
Shroud Of The Avatar: Forsaken Virtues Cheats, Codes, Hints and Walkthroughs for PC Games.

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 Shroud Of The Avatar: Forsaken Virtues Cheats

Shroud Of The Avatar: Forsaken Virtues

Cheat Codes:
Submitted by: David K.

Steam Achievements:
Complete the following Tasks to earn the listed achievement. To view 
your achievements and stats in Steam, select "Community", then search
for the game hub that corresponds to [Shroud Of The Avatar]. Select 
the "View Stats" drop down option, then choose the option for your 
username's achievements.

Achievement          How to unlock
Adept Crafter      - Craft 100 items.
Adept Hunter       - K ill 100 creatures.
Adept Slayer       - Kill 100 players.
Explore Braemar    - Discover all points of interest in Braemar.
Explore Owl's Head - Discover all points of interest in Owl's Head.
In Good Company    - Join a Guild.
Legendary Crafter  - Craft 5000 items.
Legendary Hunter   - Kill 5000 creatures.
Legendary Slayer   - Kill 5000 players.
Master Crafter     - Craft 1000 items.
Master Hunter      - Kill 1000 creatures.
Master Slayer      - Kill 1000 players.
Novice Crafter     - Craft 10 items.
Novice Hunter      - Kill 10 creatures.
Novice Slayer      - Kill 10 players.
Team Player        - Join a party.

Launch Quick Start Guide:
Written by Jacra

Misc tips and tricks from a fellow fresh starter.

-=General Tips=-
Make sure you set your keybindings so you can toggle between mouse view
(moving the mouse around changes your view angle, cursor always in the 
center) and cursor view (need to hold right mouse pressed to change view 
angle, cursor is mobile on screen). With the former you can easily open 
doors, chests, read books. With the latter you can check single books in 
shelves more easily and steal items that don't belong to you and not just 
interact with them.

You can steal anything and once in your inventory it is no longer marked 
as such. But if someone sees you while you steal a Justicar will pop up 
and charge you a fine. I think it is 100 gold or so.The visibly stolen 
item seems to remain in your inventory though. Camouflage before grabbing 
does NOT prevent being seen. Line of sight and distance to the player 
count and sleeping ones with the back to you but close still "see" you. 

Your inventory has an unlimited number of slots it seems but every item 
has a certain weight. Your strength define how much you can carry. If you 
train the adventure skill line "Tactics" and go for the skill "heavy 
lifter" your weight limit will increase actively. 

The combat system has up to 18 slots for glyphs (every potion/combat 
consumable and skill is available as a glyph) you drag into the right 
hand window. Every slot you don't fill is filled by a useless dummy. 
Below the glyph list is the actual hotkey bar for the glyphs that has 
10 slots. If you place one of the 18 glyphs into a slot it will remain 
there statically for fights. If you leave a slot free the remaining 
glyphs from your 18-slot list will randomly appear (including dummies 
if any). Every skill or consumble has a timer/cool down and if they 
are on a random/empty hotbar slot the cooldown can be SHORTER. So it 
pays the put the crucial glyphs in the hotbar and the ones you don't 
need always but are good to have for one or more random/empty hotbar 
slots to cycle through. 

If you die you will be a ghost. There is a timer when you auto-
resurrect but you can speed it up by going for the Ankh's at the 
zone entrances. Every death will extend the time it takes to resurrect 
until this penalty has run out. When you resurrect you will have all 
your items etc with you again but leave a ghostly skeleton on the floor.

When you enter a zone there is a stack of skulls on a stick or next 
to a crate or such at the entry which tells you the difficulty of the 
zone. No skull = base tier. 

You can set in your settings that runic language is always accompanies 
by latin letter translations too (for books right click the book to see 
the plain title). That can be very useful on the overland map. 

If you move on the overland map there are random encounter visible by 
moving critter or mobs, those contain not just opportunities for loot 
but resources as well. You can avoid them by circling widely around. 
The overland map has hidden permanent zones too which you only find 
if you walk there. Ships on the overland maps are functional with 
pre-set routes. 

Make sure you sheat your weapons after a fight immediately (Z) so 
your health and focus recover more quickly. 

You can salvage scraps from cloth, leather, wood and metal items at 
the respective crafting stations. Salvaging raises the crafting skills. 
Scraps of the right material type plus two harvested raw ressources 
and some to-be-purchased item make a refined resources at the crafting
 station while just having harvested raw resources and trying to 
refine them needs a lot more of the former. You can find scraps in 
crates, barrels and other containers all over the world too. 
Basically scraps save you some grind of harvesting resources. Be 
careful though: making refined resources from scraps needs their own 
recipes to learn so it is a good idea to hunt for those from crafting 

Bank boxes are local except for pledge rewards and some special items. 
So make sure you choose the bank spot wisely. You can increase your 
bank space by either paying ingame gold (100 gold for each 10 slots 
up to 200, then 200 gold, then 500 gold etc) or $5 on the website for 
100 additional slots. Stacks count as one slot but resources come in 
different qualities and can then take up several slots. You can put 
backpacks into your bank and have them act as subcontainers for 
sorting but they do not expand the slot limit and take up one slot 
on their own.

Every larger town has an Oracle Confirmatory. The oracle will allow 
you to run a "test" every day and if you answer the question accuractly 
(Did you lie? To an NPC?) will reward you with 500 gold. You can repeat 
the test until you get the question right ... 

Special items are available for Obsidian Crowns ingame from Obsidian 
Crown merchants. The Crowns you can buy from other players for ingame 
money, buy from the website for Dollar or have some earned from 
Kickstarter pledges or ingame quests. 

Deeds are available from Obsidian Crown merchants, housing merchants, 
player merchants and can be crafted too it seems. If you finish the 
quest lines of all paths you obtain a free deed (that is a major 
undertaking though).

To send mail ingame go to a bank for public mailboxes or use a player 
owned mailbox you have permissions to. Enter the full player name. The 
basic mail price seems to be 5 gold. You can send a very short message 
buy filling out the subject line only. If you want to send a longer 
message you need to buy a blank sheet of paper (or if really long a
 blank book) from a book merchant and write and publish it first, then 
add it to the mail. You can add up to 10 items per mail (stacks count 
as 1 item), the weight determines the postage added to the 5 gold. 

To have a place you can call home for decoration etc you have two 
options: rent from a player a room or building or put a deed on a 
lot. The Outlander Welcome Center has free rooms for new players, 
the towns have three versions, Town boundary 1 is fully equipped 
and full but Town boundary 2 is still having space available (click
on the green street signs to switch). To ask for rental send a message
to the mayor Johnkirk Bayart ingame. Other player charge money, 
sometimes ingame gold, sometimes Obsidian crowns. To claim a plot 
double click the plot stone. You need to have at least one deed in
your possession that fits the plot type to claim the deed - unless 
it is a city row plot. The cheapest claims are city row plots, they
cost 500 gold a day and come already with a house on it but it seems
you can change the house if you own another row plot deed? If you get
behind on rent the plot is vacated and your possessions go into your 

Player can have private merchants which sell their goods and can have 
buy orders on them as well. If you open a player merchant window the 
small number next to your "Sell" tab in it will show how many items 
they have placed as buy orders. The Outlander Welcome Center player 
town next to Soltown buys raw resources for example.

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