
Plant Tycoon Cheats, Codes, Hints and Walkthroughs for PC Games.

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 Plant Tycoon Cheats

Plant Tycoon

Hints and Tips:
Submitted by: David K 

* Use the game's speed settings to adjust plant growth to fit your schedule.

* Use the fast game speed only when you are actively playing or can check on your
  plants frequently, and pause the game if you will be away from it for more than
  a day. On fast speed, plants will be fully mature and ready for pollination in 
  less than 1 hour. The game's beginning soil is suitable only for the common plants.

* Cross-pollinating different species produces increasingly valuable, but more
  fragile, hybrids. 

* Better soil will be required to support the more expensive and fragile
  hybrids. When you upgrade your soil, the benefit to your plants is 

* If your plants are steadily losing health, they are too fragile for the
  soil they are planted in. Try growing common plants until you can upgrade
  your soil. 

* If you forget which seed you planted in a pot, double click the pot to
  produce an image of the seed that was planted there. 

* Breed and sell plants to build your cash, so that you can buy improvements
  from the Gardening Supplies shop. 

* Pruning can improve a plant's health and value, as well as make it sell
  faster. Removing dead leaves, revealing obscured flowers and improving 
  a plant's shape all require pruning. Be careful, though, since pruning
  cannot be undone. 

* Infested plants cannot be pollinated, and they may be damaged if the 
  infestation goes untreated for very long. Infested plants should be 
  treated promptly. Seeds in the Gardening Supplies shop are restocked 
  and/or replaced every 24 hours. 

* Magic Plants are found in several tiers of rarity. When you discover a
  Magic Plant, a popup message will appear that describes the plant's 
  special properties. Your newly discovered Magic Plant will also be 
  displayed in a golden pot in your nursery. 

* Using chemicals, especially Mutation Liquid, can speed up your breeding

* If a pollinated plant dies, you may still be able to harvest its seeds.

* Clicking on the faucet on the Main screen (greenhouse) produces random,
  helpful tips for success in the game. 

* You can determine how well you have priced your plants by how quickly
  they are selling. If they are selling rapidly, you should increase the 
  price. If sales are slow, try reducing the price. 

* Plants will sell faster and command higher prices in an improved nursery.

* The variety of plants that you have for sale in your nursery does not
  affect the rate of sales, but plants will sell faster if you have a lot
  of plants for sale. 

* Upgraded nets make catching insects easier. Insect collecting is an 
  optional part of the game.

The starting soil is suitable only for the common plants. You will need 
better soil to grow more expensive and fragile hybrids. If your plants are
steadily losing health, they are too fragile for the soil they are planted
in. Only grow common plants until your soil is upgraded. 

Learning seed type:
Double Click a pot to see an image of the seed that was planted there. 

In-game tips:
Left Click the faucet on the main greenhouse screen for random tips. 

Determining pricing:
You can price your plants by seeing how quickly they are selling. If they are 
selling fast, increase the price. If sales are slow, lower the price. 
Note: Plants will sell faster and have higher prices in an improved nursery. 
The variety of plants that you have for sale does not affect the rate of 
sales, however plants will sell faster if you have a lot of them for sale.

Submitted by: Nelly Furtardo

The best way I start off with is I water the first 4 plants and then soak all the 
soil and then plant the first 4 plant in your invitory and then the other 4 from 
the Seed Box. Then you still have $250 so now you go to the Supplies and then buy 
1 uncommon seed of your choice. Plant it and breed it, feed it lots of Plant Food. 
Then use your Insta-Grow VapourBomb 2 times, then keep using the Insta-Grow on the 
uncommon plant until it's mature. Pollinate it and take the seeds until it is 
Depleted. Then keep selling the seeds that it gave you and keep selling to get 

Plant Tycoon Seed Catalog:
Seeds shown are foliage types divided into “Tiers” based on their availability 
and viability. For each seed type, there are flower types that are also divided 
into “Tiers”. The viability of the plant depends on the tiers of both the foliage 
and flowers. 

* Tier 1 foliage and flowers can be found in the starter plants, seeds, and common
  seeds in the Supply Store. They will survive in all soil levels. 

* Tier 2 foliage and flowers can initially be bred from Tier 1 foliage and flowers.
  They can also be found in the endangered seeds in the Supply Store. They will 
  survive best in upgraded soil, but with TLC can survive for some breeding 
  programs at the basic soil level. 

* Tier 3 foliage and flowers can initially be bred from cross-pollinating Tier 1
  and Tier 2 foliage and flowers. They can also be found in the endangered and 
  extinct seeds in the Supply Store. They will survive only in the best soil, 
  but with TLC some can survive for some breeding programs at the first upgraded 
  soil level. 
  Cross-pollinating Tier 3 plants with other Tier 3 plants, or combinations of 
  Tier 1, 2 and 3 foliage and flowers may result in new and exciting species for
  you to discover. 

* Tier 4 foliage and flowers are extremely rare! They can not be initially bred 
  from cross-pollinating, but special chemicals are needed to find them. However,
  they can also be found in the extinct seeds in the Supply Store. 
  They will survive only in the best soil, and are not known to be able to survive
  in the lower grade soils.

6 magic plants:
Here are the 6 magic plants in plant tycoon,

1. fourpetal maple
2. rosaceae fern
3. nox orchid
4. fabled lemonbush
5. mela rare oak
6. aureus scandens 

Speed time:
Because this game is done in real time. If you move you computer clock ahead, you
will reduce the growth time of you plants.

So, first start the game (it has to be a new game). When it asks you if you want 
help, click yes. Then follow the instructions till you get to the one that says, 
"One of your plants has produced seeds! The seed appears in the seed area..." and
so on. Then collect the seeds and then hit the "replay tutorial instruction" (at 
the top of the screen) and you get extra seeds even though the plant was depleted.
Collect those seeds and hit the "replay tutorial instruction" again and you get 
more seeds. Continue doing this till you have enough to buy the blue soil, yellow 
soil, blue water, yellow water, seed tray 2, seed tray 3, blue net, yellow net 
and anything else you want.

Tips and Tricks:
If you want to see all the plants in the game, make an Excel sheet that has three 

1: first part of plant name down and across. In the fields put in what is the
   result type.
2: second part of plant name down and across. Put in the result type. 
3: first name down, second name across. Checklist if you have seen a certain type 
   of plant.

To clarify: I cross-breed a Citrus Maranta and a Fragrant Lemonbush. I put the result
in Citrus column and Fragrant line. Result was Aureus. Then, on second table, I put 
the result in Maranta column and Lemonbush line. Result was Fanleaf. Now I see if I 
breed those two, the result is Aureus Fanleaf. I mark that up in the 3rd table, X in
the Aureus column Fanleaf line. Later on it's easy to breed the plants you want.

Free Money:
Submitted by: Aidrab

Cheat will give you 50 dollars every time you use it. On the main page type moola.

How to make sure you have enough seeds in the game:
Submitted by: Rdavenport

You needd to put at anytime you want after you start breeding (i suggest right away!)
put at least four or more seeds in your inventory and dont use them unless you can 
replace them or if you have to because all your plants died and you dont have any 
seeds. (this will help save progress from being lost in a new game!)

Cheat - 65k start money:
Submitted by: HeXy

1.)Start new game.
2.)Pause time and quit game ->game is saved automatically
3.)Open a Hex-Editor 
4.)Search savegames, they are located in "\Eigene Dateien\LDW\Plant Tycoon"
5.)Open the latest "*.ldw"-file with the Hex-Editor 
6.)Replace at OFFSET 0x02180 the first 4 with "FFFF"
7.)Save it, relaunch Plant Tycoon and enjoy :-)

Fast Growing:
Submitted by: RoBeRtO

Your plants can fast growing. You only need to change the computer clock so many later, 
how you want to have faster the plants in growing.

Spare seeds:
Immediately after you start breeding, put at least four or more seeds in your inventory.
Do not use them unless you can replace them, or if you are forced to because all your 
plants died. This will help save your progress from being lost in a new game.

Submitted by: Hyperserver


Ridgeball 1 Tilia
Multiflora 2 Baccatus
Weeper 3 Lilia
Pitcher 4 Tahitian
Tigerfern 5 Venus
Glaber 6 Arthurium
Ball Cactus 7 Citrus
Pear Cactus 8 Mela
Pipe Cactus 9 Venemous
Rare Oak 10 Aureus
Maple 11 Fourpetal
Bamboo 12 Blazing
Lemonbush 13 Fragrant
Fanleaf 14 Fabled
Maranta 15 Jalapa
Ananas 16 Viola
Fern 17 Rosaceae
Gladiatus 18 Mystic
Astera 19 Bluestar
Orchid 20 Nox
Grass 21 Daisy
Scandens 22 Painted
Reptans 23 Spotted

how to use:
(genom 1 + genom 2) / 2 = Result /// dont care about numbers after komma ( 3,5 = 3 etc)
cross a "Reptans" (23) with a "Glaber" (6) = 23+6 = 29 => 29/2 = 14,5 ==>> 14 = "Fanleaf" for result
cross a "Citrus" (7) with a "Nox" (20) = 7+20 = 27 => 27/2 = 13,5 ==> 13 = "Fragrant" for result
cross a "Rare Oak Daisy" (10-21) with a "Multiflora Tilia" (2-1) = (10+2)/2 ...
(21+1)/2 = 6...11 = "Glaber Fourpetal" for result....
and so on......


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