Mobil 1 Rally Championship Cheats, Codes, Hints and Walkthroughs for PC Games. | | |
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Mobil 1 Rally Championship | |
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Mobil 1 Rally Championship
Cheat Codes:
Submitted by: Dj Simo
Enter these codes as name for player four:
Code Result
WORLD CLASS - 8A Championship
TURBO CHALLENGE - All A8 Cars in TT and Race Mode
ARCADE ACTION - Arcade Mode Surprises
THROW ME A BONE - Citroen Saxo WRC
ARCADE UNLIMITED - Energy in Arcade Mode
GIVE ME TIME 1 - Extra Minute of Service Time in Arcade Mode
SKIP - Skip vehicle (slow but handles well)
FURRY DICE - Hidden car
GROUP B - Hidden car
LAMBAAGHINI - Hidden car
MF HOTBACK - Hidden car
MOOSERATI - Hidden car
SPUD CAR - Hidden car
TREE HUGGER - Hidden car
* Getting the most speed from your car is fine, but running it so hard
that you bang the body, crack the windshield, and wear the tires,
tranny, and brakes prematurely is something different altogether.
Moderate your style of driving, or you will be looking at massive
time penalties in the repair shop.
* This game can't be controlled well with a simple joystick. A wheel
and pedal unit is highly recommended, preferably one with force
feedback, so you can fully appreciate what you're putting your
innocent car through.
* Select a manual transmission for maximum punch, then get accustomed
to working the shifter, accelerator, brakes, and steering wheel more
frequently than in any other game you've ever played.
Continual moderation of controls is the only way to win.
All Cars:
1.Go to options.
2.put player 4 name TURBO CHALLENGE
Play as a skip:
Submitted by: Jamie Gibson
To play as a skip, type in "skip" as player fours name. It's the slowest
vehicle, but has excellent handling!
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