Zombie Exodus Safe Haven
Submitted by: David K.
Save Editing Guide:
Written by The Mogician
-=Foreword and Disclaimer=-
This is a guide that will teach you how to go about save editing for this game.
The guide will try to contain as little spoiler as possible, but it might be
impossible for me to skip over some of the spoilers so you are WARNED. Also, I’d
uggest you to go through the game at least once normally before attempting to cheat.
* You can find the save file at:
* X:\Steam\userdata\\543980\remote
* You are looking for this file: storePSzombieexodussafehavenPSstate
* You need a text editor to do save editing.
* You can make do with Windows' default Notepad but I suggest Notepad++ for
better backups and backtracking.
Also, make sure you back up your save files before you attempt anything, just in
case things go south. You can also use this as effectively a checkpoint system.
-=How to edit time of the day?=_
If you want to give yourself extra time while you are at home, on the hill
or at the junkyard:
* Ctrl+F and look for “timecount”:
* The format should be something like “timecount”:700
* How this works is an hour for every 100
* So 700 would be 7am, 725 would be 7:15 am, 1900 would be 7pm etc.
* I find it sufficient for you to do everything if you reset the timecount
to 0 (to begin the day at 12am).
-=How to get full attributes and skills?=.
--For attributes
* Ctrl+F and look for “str”:
* It should look something like this
* “str”:100,”dex”:100,”agi”:100,”sta”:100,”cha”:100,”int”:100,”wil”:100,”per”:100,
* Very much self explanatory. If you want full attributes, you can just copy and
paste the line above and replace the corresponding part in the game.
--For attribute allocation:
* Ctrl+F and look for “stat_pool”:
* Change the number afterwards to whatever you want.
* This only works when you are creating your character.
-=For skills=-
* Ctrl+F and look for “ath_level”:
* It should look something like this
Very much self explanatory. If you want full perks, you can just copy and paste the line
above and replace the corresponding part in the game. If not, you can do whatever edits
you want.
-=For amount of skill points available=-
* Ctrl+F and look for “skill_points”:
* It should look something like this
“skill_points”: 5
* Change it to whatever you want when you are prompted to allocate skills
-=How to get rich?=-
* To edit money:
* Ctrl+F and look for “w_money”:
* It should look something like this:
Self explanatory, the first one is the cash you hold and the second one is for money
reserved in the bank.
-=What to do after the edit?=-
After you edit the file, exit the game and go back in. Your modifications should
be in place.
-=How to get items?=-
To get items:
* Ctrl+F and look for the keyword of the item you want to modify
* Say you want to get more electric parts, look for “electric_parts”:
* So on and so on. Find the item you want and change the number afterwards.
* How to get more people working on tasks?
* Are you tired of not having enough manpower working on junkyard improvements?
* Ctrl+F and look for “task_chores”:
You will see a bunch of tasks after this, just change the numbers to whatever you want.
I went with changing them to the maximum available so I don’t know if the game will bug
out if you put a thousand people working on the tasks.
-=How to get a large junkyard=-
* Tired of the small junkyard?
* Ctrl+F and look for “junkyard_space”:
* Change the number afterwards to something like 1000
(which is the maximum and you don’t need more)
-=How to get better relationships with other survivors?=-
* To befriend or be-enemy a survivor:
* Ctrl+F and look for “_faction”:
* So say you want to look for relationship with Woody, search for “woody_faction”:
* Change the number after it.