Outlaws of the Old West Cheats, Codes, Hints and Walkthroughs for PC Games. | | |
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Outlaws of the Old West | |
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Outlaws of the Old West
Cheat Codes:
Submitted by: David K.
Here is the list of the different game commands available in Outlaws of the Old West.
While playing the game, press Shift and Tilde ~ (The key above TAB) to display the
console window.
Note: To become Admin on your Outlaws server, you take your Steam64ID and go to "My Server"
and to the basic settings in the web interface. There you will find the admin, whitelist
and banlist boxes. Just enter your ID there. For multiple admins, write the Steam64IDs
just below each other. Then you save the file and restart your server once.
IMPORTANT: The commands must be entered in the console NOT in the chat.
The console can be opened with SHIFT + ~!
Command Effect
GMBuff - buffs player health and stamina to unlimited and stops hunger/thirst.
Teleport x y - Teleport to the given coordinates
(coordinates correspond to map in-game).
DestroyTarget - Destroys the target at center of aim. Will leave nothing behind.
KillTarget - Applies max damage to target at center of aim.
RefreshAdminTextList - Reload Admin list from file.
RefreshBanTextList - Reload Ban list from file.
GM/Server Admin Setup Guide:
Step 1: Adding First Account to GM List
1. Navigate to {Server Install Directory}/Outlaws/Saved
2. Open or create file “AdminList.txt”
3. Retrieve SteamID from Steam Profile Homepage URL. (17 digit numerical ID)
NOTE: You need to have custom URLs in your profile options turned OFF for the
numerical ID to properly show up.
4. Paste Account "SteamID" and add new line following it.
5. Launch or restart server.
Step 2: Enable GM Menu
1. Once in game press "SHIFT + ~".
2. Admin console will be visible at bottom of screen.
3. Type "ActivateAdmin" and press "ENTER".
4. Now Admin window is available in pause menu.
5. Use this menu to add more Admins or ban/kick players.
Step 3: Use GM Special Commands
1. Once in game press "SHIFT + ~".
2. Admin console will be visible at bottom of screen.
3. Type in Admin command and press enter.
Admin Command List:
GMBuff: buffs player health and stamina to unlimited and stops hunger/thirst.
Teleport x y: Teleport to the given coordinates (coordinates correspond to map in-game)
DestroyTarget: Destroys the target at center of aim. Will leave nothing behind.
KillTarget: Applies max damage to target at center of aim.
RefreshAdminTextList: Reload Admin list from file.
RefreshBanTextList: Reload Ban list from file.
Editing Ban List:
1. Navigate to {Server Install Directory}/Outlaws/Saved
2. Open or create file "BanList.txt"
3. Remove or insert SteamIDs separated by new lines.
Objects Interactive Hats - Spawn Commands:
Notes: Summon commands are not case sensitive.
Format: summonItem OI_Hat_ITEM #.
(ITEM = Item name, # = quantity)
summonItem OI_Hat_Amish 1
summonItem OI_Hat_Association 1
summonItem OI_Hat_Bowler 1
summonItem OI_Hat_Brick 1
summonItem OI_Hat_Cattleman 1
summonItem OI_Hat_Cattleman_Pinched_Front 1
summonItem OI_Hat_Clint 1
summonItem OI_Hat_Derby 1
summonItem OI_Hat_DoubleTelescope 1
summonItem OI_Hat_Gambler 1
summonItem OI_Hat_Gus 1
summonItem OI_Hat_Gus_Short 1
summonItem OI_Hat_Luke 1
summonItem OI_Hat_Mountain 1
summonItem OI_Hat_OpenCrown 1
summonItem OI_Hat_PinchFrontCrown 1
summonItem OI_Hat_SquareTop 1
summonItem OI_Hat_TomMix 1
summonItem OI_Hat_TomMix1 1
summonItem OI_Hat_TomMix2 1
summonItem OI_Hat_Top 1
Note: only copy & paste the command up to & including the quantity.
Everything past that is notes.
Pistols, Rifles, Shotguns - Spawn Commands:
Notes: Summon commands are not case sensitive.
Format: summonItem P_ITEM #.
(ITEM = Item name, # = quantity)
summonItem P_ColtSAA 1
summonItem P_ColtSAABuntline 1
summonItem P_Dragoon 1
summonItem P_LeMat 1
summonItem P_Pepperbox 1
summonItem P_Remington1875 1
summonItem P_Volcanic 1
summonItem R_ColtM1855 1
summonItem R_EvensRepeating 1
summonItem R_HenryRepeating 1
summonItem R_Spencer1865 1
summonItem R_Trapdoor 1
summonItem R_Treeby 1
summonItem R_Winchester1866 1
summonItem S_Bootleg 1
summonItem S_ColtDoubleBarrel 1
summonItem S_ColtDoubleBarrelHammerless 1
summonItem S_NockGun 1
Note: only copy & paste the command up to & including the quantity.
Everything past that is notes.
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all genres and focuses on recent releases. All Cheats inside from the first CHEATBOOK January 1998 until today. - Release date january 7, 2024.
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