
Out There: Oceans of Time Cheats, Codes, Hints and Walkthroughs for PC Games.

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 Out There: Oceans of Time Cheats

Out There: Oceans of Time

Cheat Codes:
Submitted by: David K.

Basic Guide to Breaking the Game:
Written by daggaz

This is fast and dirty and leads to you not losing for any reason.

-=Intro, Middle, End=-
Start the Game, skip the Intro. Put one guy on engines (increased fuel 
efficiency) and the other on drills (more stuff).

* Go to a blue star. These are gas stars. Always use 10 on your probe. 
Gas up.

* Now go to a red star. These are rock stars. Always use 10 on your drill. 
Save everything you can.

* Now go to a yellow star. These are earth stars, find an earth planet 
and get some air.

* That’s your game loop. Always keep a stack of iron in your ship for 
repairs (but honestly save everything you can), and never ever run out of 
gas or air. It’s easy, just make sure to hit the stars in that order more 
or less. You basically cannot die.

* Now focus on blueprints, blueprints, blueprints. Personally I save all 
my stuff until I find the bird ship, but it doesnt really matter because 
resources are infinite. When you get a new ship, spend some of your 
elements to build the best engine blue prints. Here you want the improved 
drill (I guess) and definitely whatever makes your boat faster and better. 
As far as crew modules, you can toss everything except the med-bay and the 
best bunks you can afford to build. Every spare inch of your ship should 
otherwise be for cargo, in the beginning.

* When you go to oxygen planets, make sure to hit up villages (or civilized 
worlds wherever you find them) and trade all your worthless items and 
cheaper elements for more blueprints and rarer elements. Get your crew 
increased asap, with one minimum from each of the three fields.

* Eventually (not really long, actually) you should be flying around with 
like two stacks of iron, a stack of helium, a stack of oxygen (I only get 
this last) and whatever else you are collecting in order to quest/build. 
Slowly replace your storage with the best ship modules.

* Congratulations, you are now invincible. Even if you make some dumb 
mistake, you have all the materials needed to not die. Nothing can kill 
you but you and the unending, repetitive nature of oceans of space, 
which may cause death by boredom.

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