Pillage The Village Cheats, Codes, Hints and Walkthroughs for PC Games. | | |
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Pillage The Village | |
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Pillage The Village
Submitted by: RM
Defeating villagers:
Use the ACME Anvil to smash houses and kill groups of villagers.
Defeating parachute men:
Throw the parachute man up into the air. Wait until he deploys his parachute,
then click on the parachute. You can now kill him however desired.
Defeating knights:
Wait until the knight tries to attack you with his sword, then dodge the sword.
When the knight turns red and with his sword stuck into the ground, throw the
knight into the air.
Defeating money men:
Wait until the money men are grappling up to steal your money, then throw them
up into the air.
Defeating flyers:
Throw the flyer up into the air. Wait until he has his wings out, then throw
him into the ground.
Submitted by: zero0orez
I found this weird glitch: First time i played,there was a save file.
I opened it. Stats are:
level 22
-40 alignment
power gauntlet
acme anvil
electrec fence
lethl ingection
sandbox with everything
sorry for my wrong spellings
Submitted by: cheater
Type these words when your playing. Not pause gameplay!
type: owmygodwatthefuckbarbeque = $10,000 cash
type: devilsareangels = anvil lvl.3
type: sheepdontcry = slave cage lvl.3
type: townterror = infinite mana
type: runningman = villagers can't escape
I don't know if there is more cheats! but i will find out! These cheats works fine
by me the cheats doesn't work if you have not buyed the game! When i buyed the game
i get a cheatbook from xgenstudios it's very handy when you can't go furder in the
game!! greetings, Cheater.
How to cage those rober feaks:
Submitted by: vinicius
1. Wait for them to through the rope but be a little early.
2. Then click on the cage.
3. Then click close to him.
Note: You have to be quicker than them.
Keep your villagers:
Submitted by: mysterious
Put two houses right next to each other on the same zoom so there is no gap between
them. Then when the villagers come out, lift them onto the roof so they slide to
where the two rooves meet, this will stop them from moving as they are grounded their
vertually forever. watchout with parachutemen, if you drop them from too high then
they willfloatpast this glich.
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all genres and focuses on recent releases. All Cheats inside from the first CHEATBOOK January 1998 until today. - Release date january 7, 2024.
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