The Raven - Legacy of a Master Thief Cheats, Codes, Hints and Walkthroughs for PC Games. | | |
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The Raven - Legacy of a Master Thief | |
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The Raven - Legacy of a Master Thief
Submitted by: David K.
How to Solve the Lockpicking Puzzle:
You have to push the silver pins up, till they are on one line at t
he bottom. The golden pins have to be at the bottom line:
Note: If the golden cylinder is pushed up too high, it sticks out of
the hole, and the key can’t turn.
How to Avoid Deadlocks:
1. Ask the doctor on the ship medics cabin for the bullet first, otherwise
he will go to sleep, you dont have the bullet and are stuck.
Only way: reload an earlier savegame.
2. Opening the cabin of Legrand with the wire: there are some guides who
call this easy but don`t explain what to do. With my “configuration” I was
only able to pull the wire completely or push it completely into the cylindar.
I could not put it in a few cm and put it out, this helps a lot in all
walkthrough videos. But the clue is following: between the golden and the
silver cilyndars you have to leave a small gap of 2mm. So gold does not have
to touch silver, but you have to push gold so high that it nearly matches in
all 6 cylindars. You do not have to escape this “minigame”, if you have the
cylindars correctly it will get you out automatically.
Don’t get confused if you hear a “click” and it does not happen anything.
This means you are on the right way, but 1 or 2 cylindars are too close to
each other.
3. In chapter one you can miss so many details that might be important, I
just can’t understand the developers. If you enter transport wagon quite
early you miss the missing prints in the director`S room, you miss the money
case of the baroness, you miss the butler in wagon 1 and you miss a talking
to the doctor about his gloves. You even miss the signing of the book by
Mrs P. and I read sth. of a radio and a broken “wire” there.
Steam achievements:
Complete the following tasks to unlock the corresponding achievement. To view your
achievements and stats in Steam, select "Community", then "My profile", then "View
all my games", then the game and view stats.
Achievement How to unlock
Accurate Detective - You have analyzed the fingerprints on the window.
Advanced Detective - You've finished episode 1 and done well!
Amateur Detective - You've finished episode 1.
Crime Scene Investigator - You have examined all objects in the baroness' cabin.
Forensic Officer - You have exercised care and analyzed the bullets.
Hero of the Hour - You have saved Matt. You're a hero!
Houdini - You have freed yourself from the bonds.
Humble Helper - You have found the baroness' purse.
Master Detective - You've finished episode 1 and did an outstanding job!
Music Lover - You have switched on the radio in the saloon car.
Prometheus - You have built a functioning torch!
Pyromaniac - You have lit 5 matches.
Sprinter - You have caught the runaway train!
Survivor - You have survived the explosion in the freight car.
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