
Might & Magic 9 Cheats, Codes, Hints and Walkthroughs for PC Games.

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 Might & Magic 9 Cheats

Might & Magic 9

Cheat Codes:
Submitted by: conner54 

Unlimited items:
When entering the locked door on the Isle of Ashes, open the chest to the right, 
just inside the door. Do not click on the book -- this will take you to the next 
part of the game. Instead, go back through the door and enter the Verhoffin Ruins.
Do not enter the doors. You are not strong enough to kill the skeletons in there. 
While in here, go down the hall and around the corner to the end and open the 
chest. Take everything and leave. Go back to the now opened door and look at the
chest. It should now be closed. Re-open it and take everything. Go back to the 
ruins, leave ruins, go back to chest, and the chest will be closed again. Keep 
going backwards and forwards collecting items from same chest. 
Note: This was done with the v1.2 patch of the game. 

Unlimited artifacts:
Go to Thjorgard Training Hall. Fall down the chandelier and go west. Break the 
crate where the black chest is located and get the artifact. Leave through the 
door with all the lizards and return. A different powerful artifact will be 
there every time.

This is hex cheat so use a hex editor. First save the game and open your saved 
game using hex editor. There are two files for saves, you need to open one with 
extension of HDR (i.e. joker.hdr) 

1.Health & Mana: If your max health is 40, then look for e8 00 00 28. Now, if 
you want max health to be 296, change it to e8 00 00 28 01. Your current health
is after 3 pairs of 00s after your health. That is, if your spell point is 40, 
then it's e8 00 00 28 00 00 00 28 and last 28 is your mana. Your max mana is 
again located after 3 pairs of 00s from your current mana. 

2.Your Stats: If your first two stats are 1 1 then look for 
01 00 00 00 00 01. Other stats are located after 4 pairs of 00s. 

3. Weapons: It's located right after your stats. The order of weapons are blade,
cudgel, bow, spear, thrown, unarmed combat. The space between weapons are 3 
pairs of 00s. For example, if your weapons are blade & cudgel, then hex would 
be the first 01 00 00 00 01 after your stat. If your weapon is cudgel & bow 
then your hex would be 00 00 00 00 01 00 00 00 01 

4. Defense: It's right after weapons and it's located after 3 pairs of 
00s from last weapon (unarmed combat) The order is armor, dodge & shield.
The spacing between them is 3 pairs of 00s. (i.e., if your armor and 
dodge are 1 & 1, then hex is 01 00 00 00 01) 

5. Magic: It's located after 3 pairs of 00s from last defense (shield). 
The order is Elemental, Dark, Light & Spirit. The spacing between them 
is 3 pairs of 00s. 

6. Specialty: Again it's located after 3 pairs of 00s from last magic 
(spirit). The order is ArmsMaster, DisarmTrap, Merchant, Perception, 
Item Repair, Identify Item, Identify Monster, Body Building, Learning 
& Meditation. The spacing between them is 3 pairs of 00s.

Defeating Kluso:
First, enter the house through the broken window after the climbing the
stairs. Open the door and go forward. Ignore the sleeping guards. Open 
door directly in front Keep on going forward until you see the baron, then
run right, then forward. Next, turn left and jump down on top of the books
helf. Once there, you are invincible unless you go down or duck. Use your 
ranged attacks on the baron and all his guards that are in sight. They 
have no ranged weapons and you can keep attacking the baron until he dies.
This may take at least five minutes, as you are still relatively weak when 
compared to him. After you have killed all the alarmed guards, go down and 
get all the goods (sacks). Finally, exit this room through the door to the 
left of the bookshelf. Shoot the single guard there and kill him. Escape 
the house through the front door.

Relieve the late gurad in Guberland:
Use the following trick when in Guberland and you are stuck with a mission to 
become mercenaries and must relieve the late guard. If you have already killed 
him and he disappeared, jump into the ocean and swim to the right until you 
cannot go any farther. A live guard should be stuck in the corner, walking 
nowhere. Kill him, use the town portal, and return outside. He should be back 
at the dock. Note: Sometimes he has very good armor; kill him as much as you 

Exploit - Starter's Chest: 
When you are at the first area when you need to find a way off the island, you 
can exploit the game to get infinite items. 
There is a chest in the room were you touch a book to escape the Island. Before 
you touch that book, take all items, spells, skill books etc. in the treasure 
chest and go in to the dungeon ruins. Leave the ruins and go back to the chest.
The items inside it should have respawned. 
You can repeat this feat as many times as you desire to get a slight head start 
early in the game. 

Unlimited artifacts:
In the Dragon's Lair in Lindisfarne, there are two Black Chests behind the King
Dragon. Run past him and collect the chests without killing him. Leave, and they
will be refilled again if you return. The Dragon King hits hard. It is recommended
that you buff your party with spells and saving every time before you go in. 
This is faster than the Training Hall method, because there are two chests and
they are easier to find.

Unlimited items:
There are two chests in the area where the old woman will give you the Dragonfly
quest. One is at the end of the Dragonfly Cave and the other is inside the keep 
(door which could not open). Go inside the ruin castle and exit to get to the 
loading screen. Those chests will now be reset and filled with items, spells, 
skills, and items. This can be repeated as many times as needed. 
Note: This was done with v1.0 of the game.

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Cheatbook-Database 2024 is a freeware cheat code tracker that makes hints, Tricks, Tips and cheats (for PC, Walkthroughs, XBox, Playstation 1 and 2, Playstation 3, Playstation 4, Sega, Nintendo 64, Wii U, DVD, Game Boy Advance, iPhone, Game Boy Color, N-Gage, Nintendo DS, PSP, Gamecube, Dreamcast, Xbox 360, Super Nintendo) easily accessible from one central location. If you´re an avid gamer and want a few extra weapons or lives to survive until the next level, this freeware cheat database can come to the rescue. Covering more than 27.700 Games, this database represents all genres and focuses on recent releases. All Cheats inside from the first CHEATBOOK January 1998 until today.  - Release date january 7, 2024. CheatBook-DataBase 2024

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