Octodad: Dadliest Catch Cheats, Codes, Hints and Walkthroughs for PC Games. | | |
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Octodad: Dadliest Catch | |
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Octodad: Dadliest Catch
Cheat Codes:
Submitted by: David K.
Secret level:
Start a non-Free Play mode game. Sneak past the scientists through the gift shop in
the Aquatic Fun Center. Go to the men's bathroom, and enter the center stall on the
left. Then, sit on the toilet, and flush it to begin a hidden level.
Minecraft reference:
You can find a display for the "Mintcraft" game inside the grocery store.
The Stanley Parable reference:
There is a poster for "Stanley's Pair o' Bowls" featuring a blue suit and red tie.
This is a reference to The Stanley Parable game.
Easy "Secrets Of The Deep" achievement:
In the "Deep Dark Sea" level, after you get the shake light, Stacy will ask for it when
you find the Biologist. Before giving her the shake light, continue walking ahead to
find the jellyfish collection and get the "Secrets Of The Deep" achievement.
Easy "Stay True To Yourself" achievement:
Play on the Easy difficulty in order to have no consequences if you get seen by
Biologists. After leaving the Gift Shop, enter the ladies toilet. Go through the
gutter into the break room, start the fire, then exit through the men's toilet and
walk through the turnstile. Do not take Joe's Shark costume. Just go to the cafeteria
and enter it through the service hatch to get the "Stay True To Yourself" achievement.
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