Lightyear Frontier Cheats, Codes, Hints and Walkthroughs for PC Games. | | |
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Lightyear Frontier | |
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Lightyear Frontier
Cheat Codes:
Submitted by: David K.
Guide to Get Iron Ingots (Bars):
1.Get a Foundry
First off, you gotta snag yourself a Foundry. But hold up, to
get that, you’ll need some Clay from the Assembler. And guess
what? The Assembler needs Stone Dust from the Grinder.
2.Stock Up on Resources
But that’s not all. Smelting ain’t gonna happen without some Coal.
So make sure you got a good stash of it.
3.Crafting Iron Ingots
Now, onto the main event. Crafting Iron Ingots requires 2 Iron Ore
and 1 Coal. Combine ’em in the Foundry, and bam, you got yourself
some iron ingots ready to roll.
4.Clay Conundrum
Oh, and heads up. Getting clay might throw you for a loop. It ain’t
your usual water find. Nope, it’s hidden in “stone dust.” Weird,
-=Extra Tips: Iron Parts Usage=-
Don’t forget, iron parts are the real MVPs. You’ll need ’em for some sick
upgrades and buildings like:
* Irrigation Hose Power II
* Hydro Splash Size I
* Spike Saw Power III
Tips and Tricks:
* Use your thrusters in bursts when jumping off a cliff to keep your mech
* Make sure to collect crops when they’re ready to harvest, otherwise they
may rot.
* If the merchant decides to take off while you’re interacting with her,
make sure you run away. Otherwise you will get punted by the ship and will
fly quite a ways.
* Build a weather station so you know when its going to rain and when a live
event will happen.
* Don’t rush take your time. Enjoy the relaxing game that it is. Make sure
to clean up Edge Cliffs asap. It requires no upgrades to do this and it
gives you access to copper which in returns unlocks a few new builds.
Create a mission for every mech upgrade you can buy (the upgrades that show
the ingredients to buy them). It allows you to check way more easily which
ones you can build and which ones you can’t, by not having to always go back
to the mech upgrade to remember what you need. And then you can track the
ones you can buy to have them show up on screen.
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