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 Ostriv Cheats


Cheat Codes:
Submitted by: David K.

How to Get to Year 5 and Beyond:
Written by Barney Lee II

-=Year One=-
The requested 9 houses - (minimum in alpha 2 was 8 in that year... 
Maybe 7 it still wanted 9 but you could survive on 8/7).

But if you or anyone is having issues with doing the 9 houses do it like this...

Build 1 forestry (this is obvious... It is needed).

Once forestry is built pause the game..... Your build queue should look like this.

1 Thatcher
1 Clay pit
3 Houses
1 Well
2 Houses
1 Smithy + charcoal burner
2 Houses
1 Carpenter
Final house
Move (deconstruct) the well in the center and move it to the other houses 
(if needed).
2 Markets

Once all houses and etc have been built build/replace the cart parking.

-=Year 2=-
Queue can generally be any order from now on.

1 House
Town Hall

Farm + fields (I went with potatoes and wheat) **important** make sure you start 
these before the end of febuary or you won't get a decent harvest this year.

Hay dryers
Trading post (let them come to you to save coins)

After this year you only need to expand (build houses) as needed... Don't forget, 
once you have town hall you can remove some builders (you only generally need 3 
after year 2 anyway).

If you are having issues with coin once town hall is built, go into the economy 
and change pay to this.

1.50 for all workers/labourers.
2.50 for everyone else.
1.40>1.50 (max for a few years) on the rent.
Change if needed as it fluctuates.

-=Year 3/4=-
Queue = any order from now on.

Fallow the 2 fields and add another wheat/potatoe (hemp and users choice in year 4).

Hay barracks
Boat yard
Chicken coop
Cow shed
Slaughter house
And etc

I am still going strong in year 5 (with only 1 extra house taking it to 11 this 
gives a max of 50 people - to say you only have 50 with 16 houses? Means you have 
either done something wrong... Or the older gens have died).

Losing Families in the First Year?:
Written by stoked_toker

My suggestions for surviving with all your families intact over the first five years:

* Build a forestry. Can’t do much without having a sufficient supply of wood. Put in 
a number of charcoal pits around your forestry. Pits need firewood to make charcoal. 
I usually do at least eight to overproduce and have a surplus for trade. Early on, 
have only two employees here.

* Thatchery. Need thatch to build roofs. Usually I use women, always use four.

* Clay Pit. Need clay to finish off any structures that have white walls.

* Smithy. Nail supply will run out quickly without resupply, need a blacksmith for 
nails. One blacksmith is sufficient. Without sufficient charcoal, blacksmith cannot 

* Nine village houses. If you don’t build nine, families will leave your village 
making it that much more difficult to progress. The Garden Homes will produce some 
food, but they take longer to build although requirements are the same and you 
probably won’t get nine built in time to save all your families.

* Trading Post. Best way to get food to your village. Fishing won’t help you in the 
first year as it takes too long to build all your previous needs and find a boat 
builder and fisherman to supply food. Having a large supply of charcoal as trade item 
will help you to earn some money as well as trade for food. Nothing is as easy as 
charcoal to produce and turn a profit.

* Town Hall. With experience you will learn how to manage your economy so you don’t 
go broke, or drive your families or yourself into the poor house.

* Market Stalls. Build at least one in your residential neighborhood to sell firewood 
early on, else the families will have to go to the Forestry to get firewood.

* Boathouse/Fishing Dock. Need a boat builder to provide fishing boats. You can build 
a fishing dock first, but then you have to build a boat house to get boats. Either way, 
works out about the same, I do prefer to build a boat house first.

* Hay Drier. You’ll need hay to feed livestock, which will come later, but without a 
supply of hay, most livestock will perish from starvation.

* Hay Barrack. You need to store your dried hay.

* Farm. I usually make one eight field farm with wheat and buckwheat as main crops. 
Other farms will have other crops later, but wheat and buckwheat are good for feeding 
your families and trading.

* Cowshed. Cows are easiest of the livestock to care for, make sure you allow them to 
“USE FALLOW FIELD” for feeding during non winter months.

* Pig Sty. Once old enough, pigs reproduce rapidly and can supply your markets with 
Pork and Salo after you’ve built the next structure.

* Slaughterhouse. Must have a slaughterhouse to maintain your livestock population 
and produce meat, etc. for your other industries and families.

* Tannery. This could be the start of a production process for your village. Tannery 
will produce skins from all of the animals that are used for clothing, shoes, saddlery, 

After completing a farm with wheat, build a windmill to turn the wheat into flour which 
will help sustain your population.

Make certain that you have enough edible resources for your livestock. Cows and goats 
just want water and hay and fallow fields, pigs have a wide variety of available foods 
that you probably won’t have access to for awhile, until your farms can develop barley, 
etc. They can survive on a minimal diet.

Don’t neglect building new homes. Either Village or Garden. As stated, Garden Homes take 
a bit longer to build, but can start producing some food that the resident family can 
consume. You’ll need a granary and market stalls to sell their goods, it does take quite 
a while for Garden Homes to produce sufficient goods to get them to market.

Build a small graveyard with room for expansion not to far, but not to close to your 
main village location. I generally build a Chapel in a fenced graveyard to meet the 100+ 
population requirement. Build a church near the village when you get near the 300 
population mark.

When your population grows, you should build a water Trading Post. A land Trading Post 
is much more efficient early on as it can operate during winter months when the rivers 
are frozen and the water Trading Post is not usable. You will need a water Trading Post 
to import alcoholic beverages for your Tavern. Alcoholic beverages will only be 
delivered by boat, not by land.

Money Making Tips:
You can make money off your internal economy by building a mix of garden and non-garden 
homes, and a granary or 2. I buy at 80% and sell at 100%. pocketing the 20%. I don’t 
even resort to turning everyone’s pay way down.

Be careful not to buy too much produce early on, just 50-100 of each by having someone 
in the granaries in October (at least- I keep them for a few months), and stock the 
market stalls.

To get this going, after your initial 9 garden homes, I usually build 3 more garden 
homes just after the smithy and carpenter. So 12 garden homes to start. Then I add 12 
non garden homes, with a pair of granaries between “blocks” of 6 non garden homes.

There’s the other production buildings to intersperse in there, but in general, I 
alternate adding garden and non-garden home in blocks of 6. That way you have plenty 
of customers for your produce.

I also raise the property taxes a few clicks (not rent) in order to ‘incentivize’ the 
garden home people to sell.

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