - Junk Pile (Alt)
600 - Kerosene
601 - Kerosene Can
602 - Kerosene Formula
603 - Kerosene Lamp
604 - Kerosene Sconce
605 - Kerosene Tank
606 - Kiln
607 - Knobby Hobo Stick
608 - Knotted Hobo Stick
609 - Laboratory
610 - Laboratory (Enhanced)
611 - Laboratory (Superior)
612 - Land Claim Flag
613 - Lantern
614 - Large Baby Crib
615 - Large Hanging Flag
616 - Large Leather Sofa
617 - Large Plank
618 - Large Rally Flag
619 - Large Saddle
620 - Large Saddle Bag
621 - Large Water Skin
622 - Large Wood Chest
623 - Larkspur
624 - Lavender
625 - Law & Order Chest
626 - Lead
627 - Lead Node
628 - Leather
629 - Leather Armchair
630 - Leather Belt Whip
631 - Leather Footstool
632 - Leather Sombrero
633 - Leather Stool
634 - Leather Whip
635 - Left Part Long
636 - Left Part Short
637 - Lemon
638 - Lemon Macaron
639 - Lemon Macaron Recipe
640 - Lever-Action Rifle
641 - Lever-Action Shotgun
642 - Light Bandage
643 - Linen Drawers
644 - Lockbox
645 - Log
646 - Log Building Set
647 - Log Door
648 - Log Doorway
649 - Log Double Doors
650 - Log Fence
651 - Log Fence Gate
652 - Log Flat Roof
653 - Log Floor
654 - Log Foundation
655 - Log Foundation Stairs
656 - Log Inverted Triangle Roof
657 - Log Inverted Triangle Wall Left
658 - Log Inverted Triangle Wall Right
659 - Log Large Doorway
660 - Log Large Window Frame
661 - Log Ledge
662 - Log Pillar
663 - Log Railing
664 - Log Rampart
665 - Log Rampart Corner
666 - Log Rampart Gate
667 - Log Rampart Gatehouse
668 - Log Rampart Intersection
669 - Log Roof
670 - Log Roof Cap
671 - Log Shutters
672 - Log Small Fence Gate
673 - Log Square Corner Roof
674 - Log Stool
675 - Log Straight Ramp
676 - Log Straight Stairs
677 - Log Trapdoor
678 - Log Trapdoor Floor

-=Items/Elements List (Part 3)=-
679 - Log Triangle Floor
680 - Log Triangle Foundation
681 - Log Triangle Roof
682 - Log Triangle Wall Left
683 - Log Triangle Wall Right
684 - Log U Ramp
685 - Log U Stair
686 - Log Valley Roof
687 - Log Wall
688 - Log Window Frame
689 - Loincloth
690 - Long Straight Hair
691 - Long Wavy
692 - Long Wooden Bench
693 - Loom
694 - Loom (Enhanced)
695 - Loom (Superior)
696 - Loot Chest
697 - Loot Pile
698 - Loot Sack
699 - Lost and Found
700 - Low Dresser
701 - Male Child Body
702 - Male Child Head
703 - Male Head (Caucasian) 2
704 - Male Head (Caucasian) 3
705 - Male Head (Caucasian) 4
706 - Male Head (Native American) 1
707 - Male Head (Native American) 2
708 - Male Loincloth
709 - Marble
710 - Mariachi Hat
711 - Mariachi Outfit
712 - Marigold
713 - Matador Hat
714 - Meat Pie
715 - Meat Pie Recipe
716 - Medium Saddle
717 - Medium Saddle Bag
718 - Medium Water Skin
719 - Messy
720 - Metal Bucket
721 - Metal Stool
722 - Metal Table
723 - Metal Trash Can
724 - Metal Wastebasket
725 - Milk
726 - Milk Cow Skin
727 - Mirror
728 - Mixed Seed
729 - Mod Card (Common)
730 - Mod Card (Epic)
731 - Mod Card (Legendary)
732 - Mod Card (Rare)
733 - Mod Card (Uncommon)
734 - Mohawk Hair
735 - Moonshine
736 - Moonshine Mash
737 - Moonstone
738 - Morganite
739 - Morning Glory
740 - Mounted Dear Head
741 - Mounted Goat Head
742 - Mounted Moose Head
743 - Mudstone
744 - Mushroom
745 - My First Barbell
746 - Natural
747 - Newborn Blanket
748 - Newborn Cap
749 - Nightstand
750 - Noid Den
751 - NPC Tool
752 - NPC Weapon
753 - Nugget Node
754 - Obsidian
755 - Ocean Crystal
756 - Oil Node
757 - Oil Shale
758 - Onate Rug
759 - Opal
760 - Open Arm Padded Leather Chair
761 - Orange
762 - Ornate Armoire
763 - Ornate Cabinet
764 - Ornate Leather Chair
765 - Ornate Padded Armchair
766 - Ornate Round Table
767 - Ornate Table
768 - Ornate Wood Chair
769 - Outhouse
770 - Outhouse (Enhanced)
771 - Padded Armchair
772 - Padded Wood Chair
773 - Papa Gut Lessons On How to Eat Anything
774 - Patriot Helmet
775 - Pay Safe
776 - Pearl
777 - Penny
778 - Pensternon
779 - Peon
780 - Peon Hat
781 - Peon Outfit
782 - Pew
783 - Pickling Brine
784 - Picnic Table
785 - Pig
786 - Pig Skin
787 - Pine Cone
788 - Pink Star Diamond
789 - Pistol Ammo
790 - Plantation Exterior Door
791 - Plantation Interior Door
792 - Plantation Roof Door
793 - Platinum
794 - Platinum Ingot
795 - Platinum Node
796 - Player Accessories
797 - Player Armor
798 - Player Capture
799 - Player Equipment
800 - Player Inventory
801 - Player Orifice
802 - Player Special
803 - Podium
804 - Poison Mushroom
805 - Poison Powder
806 - Porcelain Mask
807 - Porch Rocking Chair
808 - Potassium Nitrate Powder
809 - Potato
810 - Potato Seed
811 - Potted Fern
812 - Potted Plant
813 - Practice Stick
814 - Prep Table
815 - Prep Table (Enhanced)
816 - Prep Table (Superior)
817 - President Chair
818 - President Desk Assembly
819 - President Hat
820 - President Outfit
821 - President’s Golden Gun
822 - President’s Provision Box
823 - Prisoner Hat
824 - Prisoner Outfit
825 - Proto Doorway
826 - Proto Flat Roof
827 - Proto Floor
828 - Proto Foundation
829 - Proto Foundation Stairs
830 - Proto Inverted Triangle Roof
831 - Proto Inverted Triangle Wall Left
832 - Proto Inverted Triangle Wall Right
833 - Proto Large Doorway
834 - Proto Large Window Frame
835 - Proto Ledge
836 - Proto Pillar
837 - Proto Railing
838 - Proto Rampart
839 - Proto Rampart Corner
840 - Proto Rampart Gatehouse
841 - Proto Rampart Intersection
842 - Proto Roof
843 - Proto Roof Cap
844 - Proto Square Corner Roof
845 - Proto Straight Ramp
846 - Proto Straight Stairs
847 - Proto Trapdoor Floor
848 - Proto Triangle Floor
849 - Proto Triangle Foundation
850 - Proto Triangle Roof
851 - Proto Triangle Wall Left
852 - Proto Triangle Wall Right
853 - Proto U Ramp
854 - Proto U Stair
855 - Proto Valley Roof
856 - Proto Wall
857 - Proto Window Frame
858 - Pumpkin
859 - Pumpkin Pie
860 - Pumpkin Pie Recipe
861 - Purified Water
862 - Pyrite
863 - Quality Gemstone Node
864 - Quartz
865 - Quartz Geode
866 - Rabbit
867 - Rake Pick
868 - Rancher Hat
869 - Rancher Outfit
870 - Ranged Bandit
871 - Rare Feather
872 - Raw Meat
873 - Raw Poultry
874 - Reading Stand
875 - Receiving lv1
876 - Receiving lv2
877 - Receiving lv3
878 - Red Apple
879 - Red Leather Armchair
880 - Red Poppy
881 - Reed
882 - Reinforced Chair
883 - Reinforced Coffee Table
884 - Reinforced Cupboard
885 - Reinforced Desk
886 - Reinforced Door
887 - Reinforced Double Bed
888 - Reinforced Double Doors
889 - Reinforced Nightstand
890 - Reinforced Shelf
891 - Reinforced Shutters
892 - Reinforced Stool
893 - Reinforced Table
894 - Reinforced Trapdoor
895 - Reinforced Wardrobe
896 - Repair Bench
897 - Repair Bench (Enhanced)
898 - Repair Bench (Superior)
899 - Riding Dress
900 - Riding Hat
901 - Rifle Ammo
902 - Rocking Chair
903 - Rope
904 - Rope (Wearable)
905 - Rope Loincloth
906 - Rose
907 - Rose Hip
908 - Rot
909 - Rotten 4×4
910 - Rotten Plank
911 - Round Leather Armchair
912 - Ruby
913 - Rug
914 - Rugged Ammo Belt
915 - Rugged Pack Frame
916 - Rugged Quiver
917 - Rugged Rucksack
918 - Rugged Wallet
919 - Rusty Break Action Revolver
920 - Sack
921 - Sack Mask
922 - Sage
923 - Saloon Door
924 - Saloon Dress
925 - Salt
926 - Salt Water
927 - Saltpeter
928 - Saltpeter Node
929 - Sand
930 - Sand Node
931 - Sand Path
932 - Sandstone
933 - Sapphire
934 - Sapphire Geode
935 - Saskatoon
936 - Saskatoon Seed
937 - Sawed Off Double-Barrel Shotgun
938 - Sawmill
939 - Sawmill (Enhanced)
940 - Sawmill (Superior)
941 - Search Device
942 - Secret Service
943 - Semi-Auto Rifle
944 - Semi-Auto Shotgun
945 - Severed Finger
946 - Shaman Cap
947 - Shaman Outfit
948 - Sharp Rock
949 - Sheep
950 - Sheep Skin
951 - Sheep Skin Rug
952 - Sheriff Hat
953 - Sheriff Outfit
954 - Sheriff’s Jail Door
955 - Sheriff’s Provision Box
956 - Sheriff’s Seat
957 - Sheriff’s Shotgun
958 - Shipping Bin
959 - Shipping Bin (Enhanced)
960 - Shipping Bin (Superior)
961 - Shipping lv1
962 - Shipping lv2
963 - Shipping lv3
964 - Shopkeeper (Sacayo)
965 - Shopkeeper (Tombstone)
966 - Shopkeeper (Washington)
967 - Shotgun Ammo
968 - Silver
969 - Silver Ingot
970 - Silver Node
971 - Simple Ammo Belt
972 - Simple Desk
973 - Simple Pack Frame
974 - Simple Quiver
975 - Simple Rucksack
976 - Simple Satchel
977 - Simple Siege Sling
978 - Simple Throwables Belt
979 - Simple Wall Shelf
980 - Simple Wallet
981 - Simple Wood Chair
982 - Simple Wood Stool
983 - Simple Wooden Table
984 - Sinew
985 - Single Bed Mattress
986 - Single Metal Bed
987 - Single Wooden Bed
988 - Slate
989 - Sleeper
990 - Slicked
991 - Small Hanging Flag
992 - Small Plank
993 - Small Rally Flag
994 - Small Rug
995 - Small Square Log Table
996 - Small Standing Flag
997 - Small Timber Wardrobe
998 - Small Water Skin
999 - Small Wood Chest
1000 - Smelter
1001 - Smithy
1002 - Smithy (Enhanced)
1003 - Smithy (Superior)
1004 - Smoke Signal
1005 - Smoked Meat
1006 - Smoked Poultry
1007 - Smoker
1008 - Smoker (Enhanced)
1009 - Smoker (Superior)
1010 - Soapstone
1011 - Soil Soak
1012 - Sombrero
1013 - Special Dig
1014 - Spinning Wheel
1015 - Spinning Wheel (Enhanced)
1016 - Spinning Wheel (Superior)
1017 - Stained Glass
1018 - Stake
1019 - Standing Bird Cage
1020 - Stash
1021 - Station Clothing Only x1
1022 - Station Clothing Only x3
1023 - Station Clothing Only x4
1024 - Station Clothing Only x6
1025 - Station Fuel lv1 (Open Flame)
1026 - Station Fuel lv1 (Steam Engine)
1027 - Station Fuel lv1 (Water)
1028 - Station Fuel lv1 (Wood Furnace)
1029 - Station Fuel lv2 (Open Flame)
1030 - Station Fuel lv2 (Wood Furnace)
1031 - Station Fuel lv3 (Open Flame)
-=Items/Elements List (Part 4)=-
1032 - Station Fuel lv3 (Wood Furnace)
1033 - Station Input (1)
1034 - Station Input lv1 (3)
1035 - Station Input lv2 (4)
1036 - Station Input lv3 (6)
1037 - Station Inventory
1038 - Station IO lv1 (1)
1039 - Station IO lv1 (3)
1040 - Station IO lv2 (2)
1041 - Station IO lv2 (4)
1042 - Station IO lv3 (4)
1043 - Station IO lv3 (6)
1044 - Station Materials
1045 - Station Output (1)
1046 - Station Output lv1 (3)
1047 - Station Output lv2 (4)
1048 - Station Output lv3 (6)
1049 - Steampunk Sunglasses
1050 - Steel Cage
1051 - Steel Construction Hammer
1052 - Steel Crowbar
1053 - Steel Cutlass
1054 - Steel Field Cannon
1055 - Steel Formula
1056 - Steel Hatchet
1057 - Steel Hoe
1058 - Steel Infused Padding
1059 - Steel Ingot
1060 - Steel Katana
1061 - Steel Knife
1062 - Steel Machete
1063 - Steel Pickaxe
1064 - Steel Pipe Wrench
1065 - Steel Rake
1066 - Steel Rapier
1067 - Steel Sabre
1068 - Steel Safe
1069 - Steel Scythe
1070 - Steel Shovel
1071 - Steel Sledgehammer
1072 - Steel Sprinkler
1073 - Steel Stove
1074 - Steel Throwing Knife
1075 - Steel Watering Can
1076 - Steel Woodcutters Axe
1077 - Stick
1078 - Stick Building Set
1079 - Stick Doorway
1080 - Stick Flat Roof
1081 - Stick Floor
1082 - Stick Foundation
1083 - Stick Foundation Stairs
1084 - Stick Inverted Triangle Roof
1085 - Stick Inverted Triangle Wall Left
1086 - Stick Inverted Triangle Wall Right
1087 - Stick Large Doorway
1088 - Stick Large Window Frame
1089 - Stick Ledge
1090 - Stick Pillar
1091 - Stick Railing
1092 - Stick Rampart
1093 - Stick Rampart Corner
1094 - Stick Rampart Gatehouse
1095 - Stick Rampart Intersection
1096 - Stick Roof
1097 - Stick Roof Cap
1098 - Stick Square Corner Roof
1099 - Stick Straight Ramp
1100 - Stick Straight Stairs
1101 - Stick Trapdoor Floor
1102 - Stick Triangle Floor
1103 - Stick Triangle Foundation
1104 - Stick Triangle Roof
1105 - Stick Triangle Wall Left
1106 - Stick Triangle Wall Right
1107 - Stick U Ramp
1108 - Stick U Stair
1109 - Stick Valley Roof
1110 - Stick Wall
1111 - Stick Window Frame
1112 - Stockpile
1113 - Stockpile (Enhanced)
1114 - Stomping Post
1115 - Stone
1116 - Stone & Iron Node
1117 - Stone & Sulfur Node
1118 - Stone Building Set
1119 - Stone Club
1120 - Stone Doorway
1121 - Stone Fireplace
1122 - Stone Flat Roof
1123 - Stone Floor
1124 - Stone Foundation
1125 - Stone Foundation Stairs
1126 - Stone Hatchet
1127 - Stone Hoe
1128 - Stone Inverted Triangle Roof
1129 - Stone Inverted Triangle Wall Left
1130 - Stone Inverted Triangle Wall Right
1131 - Stone Javelin
1132 - Stone Large Doorway
1133 - Stone Large Window Frame
1134 - Stone Ledge
1135 - Stone Maul
1136 - Stone Node
1137 - Stone Node
1138 - Stone Node
1139 - Stone Node
1140 - Stone Node
1141 - Stone Node
1142 - Stone Node
1143 - Stone Node
1144 - Stone Node
1145 - Stone Node
1146 - Stone Node
1147 - Stone Node
1148 - Stone Node
1149 - Stone Node
1150 - Stone Node
1151 - Stone Node
1152 - Stone Node
1153 - Stone Path
1154 - Stone Pickaxe
1155 - Stone Pillar
1156 - Stone Railing
1157 - Stone Rampart
1158 - Stone Rampart Corner
1159 - Stone Rampart Gate
1160 - Stone Rampart Gatehouse
1161 - Stone Rampart Intersection
1162 - Stone Roof
1163 - Stone Roof Cap
1164 - Stone Scythe
1165 - Stone Shovel
1166 - Stone Slab
1167 - Stone Square Corner Roof
1168 - Stone Straight Ramp
1169 - Stone Straight Stairs
1170 - Stone Throwing Axe
1171 - Stone Tomahawk
1172 - Stone Trapdoor Floor
1173 - Stone Triangle Floor
1174 - Stone Triangle Foundation
1175 - Stone Triangle Roof
1176 - Stone Triangle Wall Left
1177 - Stone Triangle Wall Right
1178 - Stone U Ramp
1179 - Stone U Stair
1180 - Stone Valley Roof
1181 - Stone Wall
1182 - Stone Window Frame
1183 - Stone Woodcutters Axe
1184 - Stool
1185 - Strawberry
1186 - Strawberry Macaron
1187 - Strawberry Macaron Recipe
1188 - Strawberry Pie
1189 - Strawberry Pie Recipe
1190 - Strawberry Seed
1191 - Strawberry Tart
1192 - Strawberry Tart Recipe
1193 - Striped Chemise
1194 - Stuffed Crocodile
1195 - Sturdy Rocking Chair
1196 - Sturdy Table
1197 - Sturdy Wood Chair
1198 - Sturdy Wood Stool
1199 - Sugar Cookie
1200 - Sugar Cookie Recipe
1201 - Sulfur
1202 - Sulfur Node
1203 - Sunflower
1204 - Sunstone
1205 - Super-Fertilizer
1206 - Super-Growmentum
1207 - Super-Soil Soak
1208 - Sweet Roll
1209 - Sweet Roll Recipe
1210 - Swept Back
1211 - Table Leg
1212 - Tall Shelf
1213 - Tannery
1214 - Tannery (Enhanced)
1215 - Tannery (Superior)
1216 - Tar Path
1217 - Tax Vault
1218 - Teepee Chair
1219 - Tent
1220 - Tepee
1221 - Test Bandit Closet
1222 - Test Prefab
1223 - Thread
1224 - Tiered Wall Shelf
1225 - Tighty Whities
1226 - Timber
1227 - Timber Bench
1228 - Timber Building Set
1229 - Timber Chair
1230 - Timber Door
1231 - Timber Doorway
1232 - Timber Double Doors
1233 - Timber Fence
1234 - Timber Fence Gate
1235 - Timber Flat Roof
1236 - Timber Floor
1237 - Timber Foundation
1238 - Timber Foundation Stairs
1239 - Timber Inverted Triangle Roof
1240 - Timber Inverted Triangle Wall Left
1241 - Timber Inverted Triangle Wall Right
1242 - Timber Large Doorway
1243 - Timber Large Window Frame
1244 - Timber Ledge
1245 - Timber Pillar
1246 - Timber Railing
1247 - Timber Rampart
1248 - Timber Rampart Corner
1249 - Timber Rampart Gate
1250 - Timber Rampart Gatehouse
1251 - Timber Rampart Intersection
1252 - Timber Roof
1253 - Timber Roof Cap
1254 - Timber Shutters
1255 - Timber Small Fence Gate
1256 - Timber Square Corner Roof
1257 - Timber Straight Ramp
1258 - Timber Straight Stairs
1259 - Timber Table
1260 - Timber Trapdoor
1261 - Timber Trapdoor Floor
1262 - Timber Triangle Floor
1263 - Timber Triangle Foundation
1264 - Timber Triangle Roof
1265 - Timber Triangle Wall Left
1266 - Timber Triangle Wall Right
1267 - Timber U Ramp
1268 - Timber U Stair
1269 - Timber Valley Roof
1270 - Timber Wall
1271 - Timber Window Frame
1272 - Tobacco Leaves
1273 - Tobacco Pipe
1274 - Tobacco Seed
1275 - Tomato
1276 - Tomato Seed
1277 - Tombstone Window High Brown
1278 - Tombstone Window Large Brown Block
1279 - Tombstone Window Large Brown Lip
1280 - Tombstone Window Large Brown Peek
1281 - Tombstone Window Large Green
1282 - Tombstone Window Large Green Lip
1283 - Tombstone Window Large Green Peek
1284 - Tombstone Window Small Brown
1285 - Tombstone Window Small Green
1286 - Tombstone Window Train Detailed
1287 - Tonic Bottle
1288 - Tonic Bottle Formula
1289 - Topaz
1290 - Torch
1291 - Townsfolk
1292 - Townsfolk (Sacayo)
1293 - Townsfolk (Tombstone)
1294 - Townsfolk (Washington)
1295 - Turf Grass
1296 - Turnip
1297 - Turnip Seed
1298 - Ultra-Fertilizer
1299 - Ultra-Growmentum
1300 - Ultra-Soil Soak
1301 - Uncle Sam Hat
1302 - Uncle Sam Outfit
1303 - Vertical Standing Flag
1304 - Violet Bustle Dress
1305 - Violet Saloon Dress
1306 - Violet Veil
1307 - Volcanic Repeater Pistol
1308 - Wall Shelf
1309 - Wall Torch
1310 - Walnut
1311 - War Chest
1312 - War Hide Padding
1313 - War Longbow
1314 - Warrior
1315 - Washing Board
1316 - Washing Stand
1317 - Washing Stand (Enhanced)
1318 - Washing Stand (Superior)
1319 - Water
1320 - Water Pump
1321 - Water Windpump
1322 - Well
1323 - What’s Inside Mr. Rabbit
1324 - Whipping Post
1325 - Whiskey
1326 - Whiskey Mash
1327 - White Hat
1328 - White Horse Skin
1329 - White House Basement Entrance
1330 - White House Chair
1331 - White House Dismiss Button
1332 - White House Lift Button
1333 - White House Sofa
1334 - White Rabbit Skin
1335 - White Suit
1336 - White Veil
1337 - White Wedding Dress
1338 - White Wolf Skin
1339 - Whole Grain Bun
1340 - Whole Grain Bun Recipe
1341 - Widows Peak
1342 - Wild Boar
1343 - Wild Boar Skin
1344 - Wildman Hat
1345 - Wildman Outfit
1346 - Willow Stick
1347 - Wolf
1348 - Wood

-=Items/Elements List (Part 5)=-
1349 - Wood & Cloth Folding Stool
1350 - Wood & Metal Stool
1351 - Wood Backed Bench
1352 - Wood Bucket
1353 - Wood Chips Path
1354 - Wood Club
1355 - Wood Longbow
1356 - Wooded Double Bed
1357 - Wooden Armoire
1358 - Wooden Baby Cradle
1359 - Wooden Baby Crib
1360 - Wooden Breakable Crate
1361 - Wooden Cage
1362 - Wooden Console Table
1363 - Wooden Construction Hammer
1364 - Wooden School Desk
1365 - Wooden Wardrobe
1366 - Wool
1367 - Work Desk
1368 - Work Table
1369 - Workbench
1370 - Workbench (Enhanced)
1371 - Workbench (Superior)
1372 - Writing Table
1373 - Yarrow
1374 - Yeast

-=Category List=-
The available game items/elements categories (to use with the /giveCategory command 
(/giveCategory [search] gives a full stack of all items belonging to the given 
search category):

1 - Accessories
2 - Adoption
3 - Animal Materials
4 - Body Parts
5 - Building Materials
6 - Building Materials/Accessories
7 - Building Materials/Defences/Fences
8 - Building Materials/Defences/Ramparts
9 - Building Materials/Doors
10 - Building Materials/Floors
11 - Building Materials/Foundations
12 - Building Materials/Roofs
13 - Building Materials/Stairs
14 - Building Materials/Walls
15 - Building Materials/Windows
16 - Collectibles
17 - Confinement
18 - Containers
19 - Containers/Portable
20 - Costumes
21 - Currency
22 - Elixirs
23 - Equipment
24 - Equipment/Consumables
25 - Equipment/Lighting
26 - Equipment/Tack
27 - Farming/Equipment
28 - Farming/Fertilizer
29 - Farming/Seeds
30 - Food
31 - Food/Beverage
32 - Food/Ingredients
33 - Food/Produce
34 - Food/Raw
35 - Food/Recipes
36 - Formulae
37 - Furniture/Beds
38 - Furniture/Decorations
39 - Furniture/Lighting
40 - Furniture/Seating
41 - Furniture/Storage
42 - Furniture/Tables
43 - Materials
44 - Plant Materials
45 - Resources
46 - Stations
47 - Structures
48 - Structures/Flags
49 - Unobtainable
50 - Weapons/Ammo
51 - Weapons/Heavy Weapons
52 - Weapons/Melee
53 - Weapons/Projectiles
54 - Weapons/Ranged

Setting Up A Dedicated Server:
If you have your own dedicated server computer, here is how to download 
the server files and get a server running.

1.First we need to get the server files onto your dedicated server computer. 
  You can either:
  * Install steam and install the game.
  * Use SteamCMD.
  *Download this file and run it.

 When it asks for a user name enter anonymous.
 When it asks for an app id, enter 996600.
2.Now that you have the server files you can follow the quick start section 
3.If you are running multiple game servers on the same dedicated computer, 
  you will need to change the portNumber and the pingPort in 
  "ServerSettings.cfg". If you have RCon enabled you will also need to change 
  the rConPort in "ConsoleSettings.cfg".

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Cheatbook-Database 2024 is a freeware cheat code tracker that makes hints, Tricks, Tips and cheats (for PC, Walkthroughs, XBox, Playstation 1 and 2, Playstation 3, Playstation 4, Sega, Nintendo 64, Wii U, DVD, Game Boy Advance, iPhone, Game Boy Color, N-Gage, Nintendo DS, PSP, Gamecube, Dreamcast, Xbox 360, Super Nintendo) easily accessible from one central location. If you´re an avid gamer and want a few extra weapons or lives to survive until the next level, this freeware cheat database can come to the rescue. Covering more than 27.700 Games, this database represents all genres and focuses on recent releases. All Cheats inside from the first CHEATBOOK January 1998 until today.  - Release date january 7, 2024. CheatBook-DataBase 2024

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