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Orb of Creation
Cheat Codes:
Submitted by: David K.
How Does Hasten Work:
This short guide explains how does hasten work in the Orb
of Creation game.
It just speeds up the cooldowns for few seconds. So for example, you
have spells on 60 seconds cooldown going on. You activate Hasten with
5 seconds duration. Cooldowns on those spells become 10 seconds. 5
seconds pass, Hasten ends. Cooldowns go back to normal and there is
only 30 seconds left on their timer because half of the timer passed
with higher speed.
You can use it in loadout with Charm spells when you were leveling
them to gain bonus Mana capacity. Most of them are toggles with short
duration but very long cooldown, so you need to use 5 charm spells,
wait until their duration ends and they all went on cooldown, activate
Hasten. Result – some of them come off cooldown after just one Hasten,
some require two cast or waiting a little after the first one.
So instead of waiting for 1-3 minutes to cast those spells you only
wait for ~30 seconds.
Put the charm necklace on, equip 2 haste spells and level them.
Soon you’ll be able to cycle 2 haste spell permanently.
Basically removes spell cooldowns from the game.
To put it more simply, while Hasten is active, the rate at which
cooldowns … cool down… is greatly increased. Then when Hasten ends,
the cooldown rate returns to normal.
Think of it like holding down the fast forward on a VCR.
While you hold down the button, the tape runs much more quickly,
then when you let go it returns to normal playback speed.
General Tips:
I’m talking game changing realizations that aren’t necessarily immediately
obvious. Everybody figures out the importance of concepts or using Dimension
upgrades and books to boost maximums. I’m talking big things that once you
realize what they are they change things dramatically and you know in future
games to chase them asap.
-=Tips to Big Things=-
First one for me is the Druidic Generation Innovation. Get your Druidry to
4 and hold onto two ability and a magic advancement to get this as quickly
as possible. Getting a steady income of all the forest and garden resources
produces frankly insane amounts these resources that normally you have to
do annoying micro to keep up. There is an artifact that gives this too and
you betcha I recommend stacking them.
Second is the Emblem of Formation spell. The way this spell works is while
it is active every time you cast a spell it gives you a splash of spacial
resources. This can be two cheap cantrips with almost no cooldown that you
alternate. The big thing you get from this is Dimensional Cores. I find
this spell to be much better for getting cores than crafting them. Also
the unlock requirement for Emblem is very easy.
Amass Power can be confusing as to how it works so I’ll try here though its
not quite as impactful as the previous two. You cast Amass and get a buff.
Every .5 seconds the buff from Amass gets stronger up to 10 stacks (5 seconds)
when it reaches maximum power.
Every spell you begin casting while the Amass buff is active benefits from
the power of the Amass buff at the point you start casting it. This means
if you start casting a spell and Amass falls off before you finish casting,
you still benefit. It also means if you cast a spell immediately after
casting Amass you get very little buff for that spell. Amass is an excellent
buff that applies to literally every other spell but its especially effective
for the channeled spells like the Spark, Water and Alchemy resource generators.
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