Oceanhorn: Monster Of Uncharted Seas Cheats, Codes, Hints and Walkthroughs for PC Games. | | |
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Hints and Tips for:
Oceanhorn: Monster Of Uncharted Seas | |
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Oceanhorn: Monster Of Uncharted Seas
Cheat Codes:
Submitted by: David K.
* After defeating an enemy or completing a challenge, you will be rewarded blue
diamonds that are worth varying amounts of experience points. Once you have
gained enough experience, you can level up by tapping the "Level Up!" sign on
the mini-map.
* Leveling up will bring you to full health. Because of this, you can level up
during a dungeon when you are low on health to save your resources.
All challenges are specific to individual islands. Completing a challenge for an
island while adventuring on another will not complete it.
There are many puzzles to complete while inside dungeons. At times you must move
crates or other objects around that can become stuck, forcing you to find a way
to reset the puzzle. Instead of leaving the dungeon, you can use the "Reset" button
located near the puzzle. Some of the buttons are not that easily found.
Treasure chests:
The mini-map at top right corner will feature treasure chests icons. If you reach
that location and there are no treasure chests to be found, search for a nearby
puzzle that must first be completed.
Final Boss Cheat:
Written by Joabert DeMolay
A secret glitch to help you beat Oceanhorn in the second battle.
After the first part of the Oceanhorn battle concludes, wait for the change of
venue, then pause and return to the title screen.
This will return you to the boss room when opening the in-game save file.
You are now free to leave the room via the southwest exit and travel the ocean to
refill your heart meter and restock on store items.
When fighting the second battle, when the apparition appears simply hold down the
shield button the entire time you strike to avoid unnecessary combat.
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