
Minion Masters Cheats, Codes, Hints and Walkthroughs for PC Games.

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 Minion Masters Cheats

Minion Masters

Submitted by: David K.

Picking the Right Card in Draft:
Written by InsidiouS
The aim of this guide is to give you a better idea what would be a good pick the 
cards themself and to get better at decision of picking cards, as well making a 
solid deck that can get you to higher wins if played correctly.

So you want to get better at draft mode well fear not since I made my mind to 
make a guide for it once I hit 12 wins in it so if you stick around you may learn 
some things to do better at this fun mode.

There are few topics I will cover in the guide here is the list:
1. Masters and which one to pick and tiers in my opinion it may differ as well.
2. Cards and stats of them.
3. picking the card.
4. some general strategy for draft play.

1. Masters
1. Apep
2. King Puff
3. Milloween
4. Mordar
5. Ratbo
6. Ravager
7. Settsu
8. Stormbringer
9. Volco

Question now which one to pick well you can go with any you want but some perform 
better in draft since of card picks is not same and randomized. Roughly this may be 
list with explanation:

Due to changes in patches this is the current tier list most likely
Tier 1 King Puff, Ravager and Settsu
Tier 2 Mordar, Milloween
Tier 3 Volco, Apep, Ratbo
Tier 4 Stormbringer

Dont take this too serious but on higher wins people usualy have good air and/or ranged 
units with strong tank that is why I made like this tier list if you have something to 
help out to refine it more shoot it I am open for suggestions.

2. Cards and stats
Ok this one is short if you want all the stats for cards you are interested in here 
is the link to it:

Card list here.
Big thanks for work of spredsheet by 3FFA just borrowing here so more people can find it
Spreadsheet of cards and other data

3. Picking the right card
So how do you pick the right card well for draft mode you got 10 picks like you would 
make a premade deck in constructed but you get it randomized and ofc varying quality 

Now cards will always be same rarity type from 3 picks you get offered with certain
odds for rarity type now lets see what types we got:

1. Tank
2. Air
3. Ranged
4. Reach
5. Tech
6. Regulars

So lets begin 1.Tank is type of card that generaly has good hp amount and can take a 
beating that serves as meat shield for your other units of choice you deside to go with 

2. Air self explained a unit that can fly and attacks from air to ground or air to air 
or only air to ground.

3. Ranged generaly low hp units with good dps that counters trash minions or support to 
tank used to deal with air and have first hit in.

4. Reach any type of card that can allow you to get some damage in or to shape the flow 
of battle usually in form of dmg spell cards

5. Tech cards are the ones who generaly arent good on own as a card pick but can be 
very good if your deck synergy well with it like black hole to counter beam of doom on 
your tanker

6. Regulars just solid cards with no special stats or abilitys handy to fill up deck a
nd for mana cost manipulation.

Now that we got that done with lets go what to pick and why. First few picks after you 
have made choice on master you will use should be cards that are good on its own since 
you don’t have idea what you will get in next pick, then think what that card can do 
for me anti swarm ability stoping power or hard clear or just raw stats for tanking. 
Don’t rush pick since that will usually lead to poor synergy deck, after the initial 
picks look for good synergy not with just cards themself but with master and see how 
you can maximize the potential between. And if you see the deck is going good for 
certain playstile like atrition try to prioritize good picks that help that style 
even if its less value card than other pick that makes negative synergy. also thinking 
about what you may encounter so you have answers ranged for air units and tank to deal 
with flood things like that.
That is roughly the way probably will refine guide in future as I get more intel and 
responds on this one.

4. General strategy of draft
Like other normal modes draft is similar but it does have more mindwork in it in terms 
of strategy since of all random cards you get and oponents arent using typical ladder 
decks you cant really know what they have until they play it. So if posible depending 
on the deck type try to make oponent make first move and dont bridge rush both since 
that can end in disaster with a card last stand of oponent play. Keeping bridge control 
is important since more perks you get faster over oponent the more likely you will end 
in victory. Dont play a big unit alone you dont know if he has hard removal just 
waiting for it instead play some smaller things first see how he plays to that then 
if you have good tempo get ahead even more untill he cant deal with it and lose the 

Also having some general idea what cards are popular and thinking what oponent may be 
rolling depending on master and his inital plays like this. Oponent Stormbringer if 
he has good deck he is def going to have good mix of ranged units and some support 
spells or oponent holding off plays looking to bait out you playing something so he 
can play counter to it that is why you go with a midrange or light card to cap a 
bridge or something or play in back of your arena side to buy time, also he might be 
saving mana up to play big card, Sometimes its good to get hit in tower to make your 
units have free kills with cost of hp ofc and last general tip would be never let 
mana caps at 10 mana because then its wasted mana for just waiting it unless its 
something really important to have all 4 cards at that time which is not likely in 
draft mode at least.

Chat Commands:
This are the most useful commands to be used in chat, there are others, but you 
won’t use them that often (if you’ll ever use them at all).

-=Chat Commands=-
/w [name] : to send a private message to [name]
/r : to reply to a private message
/me [message] : to send a chat message as emote
/deck : post your deck in chat
/msgdeck [name] : to post your deck as private message to [name]
/stealdeck : replace your current deck with the one you are looking. 
             WARNING: there will be no confirmation, if you type that command your 
             current deck will be replaced at once and there is no way back.
/showtimestamps : enable the time stamp in every chat message
/hidetimestamps : disable the time stamp in every chat message
/setchatbackground [0/1] : use 0 or 1 to enable/disable the chat background
/setchatfontsize [n] : change [n] with the font size you want
/resetchat : reset the chat to default settings (requires the game to restart)
/join [channelName] : to join/create a chat channel
/leave [channelName] : to leave a chat channel
The chat also support a series of emojis, to use them just type :[command]:
Where [command] is one of the following:


Pro Tip to Save Space:
Written by Nalut

Those replays are saved in your computer and they are quite small sure but if you 
played a lot like me you might have gigas occupied by these replays. As far as i 
know, you cannot longer watched them even if you want to so might as well delete 
them. They are located in your document folder: Documents\Minion Masters.

-=Should be=-
Users\username(put yours in)\OneDrive\Documents\Minion Masters
At least on Windows. Enjoy.

-=Important note=-
* A single file should be less than a mega but when you have thousands of them 
  from years of going to be a lot.
* And if you wanna keep an eye on the new replays, the folder would be located 
  here: C:\Users\username(put yours in)\AppData\LocalLow\BetaDwarf ApS\MinionMasters\

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