Mortal Kombat X
Cheat Codes:
Submitted by: David K.
Easy experience and Koins:
Use the following trick to farm experience, Faction experience, and Koins, as
well as practice Brutalities. This requires two controllers. Go to "Two Player",
and "Kustom Kombat". Select the desired fighters then choose "Modifiers". Two of
them need to be "Brutality Kombat" and "Dizzy Fatality Kombat". The other two
should be Mods that do not throw random things (such as rockets, falling heads,
etc.), for example, "Infinite Time" and "Super Meter". Dizzy Fatality Kombat
causes both players to randomly become dizzy, and the opponent can perform their
fatality at that time to end the match. Brutality Kombat eliminates the
requirements to perform Brutalities. Because of this, a Brutality can be
performed at any time, ending the match resulting in instant finish, a flawless
victory, and bonuses. You can adjust your Kombat Kard to add more bonuses for
when you perform the Brutality. Repeat the process as many times as desired.
Future Raiden:
Sign into your WBPlay account to obtain a Future Raiden skin.
Character Skins:
You can unlock special skins by meeting the corresponding requirements,
as indicated below.
Revenant Sub Zero - Clear all 10 Test Your Might stages.
Shadow Kung Jin - Clear the Klassic tower.
Johnny Cage Tournament Skin - Clear the Normal tower.
Hide Your Variation (Multiplayer):
When you are selecting your character while playing against a human
opponent, press UP, UP on your controller as you are ready to choose
your variation. Your opponent then won't be able to see which variation
you choose.
Easy "Keep It Secret" achievement or trophy:
Fight through the Premier Living Tower until you reach your sixth opponent.
Win that fight with a "Flawless Victory" with either a Fatality or Brutality
at the end. You can restart the match if they take a hit and not be
disqualified. After the match, you will start the "Secret Battle" against
Character Skins/Costumes:
You can obtain the character skins and costumes indicated below by
satisfying the corresponding requirements.
Tournament Reptile - Beat Klassic Tower using Reptile, or purchase
in the krypt for 470 koins.
Osh-Tekk Warrior Kotal Kahn - Beat Klassic Tower (on Normal difficulty) using
Kotal Kahn, or purchase in the krypt for 2100 koins.
Revenant Kung Lao - Win 30 matches in King of the Hill.
Tournament Kano - Beat Klassic Tower using Kano, or purchase in the
krypt for 2300 koins.
Revenant Sub-Zero - Beat Test Your Might (all 10 rounds).
Future Raiden - Log into WB on the MKX mobile app.
Tournament Scorpion - Beat the Klassic Tower using Scorpion or purchase
in the krypt.
Tournament Kenshi - Purchase in the krypt for 1870 koins.
Easy "No Loyalty" achievement or trophy:
Set up your Kombat Kard with FXP buffed items. Start a two player Kustom Kombat match
played solo with the Brutal Kombat modifier selected. Win the match with a brutality,
then repeat the process as many times are required.
Easy "Knockout" achievement or trophy:
While playing Living Towers you will eventually unlock the Juggle modifier. Use it
to lower gravity, which will make juggles easier and allows an easy 10 hit combo
when you corner an opponent.
Bonus stages:
Go to the indicated location in the Krypt to purchase the listed stage for
the corresponding number of koins:
* "Dead Woods" stage in the Krypt's Cemetery Grounds area: Go to the Large Grave
at coordinates -18, 9, and purchase it for 1,120 koins.
* "Kuantan Palace" stage in the Krypt's Shao Khan's Tomb area: Go to the chest at
coordinates 4, 8, and purchase it for 1,240 koins.
* "Outworld Marketplace" stage in the Krypt's Shadow Spider's Hive area:
Go to the Glowing Ball at coordinates 7, 42, and purchase it for 1,150 koins.
Entering the NetherRealm:
First, get Jax's Rocket Launcher in Shao Kahn's Tomb. There are 12 interactive Krypt
objects, and the rocket launcher is the 11th. You will need all the other objects to
access it. Just carefully explore the Krypt, and one object will lead to the next.
You do not have to spend money on any of the unlocks to obtain the objects. While
inside Shao Kahn's Tomb, you must activate three levers to open a large door. Behind
this door is the rocket launcher. Then, go to the Shrine Of The Dead at -11, 12
coordinates, and use Jax's Rocket Launcher to enter it. Go to -11, 13 coordinates,
and gamble your koins in order to unlock the Kamidogu and win other items in the
process. To obtain the Kamidogu, you must gamble at least 10,000 koins.
Use the Kamidogu to gain access to the NetherRealm (where the final few unlockables
of the Krypt are located) through the Nether Gate at -24, 18 coordinates.
How to Get 10 Wins Ranked Match Achievement / Trophy:
It’s the hardest achievement in this game in my opinion.
Some people do it with a trick: you can save back-up file, turn off Cloud, and
if you lose a fight, then replace your actual save file by that saved back-up file.
And so on, every fight.
More honest way – just to skip fights with opponents with too good kill/death s
tatistics, and to spam some long range attack [LiuKang’s fireballs, Jax’s bazooka,
JasqueBriggs’s machinegun, etc.]. But it’s terribly annoying. I hate when the opponents
do that)…
Also, you can do it in a more honest way, but it’s not quite easy.
You should find somebody who lives very close to you [in your country or in some of
the closest countries to your country]. Otherwise the random ranked search simply
won’t match you and your friend together. You and your friend should belong with
different Factions [that increases chances to match with your friend during ranked
search]. It’s usually better to wait till the time there won’t be many people online.
I usually check this by counting playes in the Online–>Rooms. You and your partner
should start the ranked search simultaneously.
During the fight, I guess that it will be better if your opponent win one round, and
also you don’t have any “flawless victories” in both other two rounds. After you win
the match, you should press “ranked search again” button right away, and your partner
should wait 1-2 seconds and then press “ranked search again” button too. You should
skip any other opponents [but sometimes the game doesn’t allow you to do that, so
you’ll have to fight with some random player for your winstreak savin ]. When you’ll
match with your partner again, and win him, then do these steps again.
Of course, if you are lucky enough to find 2 friends who live very close to you ,
then your chances to match with one of them will be obviously higher ?? The 3rd player
stops search then, and waits till your fight ends. Then all 3 of you start [almost]
simultaneous search again, etc.
I got the achievement with just 1 of my friends. He lived not in my country, but near
[so both of us play on European MK_X server, I guess…]. We were from different
Factions. And I noticed the moment when MK_X servers crashed again, so there were
only a few players online when the server started to recover after crash. Also I
didn’t lose one round and I always finished with “flawless victories”, but the
ranked search still kept match us together with my partner. And so on 10 times in
a row.