Kadomon: Hyper Auto Battlers Cheats, Codes, Hints and Walkthroughs for PC Games. | | |
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Kadomon: Hyper Auto Battlers | |
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Kadomon: Hyper Auto Battlers
Cheat Codes:
Submitted by: David K.
Tips for Dealing with Urchice’s:
A good tip for dealing with Urchice’s in the early game is that most
of the time it’s best to not fight them. the exacts of what to do in
every situation is complex, but a lot of the time damage can be
mitigated by just using only gnock on an Urchice fight, especially
if it’s a 2 or 3 unit Urchice fight.
However also consider these Urchice fights early on a blessing. it’s
a trade of around 30hp typically (using gnock fighting) for the
strongest unit in the game, so don’t forget to put it in your 3rd or
fourth slot for a while.
Urchice is the most terrifying unit. For you and the enemy to face.
Tips for Misprint:
The best way to get a MP (Misprint) is to reset on the starter screen:
* Basically you pick a starter go to the first battle go in the shop
and reroll.
* You get 3+1+1+14 kadomon instantly.
* 19 kadomon choices to get an mp out of.
* That is an almost 1.9% chance each time you can reset.
* So it should take you around 50 resets to get an Misprint, at 10
seconds per reset thats 500 seconds or around 8-9 minutes per mp.
* Very boring but thats the most efficitent way.
Guide to Changing a Misprint Skin:
* Go to the Kadodex.
* Open up the Kadomon you’re looking for.
* Click the 3rd tab at the top (Stats/Unlocks).
* Scroll through your misprints and leave it on the one you prefer!
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