Nerf Arena Blast Cheats, Codes, Hints and Walkthroughs for PC Games. | | |
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Nerf Arena Blast | |
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Nerf Arena Blast
Cheat Codes:
Submitted by Matt
Cheat mode:
Press [~] in the game first then type:
Code Result
god - God Mode
allammo - 999 Shots for All Guns
fly - Fly Mode
ghost - Walk Through Walls
walk - Turns Off "fly" and "ghost"
invisible [0 or 1] - makes you invisible
open [mapname] - Opens [mapname]. See names below.
behindview <0 or 1> - Toggle third person view
playersonly - Disable AI
kick - Kick player
fov [0-360] - Set field of view; 90 is default
suicide - Suicide
sshot - Takes a screenshot
ping - Display current ping
setjumpz [number] - Set jump height
slomo [number] - Set game speed; 1.0 is default
timedemo 1 - Real-time framerate meter
tframerate - Deactivate timedemo and give timedemos.
setname - Change your nickname
setspeed [number] - Set game speed; 1.0 is default
changecrosshair - Change or removes the crosshair
changehud - Change view of HUD
summon [name] - Spawn indicated item
feigndeath - Feign your death
cheatview - Change perspective to the wanted object
viewclass - Change the perspective to the wanted object
viewself - Change the perspective to oneself again
killall - Kill wanted person or object
killpawns - Kill everything
Map Names:
* Head to the Setup screen and choose Blasters to customize the weapons
that you consider to be the strongest--in other words, the ones that
are best for you. This saves you the hassle of grabbing a weapon that
you don't feel is useful when you're manually switching weapons.
* Start a multiplayer game while not connected to the Internet (or as
a Private game) to memorize each map without the distraction of having
to battle other players.
* You can modify the NERF.INI file in the Systems Folder to include bot
players in multiplayer mode. Simply edit the line that says
"bMultiPlayerBots=False" to read "bMultiPlayerBots=True." To change
the number of computer-controlled opponents, head down a couple of lines
in the file and change the number after "InitialBots" to whatever you like.
* Make sure you become well acquainted with the alternate fire modes of
each weapon--their effective use is what sets champions apart from the
Nerf masses.
Spawn or shoot objects:
Enter the Advanced Options screen. Select "Advanced", then "Raw Key Bindings".
Next enter one of the following codes to bind to the key of your choice. Press
that key during game play to spawn the corresponding object.
Effect Code
Shoot Whomper ball summon nerfweapon.bap
Spawn Triple Strike summon nerfweapon.tripleshot
Spawn Whomper summon nerfweapon.whomper
Spawn Wildfire summon nerfweapon.turbofir
Spawn Side Winder summon nerfweapon.sidewind
Spawn Scattershot summon nerfweapon.scatter
Spawn Pulsator summon nerfweapon.pulsator
Spawn Nerf Cannon summon nerfweapon.mightymo
Spawn Hyperstrike summon nerfweapon.hyperst
Spawn Ballzooka summon nerfweapon.ballzoka
Spawn Suit Power Plus summon nerfi.suitpowerplus
Spawn Mega Speed summon nerfi.megaspeed
Spawn Mega Jump summon nerfi.megajump
Spawn Mega Power summon nerfi.megapower
Spawn Electro Shield summon nerfi.electroshield
Spawn Double Damage summon nerfi.doubled
Spawn Whomer ammp summon nerfweapon.whomammo
Spawn arrows summon nerfweapon.roxammopickup
Spawn Side Winder ammo summon nerfweapon.tracker
Spawn Scattershot ammo summon nerfweapon.scatammopickup
Spawn Mighty Mo ammo summon nerfweapon.mmballpick
Spawn Wildfire ammo summon nerfweapon.dartammopickup
Spawn Ball ammo summon nerfweapon.ballammo
Shoot ball summon nerfweapon.ball
Shoot Goo ball summon nerfweapon.goo
Shoot Mighty Mo ball summon nerfweapon.mmball
Shoot Wildfire dart summon nerfi.nerfdart
Shoot SecretShot2 dart summon nerfi.defaultdart
Shoot Side Winder disc summon nerfweapon.side_cd
Shoot Pulsator ball summon nerfweapon.spinball
Spawn target summon nerfi.winky_target
Player settings:
Use one of the following entries after set PlayerPawn (for all players) or set
nerfkids.ted (only for the players which do have that skin) to activate the
corresponding effect. For example, enter set PlayerPawn Fatness 128 as a code.
Fatness [0-255]
Drawscale [number] (default is 1)
Mesh [mesh name]
Texture [texture name]
Skin [skin name]
Health [1-1661992958]
JumpZ [number]
Easy points:
Go to the Ball Blast event and get all weapons and ammo. Then, go to where you
shoot the balls in (not by the water fall). Use the jump thing to jump in front of
the hole. Stand there until you get all the balls. Shoot them in and keep doing
this until you get 100,000 or more points.
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Spotlight - New Version CheatBook-DataBase 2024 |
Cheatbook-Database 2024 is a freeware cheat code tracker that makes hints, Tricks, Tips and cheats (for PC, Walkthroughs,
XBox, Playstation 1 and 2, Playstation 3, Playstation 4, Sega, Nintendo 64, Wii U,
DVD, Game Boy Advance, iPhone, Game Boy Color, N-Gage, Nintendo DS, PSP, Gamecube, Dreamcast, Xbox 360, Super Nintendo) easily accessible from one central location. If you´re an avid
gamer and want a few extra weapons or lives to survive until the next level, this freeware cheat database can come to the rescue. Covering more than 27.700 Games, this database represents
all genres and focuses on recent releases. All Cheats inside from the first CHEATBOOK January 1998 until today. - Release date january 7, 2024.
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