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Poker Night 2
Cheat Codes:
Submitted by: David K.
Always win:
If you exit the game by pressing [Alt] + [Enter] to display the window of the game,
and click the "X" button to close the game before GlaDOS finishes announcing the
winner of a hand, the results of the hand will not be saved, and all money values
will revert to those before the hand started. This glitch allows you to win every
hand, and bluff the other players with high bets.
Special conversations:
If you activate any felt, deck, and chips at once in mid tournament, the characters
will be confused as the host explains what the inventory's theme has become. Note: The
Portal explanation is provided by GLaDOS who remarks that nothing can possibly go wrong.
When in a theme, its active conversations will generally revolve around it.
For example, the Portal theme features Aperture Science-based conversations; the Venture
theme features Venture Brothers and Brock conversations.
Exit before the hand is saved:
Close out of the program (press ALT + ENTER to go windowed and click the X to close) before
GlaDOS finishes announcing the winner of a hand. If done correctly, the results of the hand
will not be recorded and all money values will revert to those before the hand started.
This allows you to win every hand and bully the other players with high bets.
Poker Night At The Inventory reference:
As the player goes down the stairs, hanging on the wall is a picture of the cast
from the original Poker Night At The Inventory.
The Walking Dead game references:
In the opening sequence, as the player is walking through the halls of the building,
you will see a man carrying something into a door for a brief moment. The character is
Doug from The Walking Dead: Episode 1. The player has to save either him or a female
reporter named Carley from zombies. Most people chose Carley over Doug, explaining
why he gets the cameo.
In the opening sequence, when the player meets Brock Sampson from Venture Brothers, Bandit
is thrown out of the room. Brock says it was a good game, and that he will see him next
week. That character was a bandit in The Walking Dead: Episode 2, in which he shoots another
bandit for stealing food, and later gets shot by Lily in The Walking Dead: Episode 3 while
Lee distracts him.
Special endings:
Winning a tournament with a theme in place results in the corresponding special ending:
Army Of Darkness theme: The player is given a potion (three sips of the potion will put him
or her to sleep until the next tournament. Upon taking three sips the host reconsiders if
it was two or three sips. The player blacks out to awaken at the table with everyone
(including GLaDOS). Sam says "Hope you like alien invasions." The player blacks out, and
Brock says "I told you these fake beards were a bad idea". This is a reference to the
alternate ending to Army Of Darkness, where two sips of the potion has Ash waking up in a
cave in his own time; however, he takes three sips, and wakes up to a post-apocalyptic
Borderlands 2 theme: The host congratulates the player, and says he has a great deal of
experience points. A Borderlands 2 objective complete menu will appear with the following:
"Goal: Defeat 4 worthless Skags, Experienced Earned: 1, Money earned: 100,000".
Portal theme: GlaDos asks if the player thinks they are clever for winning but to consider
their opponents: a steroid freak with rage issues (Brock Sampson), a horny robot (Claptrap),
a cripple (Ash Williams), and a dog (Sam), and even then the player needed luck. She then
says she would like to see how the player would perform under difficult conditions, and
drops several Portal turrets which are aimed at the player. Before saying she was just
kidding and that she would never kill the player... in public, the turrets start playing
techno music. This is a reference to the end of Portal 2 where Chell is confronted by
three turrets while trapped in an elevator on the way to the surface, but instead of
attacking, they begin performing a massive opera.
Sam And Max 25th Anniversary theme: Max appears and gives the player a huge kiss, leaving
a black lipstick stain on the screen. Sam remarks that Max does not even like the gender of
your character. Max ignores Sam and asks you to call him.
Venture Brothers theme: The host insists Brock Sampson do the Team Venture sign. Despite
his reluctance, he eventually gives in and a television show-style episode title appears
called "The Wagers Of Sin Are Doom".
Steam achievements:
Complete the following tasks to unlock the corresponding achievement. To view your
achievements and stats in Steam, select "Community", then "My profile", then "View
all my games", then the game and view stats.
Achievement How to Unlock
Army Surplus - Activate the Army of Darkness deck, felt, and chips simultaneously.
Banjo Hero - Win Sam's bounty item.
Book 'Em - Win Ash's bounty item.
Border Crossing - Activate the Borderlands deck, felt, and chips simultaneously.
Deck the Halls - Purchase a deck.
Felt Up - Purchase a felt.
Joint Venture - Activate the Venture Brothers deck, felt, and chips simultaneously.
Orb 'n' Legends - Win Brock's bounty item.
Sam to the Max - Activate the Sam & Max deck, felt, and chips simultaneously.
Trophy Wife - Win Claptrap's bounty item.
We Are the 1% - Achieve a lifetime balance of one million dollars.
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