Touhou Artificial Dream in Arcadia Cheats, Codes, Hints and Walkthroughs for PC Games. | | |
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Touhou Artificial Dream in Arcadia | |
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Touhou Artificial Dream in Arcadia
Cheat Codes:
Submitted by: David K.
Useful Tips:
Using Sleepers with high level compared to Sumireko’s will drain your
battery faster. I had my Sumireko at level 57-58, picked up/fused some
60+ level Sleepers, and my battery was draining fast enough I could go
through all 5 Handheld Batteries before I was finished exploring, and
that’s with the slow battery drain upgrade purchased.
My battery drain was reduced as Sumireko was gaining levels – and it
went back up as my other Sleepers gained levels, so I think that’s tied
to that.
Fuse some low-level Sleepers, then Skill Transfer to them a set of skills
that you might want to use on other party members (several elemental
skills, healing/buffs, physical attacks + Charge), and save them to
Now you have access to Sleepers with a set of useful skills you can
transfer to other party members, and it costs little money to summon.
Lower cost healing skills (medi, himedi) are more MP efficient, good
for using on your out of combat healers, even in late game.
There are some things that can be sold for more money than the Sleeper
can convert. This may result in extremely early riches.
You may enter the hardest location in the game’s open sections, take
control of a sleeper, take its talents, and then walk out.
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