Sea Fantasy Cheats, Codes, Hints and Walkthroughs for PC Games. | | |
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Sea Fantasy | |
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Sea Fantasy
Cheat Codes:
Submitted by: David K.
All Fish Silhouette & Health List:
Written by sam
Welcome to the guide for identifying and understanding the various fish
silhouettes and their respective health values in the game Sea Fantasy.
* For describing silhouettes
* Theres the standard fish shape. This comes in Small Fish (SF), Medium
Fish (MF), and Large Fish (LF).
* Theres the dragon shape, with the same sizing and abbreviations.
* And the same for the shark shape. SS, MS, LS.Some boss fish glow a
purply pink. I call these Purple. I like to keep it simple.
* The metal fish have this kinda metal glimmer white shimmer thing. However
it can be hard to spot, so if youre going for a metal fish, I recommend
just hitting every silhouette of the right type. Youll have to do a lot
of forcing respawns anyway.If you have trouble understanding the guide,
just go into the game and catch an easy early fish, then check what its
silhouette was called. I hope this helped!(also, I have not finished the
game. if there are more types of silhouette, Ill add them.)
The achievement Just Disappear! is permanently missable. To get it, do NOT
do the dungeon to open up the gate in Lanome Island. Instead, go to Volkanios,
and try to enter. Youll be refused entry because you dont have a card, and
a shady guy will offer to get you a membership card if you beat a dungeon for
him. You can do this dungeon before beating Lanome, it doesnt glitch out
tory progression. Do that dungeon, and you will get the warp wand.
Come back to Lanome and warp past the closed gate.
If youre having trouble with the Metal fish, the Venom Rods effect,
hilariously, works on them. Its an AFK catch as long as you dont mind
losing some HP.
For the Ghost boss fight,
-==Da List==-
Crcarp MF 14
Catfish MF 28
Hercrab SF 15
Stareye SF 18
Horsemac MF 36
Boltjelly SF 18
Tunny Purple MF 286
Balloon MF 32
Percrab SF 16
Pacific MF 64
Skullpus MF 72
Drillsquid MF 68
Ballwhale Purple MF 240
Peony MF 66
Panda MF 57
Ogreflog MF 52
Scallop SF 28
Flapjack (purple clam) SF 30
Flapjack (small octopus) SF 52 (I dont know why they have the same name.)
Seadragon SD 89
Fishslime MF (after boss battle, appears w/o purple) 258
Monkfish MF 75
Nepeam SF 64
Lunalion MF 74
Shadow MF 54
Muddy Purple LF 410
Goldenfrog Gold MF 10
Gigademer MF 30
Boltarowana MF 139
Bonescorp MF 68
Dogfish MF 224
Soilcraw MF 248
Moss MF 212
Rockbream MF 308
Gourde MF 158
Gigaturtle Purple LF 1,080
Stormville MF 720
megadelon Purple shark desolate island
Sharkevil MS 725
Sharkgear MS 611
Flameslug SF 340
Flamedance MF 412
Flamehorse MF 386
Flamemanta MF 512
Crocoflame MS 811
Flamedragon Purple MD 872
Flamemoray Purple LD 1,180
Iceslug SF 340
Icehorse MF 386
Icedance MF 412
Icedragon Purple MD 872
Icedolphin MS 738
Icenarwhal MF 685
Iceburn Purple LF 2,020
Crabbalkan Purple MF 232
Metlkan Purple MF 256
Blade Purple LS 2,140
Lightning MF 185
Darkness MF 202
Ghost Purple MF 1,284
Balkan MF 734
Swordon MS 557
Elmer MF 148
Rantle Small Fish Frozen Cave
Silva Small Fish Frozen Cave
Warlobs Purple LF 1,520 (swords)
Armordine Purple MD 162
Arts MF 174
Rapier MF 202
Entropy Purple LS 2,840 (same as above, I found one on Cossack)
Battlegon MF 697
Cobaltone MF 712
Rapun MF 224
Ironhead MF 148
Needle MF 191
Daitarl Purple MD 346
Angelnake MF 549
Neshiram Purple MD 382
Mosalgan MF 191
Papal MF 182
Octoborg MF 178
Siren Purple MF 215
Skyfish MF 448
Killerscope MF 224
Endclub MF 580
Pottal Purple MF 611
Elekidrago Purple MD 918
Noah MF 742
Leviathan MD 768
Sheeragnarp MF 640
Venom Purple MD 634
Chainsol MS 520
Bryunak Purple LF Frozen Cave (boss)
Mogdrill MF 268
Chakurcha MF 860
Goldarmeel MF 662
Shenlong Purple MD 972
Puchimetal Metal Glimmer SF 7 (you only deal 1 dmg per hit)
Fullmetal Metal Glimmer MF 12 (same as above)
Granmetal Metal Glimmer LF 18 (same as above)
Black Dragon only in story, exempt variable
How To Reset Skill Points:
Follow the steps outlined below to successfully reset your skill points.
* Talk To Mei-Mei.
* Choose "Reset Skill Points."
* It should cost 500G coins to complete.
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