Heaven Burns Red Cheats, Codes, Hints and Walkthroughs for PC Games. | | |
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Heaven Burns Red | |
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Heaven Burns Red
Cheat Codes:
Submitted by: David K.
Recipe List (Desert Island Survival Story Event):
Written by Natsulus
All recipes below are presented in the format:
-- Name
-- Effect produced
-- Ingredients
-=Salty Boilet Clams-=
* Slightly increases defense (10 turns)
* Little Clam
-=Salty Boiled Conches-=
* Moderately increases ice skills’ attack power (5 turns)
* Conch
-=Salty Boiled Scallops-=
* Moderately increases light skills’ attack power (5 turns)
* Scallop
-=Boiled Crab-=
* Greatly increases critical rate (10 turns)
* Crab
-=Flame-Broiled Peppers-=
* Moderately increases fire skills’ attack power (10 turns)
* Moderately decreases squad’s defense (10 turns)
* Lumpy Green Berry
-=Simmered Horsetail-=
* Slightly increases skills’ attack power (10 turns)
* Horsetail
-=Boiled Bracken Buds-=
* Moderately increases defense (5 turns)
* Round Grassy Thing
-=Glutinuous Greens-=
* Squad becomes confused (3 turns)
* Lush Piece of Grass
-=Tongue-Tingling Scalded Flowers-=
* Moderately increases thunder skills’ attack power (10 turns)
* Moderately decreases squad’s defense (10 turns)
* Red Flower
-=Simmered Purple Petals-=
* Slight Overdrive gauge gain at start of battle
* Purple Flower
-=Quick-Cooked Kelp-=
* +3 SP at start of battle
* Green Seaweed
-=Crudely Scrambled Eggs-=
* Slightly increases multi-attacks (1 turn)
* Strange Egg
-=Totally Toxic Toadstools-=
* Moderately increases dark skills’ attack power (10 turns)
* Moderately decreases squad’s defense (10 turns)
* Red Mushroom
-=Herb-Roasted Mushrooms-=
* Massively increases light skills’ attack power (whole battle)
* Massively increases dark skills’ attack power (whole battle)
* Red Mushroom
* Red Berry
* Pretty-Smelling Leaf
-=Mushroom Sauté-=
* Moderately restores SP each turn (whole battle)
* Big Juicy Mushroom
* Wave Mushroom”
-=Chinese Vegetable Stir-Fry-=
* Become invigorated (99 turns)
* Massively increases critical rate (whole battle)
* Round Grassy Thing
* Wavy Mushroom
-=Wild Greens Stir-Fry-=
* Greatly increases defense (whole battle)
* Moderately restores DP each turn (whole battle)
* Round Grassy Thing
* Spirally Lump of Grass
-=Uninviting Stir-fry-=
* Squad becomes enfeebled (3 turns)
* Spirally Lump of Grass
* Thin Piece of Grass”
-=Heartburn-Inducing Fried Flowers-=
* Greatly increases skills’ attack power (10 turns)
* Greatly decreases squad’s defense (10 turns)
* Red Flower
* Yellow Flower
* Purple Flower
-=Sad Slaw-=
* Greatly decreases squad’s skills’ attack power (10 turns)
* Greatly increases defense (10 turns)
* Green Flowery Grass
* Bright Red Leaff
-=Seaweed Salad-=
* +5SP at start of battle
* Green Flowery Grass
* Dried Black Seaweed
-=Summery Fruit-=
* Receive tactical vision effect (10 turns)
* Slightly increases skills’ attack power (10 turns)
* Summery Fruit
-=Flavorless Fruit-=
* Slightly decreases skills’ attack power (whole battle)
* Bright Red Fruit
-=Fragrant Fruit-=
* Massively increases fire skills’ attack power (whole battle)
* Massively increases thunder skills’ attack power (whole battle)
* Massively increases ice skills’ attack power (whole battle)
* Bright Red Fruit
* Yellow Berry
-=An Unbelievable Smell-=
* Continuous Great Damage to Whole Squad’s HP (3 turns)
* Aromatic Black Lump
-=Deluxe Mixed Platter-=
* Greatly increases skills’ attack power (whole battle)
* Greatly increases defense (whole battle)
* +7 SP at start of battle
* Massive Overdrive gauge gain at start of battle
* Massively increases critical rate (whole battle)
* Crab
* Abalone
* Big Juicy Mushroom
* Strange Egg.
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