
Horizon's Gate Cheats, Codes, Hints and Walkthroughs for PC Games.

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 Horizon's Gate Cheats

Horizon's Gate

Cheat Codes:
Submitted by: David K.

Crafting Guide (Weapons, Armor, Accessories):
Written by Wrax

This is a guide for the crafting system in Horizon’s Gate. This is not a comprehensive
list and is likely incomplete, but I’ll try to keep it updated. This guide is meant 
to cover consumable items as well as general weapons and armor recipes.

These recipes produce consumable items and crafting materials. 
Shears are not consumed when used for these recipes.

Shears + Ald Leaf = Bandage
Bandage + Wood Plank = Splint
Oil Can + Bottle = Bottle of Oil
Oil Can + Ald Leaf = Oily Rag
Bottle of Oil + Oily Rag = Fire Bomb
Red Spices + Dart = Itchy Dart
Ald Leaf Shirt + Shears = Ald Leaf
Spidesilk Shirt + Shears = Spidesilk
Accessories Crafting
Hood + Cloak = Hooded Cloak
Fine Hood + Fine Cloak = Fine Hooded Cloak

-=Armor Crafting=-
For the purpose of comparison, stats for armor are included. PDef and MDef are Physical 
Defense and Magic Defense respectively; PEvd and MEvd are Physical Evade and Magic Evade 

Armor Crafting Kit + Ald Leaf = Ald Leaf Shirt
Armor Crafting Kit + Spidesilk = Spidesilk Shirt
Armor Crafting Kit + Rock Coral = Coral Armor (PDef +2, PEvd -4)
Armor Crafting Kit + Volskarn = Volskarn Mail (PDef +1, MDef +1, 2 Augment slots)
Armor Crafting Kit + Mithril Ore = Mithril Mail (PDef +1, MDef +1)
Armor Crafting Kit + Shock Parts = Electric Armor (PDef +2, Lightning +1, PEvd -5)
Armor Crafting Kit + Whistle Stone = Wind Mail (PDef +2, MDef +1, PEvd +8)
Armor Crafting Kit + Chunk of Laser = Reactor Plate (PDef +2, MDef +3, PEvd -3)
Armor Crafting Kit + Ironice = Ironice Plate (PDef +4, MDef +2, PEvd -10)

-=Weapons Crafting=-
For the sake of simplicity, the weapon recipes are all consolidated with descriptors about 
what makes them special. Iron weapons are considered ‘base’, the pluses indicate how much 
more powerful the weapons of other materials are in comparison. For example, an iron sword 
has 5 attack power (base) so a mithril sword has 7 attack power (base +2).

Whip Crafting Kit + Spidesilk = Silk Whip (Base +1)
Weapon Crafting Kit + Iron Ore = Iron weapon (Base)
Weapon Crafting Kit + Steel Ingot = Steel weapon (Base +1)
Weapon Crafting Kit + Rock Coral = Coral weapon (Water damage, Wet, Base +1)
Weapon Crafting Kit + Spidest Fang = Fang Weapon (Poison, Base +1)
Weapon Crafting Kit + Volskarn = Volskarn Weapon (2 Augment slots, Base)
Weapon Crafting Kit + Mithril Ore = Mithril weapon (Base +2)
Weapon Crafting Kit + Shock Parts = Electric weapon (Lightning damage, Stun, Base +2)
Weapon Crafting Kit + Chunk of Laser = Laser weapon (Fire damage, Base +3)
Weapon Crafting Kit + Whistle Stone = Wind weapon (Wind damage, Base +3)
Weapon Crafting Kit + Ironice = Ice weapon (Ice damage, Base +4)

Sailing Speed Mechanics Guide:
Written by baronm

A quick and dirty description of how sailing speed works in this game.

This guide is intended for players who are unsure of how sailing speed works since 
it’s slightly mysterious if you’re only looking at a ship’s move stats. Results are 
based on in-game experimentation only, so it’s possible this will not be 100% accurate. 

Sailing speed can be seen on the little white sail at the bottom of the interface 
buttons on the right side of the screen.

A couple things to be aware of to start with:
* Speed is determined by the slowest ship in the fleet, including upwind/downwind stats.
* Speed is locked at 3 if any ship has 0 crew, and no other factors will raise/lower this.

Assuming all your ships have crew, you can expect to move at the following speed most of 
the time, based off your slowest ship.

* +4 base speed regardless of your ship’s stats.
* +1 if you have above 50% morale.
* +2-3 boost once you start moving a slight amount of time in the same direction 
  ((you will basically always have this) ???? on why it’s sometimes 2, and sometimes 3)).
* Your ship’s base move stat.
* Your ship’s downwind OR upwind stat, depending on if you’re going with or against 
  the wind.
* -2 if you’re going directly against the wind.

Other factors can temporarily modify your speed.
* -1 if you’re overloaded on cargo.
* -1 if there’s a storm (rain).
* +7 briefly if you sail through a gust (white cyclone buffer).
* +6 briefly if you sail through a launch buoy.
* -6 very briefly if you sail through a gale (dark gray cyclone debuffer).

This guide is about sailing speed on the overworld map, but as a quick note, ship 
speed in combat is just each ship’s base move stat, with -1 if going against the wind.

-=Examples and Implications
The main takeaway for me is that slower ships are not nearly as bad as they seem. You 
will basically always have 7-8 base speed. I’ll call it 7.5 for brevity in the following 

* base speed = 4 (base) + 1 (morale) +2–3 (boost) = 7.5

Your ship’s movement stats are directly added to this. So, a ship with half the movement 
stats of a fast ship performs far better than expected.

Another implication is that running undercrewed ships is not the disaster it appears to 
be. If you just captured several ships and don’t have enough units to crew them properly, 
assigning them 1 crew each will reduce their move stat to 1, but they’ll maintain their 
full upwind and downwind stats, and you’ll still get the base speed, so you should still 
be able to make it back to port at a surprisingly decent clip, suffering only a flat -2–3 
speed malus rather than the 75% or so reduction you might expect.

Now for some examples. 
I’ll include ship movement stats in the format x/y/z, where x = move, y = downwind, z = upwind.

Your fleet has 1 Cog (3/3/1) and 2 Caravels (4/4/2). Only the Cog’s speed matters. 
Expected speed:

* downwind = 7.5 (base speed) + 3 + 3 = 13.5
* upwind = 7.5 (base speed) + 3 + 1 – 2 (wind penalty) = 9.5

If you had 3 Caravels instead, you would only move 2 faster in every direction.

* downwind = 7.5 (base speed) + 4 + 4 = 15.5
* upwind = 7.5 (base speed) + 4 + 2 – 2 (wind penalty) = 11.5

Turns out you’re getting less than expected out of the supposedly much faster Caravel’s 
(though, the 4 vs 3 move in combat is certainly helpful).

Now, let’s say you’ve got a thing for chonk, and you want to run around with a Glacier 
(2/2/1), an absolute chungus, but also the slowest ship in the game.

* downwind = 7.5 (base speed) + 2 + 2 = 11.5
* upwind = 7.5 (base speed) + 2 + 1 – 2 (wind penalty) = 8.5

Definitely slow, but not nearly as bad as expected. You’re still about 75% as fast as 
the zippy Caravel fleet despite having exactly half the move stats. Overall, this means 
it should be less of a disaster than expected to include slow ships in your fleet.

Just keep in mind that a ship’s combat speed is its move stat with no modifiers aside 
from -1 for fighting the wind. The Glacier in particular, the only ship with base 2 move 
aside from the Sailboat, will still be glacially slow (get it? hur hur) in combat.

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