
Momodora: Moonlit Farewell Cheats, Codes, Hints and Walkthroughs for PC Games.

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  Hints and Tips for: Momodora: Moonlit Farewell 
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 Momodora: Moonlit Farewell Cheats

Momodora: Moonlit Farewell

Cheat Codes:
Submitted by: David K.

Tips to Unlock the Windmill Level:
* You need to get the box requested by the NPC in that area.
* It is in an area with rifle using enemies.
* So, they’ll trade you a key for the windmill level.

How to Fish:
Written by McNugget

Well, I must first be the bearer of bad news. You do not immediately 
start the game with this feature unlocked.

Across some areas you might see a sign with a fish on it, which teases 
the feature. But you do not truly unlock it untill around two hours into 
the game, and it is slightly hidden.

1.Find the fairy village
  In order to even get the feature, you need to get the fairy village, 
  as this is where the npc who gives you the fishing rod is.
2.Follow the elevators down to the fishing pond
  This is quite a long series of very slow elevators so patience is   
  needed, but trust me its worth it!
3.Talk to the fairy at the pond and enjoy your new gift from god!

Now you have truly ascended in life. May your finds be plentiful and 
be worth lots of munnies.

Secret Big Spider Boss:
* The boss spider will only appear if you follow the questline of 
  the mouse.
* You need to save the mouse first and then talk to him in Fairy 
  Springs, and then talk to him again in the Fairy Village.
* Only after that you are able to fight the spider. It should be 
  possible to be done even in the post-credits.

Note: If you can't find the mouse, please check the bell shrine (save 
bell) in the lower right corner of the blue part of the Fairy Spring. 
There should be something just to the right of the bell.

Dora the Companion:
Go to the only big region in Springleaf path, and you will see a paper 
character (Dora) where you fought with the boss before.

Just beat it and you will get the sigil. This paper character only 
appears very late in the game.

Note: It appears immediately after gaining the Lunar Attunement. In the 
dialogue that follows, Dora will advise you to check in on Koho village 
before proceeding, and when you return, one of the villagers will have 
new dialogue mentioning a big-headed monster roaming Springleaf Path.

Hardcore Advice:
Written by Phara

I went with the Sigil to increase the chance the familiar would drop 
mana orbs, anti death blow and anti negative status effects. Died twice 
from the bleeding from the butcher demons… At the end swap the familiar 
sigil with Quintessence for mana reg.

If your prevent death blow sigil trigger or you are out of mana in a battle 
room better pause and reload to the last save.

And finaly get all upgrade if possible since Hardcore will overwrite your 
difficulty setting*, so it doesnt matter if you pick easy mode.

Oh yeah, dont forget the last pause puts you at 1 HP at the start of the 

Note: * The hardcore mode, when activated, overwrites the damage values 
of any difficulty selected (such as Light). So even though you can select 
it, hardcore takes priority. Hope that clear things up.

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