Yanpai Simulator Cheats, Codes, Hints and Walkthroughs for PC Games. | | |
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Yanpai Simulator | |
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Yanpai Simulator
Cheat Codes:
Submitted by: David K.
100% Achievement Walkthrough Guide:
Written by P1N0
This guide is to getting all achievements in exact walkthrough.
This achievement is really easy, when the game is started, choose a girl.
-=Home, Chat and Street
* For "Home" achievement, you get it when you have just started the game as well
as you are already home.
* Go on PC for "Chat" achievement.
* Change the clothing before to exit from house, and once it's out getting the
"Street" achievement.
Go into the car and to go school.
-=School and Class
* Once arrived to school, go to on bath (ground floor) for shooting the write,
for chatting with girl on PC.
* In the meantime, time passes, wandering around the school, not only to get to
know the rooms well.
* Why not only because it is still too early to go to class.
As soon as it is 10 o'clock:
10AM: Go to class (first floor and first room).
13PM: Go to class again (always the same class).
15PM: Go to the dining room (ground floor, next to the school's main entrance).
17PM: Go to class again (always same class).
Leave school and go home.
-=Pajamas and Sleep
* Change the clothing and to go sleep (only 20PM).
* Since you cached the writing on the wall in the bathroom and now you can chat
with her.
* Go on PC for chatting with girl (the girl will tell you find the bear).
* Change the clothing.
* Go to school for finding the bear, it is on your left in a classroom next to
the bathroom where you shot the writing.
* Once you have the bear, go home.
* Go to PC
(the girl will tell you kill the blonde girl but before you need the knife).
* Go to school for knife.
* The knife is at first floor, go to the first floor, once you get there at the
first floor, go to your right and find the knife.
* You can finally kill this poor blonde girl.
Leave the game and you can see that you have get all achievements.
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