King's Quest 3 - To Heir is Human Cheats, Codes, Hints and Walkthroughs for PC Games. | | |
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King's Quest 3 - To Heir is Human | |
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King's Quest 3 - To Heir is Human
Submitted by: Enigma Question
Email: tbcat2001@yahoo.com.ar
Press ENTER while you make an spell and began talking.
View version number:
Press [Alt] + V.
Debug mode:
Press [Alt] + D during game play to enable debug mode. The version
number and location coordinates will be displayed. The following
codes can now be entered to activate the corresponding cheat function
for the current screen.
Code Effect
set var [value] - Assign new value to variable
sleep wizard - Force the wizard to go to sleep
set flag [name] - Set indicated flag
reset flag [name] - Reset indicated flag
show var [name] - Show indicated variable
wizard status - Show wizard status
tp [code number] - Teleport
show flag [name] - Show indicated flag
gimme gimme - Obtain several game items
position [x, y] - Change current coordinates
get object [code number] - Select object to obtain
bye bye wizard - Eliminate the wizard
Object code numbers:
Use one of the following entries with the get object code.
Code Object
14 - Amber Stone
40 - Bowl
38 - Brass Key
49 - Bread
34 - Cactus
23 - Cat Cookie
2 - Cat Hair
1 - Chicken Feather
26 - Cup and Ocean Water
3 - Dog Hair
8 - Dough in Ears
9 - Eagle Feather
42 - Empty Cup
29 - Empty Jar
35 - Empty Lard Jar
19 - Empty Pouch
47 - Empty Purse
5 - Fish Bone Powder
22 - Fish Oil
10 - Fly Wings
50 - Fruit
36 - Invisibility Ointment
33 - Knife
23 - Lard
54 - Magic Map
39 - Magic Rose Essence
16 - Magic Stone
37 - Magic Wand
21 - Mandrake Root
43 - Mirror
15 - Mistletoe
51 - Mutton
17 - Nightshade Juice
25 - Poisened Porridge
24 - Porridge
48 - Purse and Gold Coins
12 - Rose Essence
11 - Saffron
13 - Salt
52 - Shovel
20 - Sleep Powder
4 - Snakeskin
41 - Spoon
27 - Spoonful of Mud
30 - Storm Brew
6 - Thimble
7 - Thimble & Dew
18 - Three Acorns
31 - Toad Spittle
28 - Toadstool Powder
Infinite score:
If you attempt to untie Rosella without dealing with the dragon, he'll scorch
you both and end your game; however it takes him a few seconds and for some
reason you can still enter commands in that time. If you keep repeating "untie
Rosella", you keep getting points for doing so, up to and past the maximum.
Unfortunately as soon as you stop, the dragon will kill you and end your game.
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